There are many hot spring pools carved out, connecting corridors and rooms extending in all directions, surrounded by walls made of bamboo.

The waiter led everyone to one of the rooms and then slowly and respectfully left.

After arriving at the destination, Hong, who was very excited, was the first to rush into the locker room. He happily took off his clothes, put on a white and slightly transparent bathrobe, opened the wooden door, and rushed into the smoky hot spring pool.

She looked at the rippling blue water in the pool, shouted excitedly, and showed a rare feminine character. She waved her hands fiercely, threw her bathrobe into the air, and jumped into the pool with her immature body.

There was a bang and water splashed everywhere.


The slightly hot spring water wrapped around her body, and Hong couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan.


The door opened again, and Yan Ye walked in wrapped in a bathrobe. The thin bathrobe could not cover her undulating plump figure. She walked to the edge of the pool, and slowly took off the bath under Hong's slightly jealous eyes. robe, and then walked into the spring.

Swimming to Hong's side, Yanye asked doubtfully: Why didn't I see the men's locker room? There seems to be only one locker room here.

The room you enter is not big and looks a little delicate. After entering through the door, there is a polished glass door on the opposite side. When you open the glass door, you will find the dressing room. There is only one wooden door in the dressing room, which leads directly to the hot spring pool.

! Hong was startled, opening her beautiful red eyes, and said, It seems like there really is only one room.

Suddenly, the two seemed to realize something at the same time and looked at each other.


The sound of the door opening came.

The two of them were suddenly startled. They subconsciously buried their bodies, exposed a head in the spring water, and looked at the wooden door warily.

In the smoke, a graceful and graceful figure walked in through the smoke, but it was Muzi in a bathrobe. She looked at the two people burying their bodies in the hot spring, smiled slightly, and left without taking off her clothes. Enter the spring.

Seeing that Muzi didn't take off her clothes, the two completely understood. At the same time, they looked at the edge of the pebbled pool, where two bathrobes were scattered on the ground.


Their eyes moved from the bathrobe to the wooden door. The two of them were about to move, but looked confused and confused.

Different from the panic of the two, Muzi squinted her eyes slightly, enjoying this rare moment. As for whether Ye Zi and Akai would come in, she wouldn't mind at all. The hot spring pool was filled with smoke, and her vision was not very clear. , plus she put on her bathrobe and went into the bath without fear, but she unintentionally tricked the two girls, but she was not sure whether Ye Zi and Akai would come in.

In the locker room, Ye Zi and Akai looked at the wooden door speechlessly.

Teacher Ye, let's... Akai also looked confused. Even if he was stubborn, he would not just open the wooden door and walk into the hot spring pool without thinking, even though he really wanted to take a dip in the hot spring and try it out. Will exercising immediately after bathing in hot springs have good effects?

You can go in if you want.

Ye Zi said casually, turned around and walked out. He had no interest in taking a bath in the hot spring. Since it was a mixed bath, he simply stopped taking a bath.

Seeing Ye Zi turn and leave, Akai was slightly startled, then quickly put on his iconic green tights and quickly followed Ye Zi.

Ye Zi turned his head and glanced at Akai, and said calmly: Let's go, please go and eat meat to satisfy yourself.

A lot of starlight suddenly appeared in Akai's eyes, and he couldn't help grinning, showing his neat white teeth.

I want to eat barbecue!

He grinned and looked at Ye Zi's side face. Hidden behind a large amount of starlight, deep in his eyes, there were touches of emotion caused by tiny streams of light.

It's really great to meet Teacher Ye...

The stubborn boy was lamenting his luck at this moment.

After losing his father, the first thing he had to face was the embarrassment of not having enough to eat. As a teenager who could only keep exercising, he usually needed too much energy. Not to mention that he had not graduated yet. He was just a genin with very limited income. Fortunately, he met Mr. Ye.

I must become stronger and repay Teacher Ye's kindness! Kai subconsciously clenched his fists and thought silently.

In the hot spring pool, Yanye and Hong looked at the wooden door for a while, but there was no movement at all, and then they quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong didn't want to take a bath with other men. Just thinking about it made her feel embarrassed.

Even if Yan Ye didn't mind having her body exposed by Ye Zi, she couldn't accept it in such a hasty manner. Fortunately, Ye Zi didn't come in, but she was also a little disappointed. For a moment, her mood was a little complicated.

Won't you come in? It's indeed the Ice Cube Man.

Muzi's lazy eyes slowly wandered to the wooden door beside the pool, with a slight smile on her lips.


Meat is very delicious.

Ye Zi and Akai both agreed on this point.

The needs of the body are another matter, and the preference for eating meat is a personal preference.

One day, Ye Zi, who had been hungry all day and night, silently vowed to eat meat every day in the future. Unfortunately, the reality is always cruel. Although he continued to change the environment with his own efforts, he could not eat meat every day. Eating meat, all sources of income can only be saved to invest in the never-ending cave of the hospital.

Maybe it's fate...

When he was about to die, he came to this world and fulfilled the vow he had made.

Ye Zi led Akai into a reasonably good-looking barbecue restaurant. As soon as he sat down, he ordered a hundred portions of barbecue. The waiter in charge of ordering almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

Teacher Ye, is one hundred servings enough? Akai asked as soon as he ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter looked at Akai like he was looking at a monster.

If it's not enough, just order more. Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering if it was really time for the young man to grow taller? The appetite is increasing at a definite speed.

Akai grinned and said, Okay then!

The waiter felt that he couldn't stay any longer. After receiving Ye Zi's signal, he quickly turned around and went to the counter to place an order.

Soon, the ordered barbecues were plated and served one after another.

The alluring aroma floated in front of his eyes. Akai stared at the first plate of barbecue that came up like a wolf. He suddenly stretched out his hand, quickly grabbed the barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. He was not afraid of burning it and chewed it with big mouthfuls. , and my mouth is full of oil.

It wasn't until he swallowed a bunch of meaty roast meat that Akai realized that Teacher Ye didn't stumble him.

Ye Zi believes that there is no point in making a fuss about eating, and Akai's growth is indeed beyond his expectation.

He looked at the confused Akai and said calmly: Eat. After that, he also took the barbecue and started eating.

Akai showed a habitual smile and started eating.

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