Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 112 Hot Spring

At night, it's very quiet, and it's like a city.

The carriage drove on the road, and at the end of the road was a capital city shrouded in lights.

It's very close to Kyoto.

Looking at the city, Ye Zi thought silently.

Resting in this city tonight, we will have another day's journey tomorrow to reach Kyoto. This troublesome task can be considered completed.

The carriage drove into the city. The street was not crowded, but it was very popular. Most people were wearing yukata. Most of the shops on the street were pubs and hotels, but most of the hotels had hot spring signs engraved on their signboards.

This place is called Yucheng, and some people call it Hot Spring City.

For ninjas, the world may not be out of reach, but except for Ye Zi, no one else in the ninth team has ever been to Yucheng. Speaking of which, Akai and Hong gained a lot from this mission, regardless of Which aspect.

The hot springs here are very famous and have the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin. Muzi's voice suddenly came from the carriage.

Hearing the information about beauty and skin care, Yanye and Hong's eyes suddenly lit up. Although they are not too old, this is a common problem among women after all.

It's just that the only one with this effect is the largest hotel in Yucheng.

Listening to Muzi's next words, the light transformed from the two girls' desire to pursue things slowly shot towards Ye Zi's back.

Feeling the pair of expectant gazes, Ye Zi had a few black lines hanging down his forehead. How could he not know Muzi's plan, which was just to stay in the biggest and most expensive hotel. He didn't care. Although he was paying for the current expenses, these expenses would have to be reimbursed after sending Muzi home. Based on this idea, Ye Zi did not object. Moreover, Yunhe was the richest man in the Fire Country. One of the family, he may be able to get more remuneration, although he is not short of money...

The group checked into the best hotel in Yucheng, and then the excited girls went straight to the hot springs.

In Yucheng, the most popular thing is the hot springs. Strictly speaking, the hot springs came first before Yucheng. Therefore, over the years, the hot spring culture has spread in Yucheng, and many people come here because of it. Local residents take hot spring baths almost every day, which has become a habit.

One of the main factors in the formation of hot springs is the underground heat source, so hot springs are mostly produced in mountains. However, Yucheng is flat land, but hot springs can also be dug out.

The hotel where Team 9 stayed was so wealthy that they built a large bamboo forest directly in the city. The hot spring pool was in the bamboo forest, connecting the winding corridors leading directly to the hotel built next to the bamboo forest.

As soon as they entered the hotel, Yanye and Hong excitedly dragged Ye Zi to the hot springs. As for the initiator, Muzi, she seemed to be very interested.

The group of people changed into bathrobes and walked in the quiet corridor. The stone lamps on the left and right reflected a soft, dim light. Together with the moonlight falling from the head, they illuminated the faint silhouette of the bamboo forest.

Looking at this comfortable environment, Yan Ye's eyes widened and her heart surged. Even though she knew it was man-made, she still couldn't help but use this environment to imagine more future scenarios, such as her and The two of them, Ye Zi, have lived here forever...

Hong also shook her head and looked around. It was her first time traveling far away, so her curiosity was filled with novel things, and she was looking forward to the hot springs in the future. As for Akai, this heartless guy who only thinks about physical training, he actually has some expectations. The reason is another casual lie from Muzi. The original words are: I heard that soaking in hot springs can relax you. Muscles, so training after soaking in hot springs can get twice the result with half the effort.

As a bystander, Ye Zi could only remain speechless as he watched Muzi fool the three members of Team 9 so easily.

I haven't been here for a while. Muzi turned her head and looked at the dark bamboo forest, feeling a little sad.

Please reimburse the expenses truthfully for the past few days. Ye Zi interjected in a confused tone.

Hearing this, Muzi glanced at him, her eyes suddenly revealed a charming look, and she smiled and said, How about physical compensation?

Ye Zi's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he silently glanced at the charming Muzi without saying a word.

Yanye and Hong suppressed their expressions of surprise and looked at Muzi in shock. It was unimaginable that Muzi would say such things, and in front of them!

Akai smiled excitedly and said, Teacher Ye, it's good to have sex!

As these words came out, the room suddenly became cold.

Yan Ye's dagger-like gaze was directed at A Kai, who shuddered reflexively and looked at Yan Ye doubtfully.

Hong Ye looked at Akai with a strange look, as if he was saying: Are you a pervert?

Ha. Muzi covered her mouth and chuckled, glanced at Akai, and then looked at Ye Zi with interest.

Ye Zi was very helpless. Others didn't know what Akai meant, but he knew clearly. The so-called flesh compensation in Akai's understanding meant a lot of meat, but the flesh compensation Muzi mentioned was something else. mean.

How about it? Your students seem to agree with it.

During this period of time together, Yanye, Akai, and Hong may not know Muzi clearly enough, but Muzi has a good grasp of the three of them. She also knows what Akai, who is busy training all day long and loves eating meat, knows. What does she mean by fleshly compensation? However, she will not take the initiative to explain, but will continue to talk along with this meaning.

Okay. Ye Zi looked at Muzi calmly, thinking that since you love to play so much, let's keep playing and see who suffers.

Muzi blinked a few times, slowly put down her hand, and curled her mouth slightly into a nice arc.

Hearing Ye Zi's direct response, Yan Ye and Hong's eyes immediately shot towards Ye Zi.

How is that possible! Hong thought to himself.

You're kidding. Yan Ye looked at Ye Zi.

After that, no one spoke anymore, and only the sounds of bamboo leaves and wind rubbing could be heard in the corridor.

Walking to the reception desk, the waiter responsible for guiding the group bowed respectfully to the group, then smiled and asked: Hello, may I ask...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Muzi with a gentle wave and said: Help us arrange a quiet hot spring pool without outsiders.

There are two environments in hot spring pools, one is separate bathing pools for men and women, and the other is mixed bathing for men and women. Generally speaking, few people want mixed bathing. Even if it is mixed bathing, a small hot spring pool is reserved for only Enjoy by yourself and your group.

Muzi's words were not clear, but the waiter understood. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he quickly agreed, turned slightly sideways, and stretched out his hand to guide the direction.

The unknowing Team 9 followed Muzi foolishly.

In mixed bathing, women always suffer. If they knew this, Yanye and Hong would not know how they would feel.

Muzi, the instigator, turned his back to everyone, with a smile and a wisp of expectation in his eyes.

You ice cube man...

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