Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 117 The next task

The two days of rest that Sarutobi promised had not been implemented, because when Ye Zi just returned home, a woman wearing a fox mask appeared in front of her.

The woman had a good figure, but her chest was very flat. She squatted half in front of the door and whispered to Ye Zi, who was about to change shoes at the entrance: The leader has invited me.

Ye Zi paused and said calmly: I know.

The female ANBU slightly raised her head and glanced at Ye Zi, then disappeared from the spot using the teleportation technique.

After the female ANBU left, Ye Zi narrowed his eyes slightly, took back his feet that were about to reach for the slippers, put on the shoes he had just taken off, turned around and walked out of the door, rushing towards Gen's location.

Danzo sent someone to notify him at this time, but he didn't know what happened. He originally planned to go home and wash up first, and then go to Nanako to ask about the progress of the research. It was almost done, and Danzo didn't want to He would be summoned in such a hurry.

Arriving at Gen's stronghold with ease, Ye Zi took on his exclusive mask and put it on, descending into darkness.

Danzo would wait for him at the same place every time he summoned him. It was a cross stone bridge suspended above the darkness. When Ye Zi came here, unexpectedly, the center point of the cross stone bridge was not just Danzo was alone, and around him, there were at least thirty Anbu standing around him. Danzo was actually wearing a combat uniform with a bandage on his right eye. He didn't know if he was injured.

As soon as Ye Zi arrived, Danzo looked at him, then looked away and said calmly: Everyone is here, we are going to carry out a secret mission in the Kingdom of Rain this time, and the time is to leave immediately.

Upon hearing this order, Ye Zi was slightly stunned, lowered his head and remained silent.

Yes! The remaining thirty or so Anbu responded in unison.

Set off.

Danzo didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. He disappeared from the place with a teleportation technique, followed closely by figures that quickly disappeared one after another.

Ye Zi watched the ANBU in the field leave one by one, formed an instant seal with his hands, and followed the large army to Gen's exit.

The mission of the Kingdom of Rain? Ye Zi thought silently.

Black shadows moved quickly, not through the main entrance, but through a secret exit surrounded by a barrier. This was the exclusive passage for ANBU. Even so, it was impossible for Sarutobi to miss such a big movement.

After receiving the notice from his subordinates, Sarutobi sighed softly. He originally promised to let Ye Zi rest for two days, but he didn't expect to be called by Danzo as soon as he came back.

Leaves and roots.

Light and dark.

Ye Zi has made a lot of contributions to the village in his dual capacity as Konoha's Little White Fang and Thunder Fang. The more he thinks about this, the more guilty Sarutobi feels.

Sure enough... are you old?

Sarutobi stood up, walked to the window with his hands behind his back, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds and remained silent.

At this moment, he thought of Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and even Namikaze Minato...


Very few people knew that Gen had launched a large-scale operation, led by Danzo, who led dozens of ANBU elites to the Land of Rain.

Regarding this trip to the Land of Rain, Danzo seemed not to want to reveal too much, so Ye Zi could only follow along stupidly. After all, he would not know what he wanted to do until he arrived in the Land of Rain.

When you think of the Land of Rain, you will naturally think of those eyes.

Reincarnation Eyes. When Ye Zi learned about the power of these eyes, he couldn't wait to seize them. However, he lacked knowledge about transplant surgery, so he suppressed the idea, not wanting to think about the eyes that he didn't trust in the first place. Nanako actually has this kind of talent, so her fiery heart has never weakened.

Unfortunately, when he returned to Konoha Village, he was summoned by Danzo before he had time to see Nanako and started directly on the next mission. Therefore, he had no idea that Nanako was imprisoned and that the information studied by Ye Zi was sent to Orochimaru.

The people who carried out this mission were all elites, and having sufficient physical strength was just the basis. They traveled quickly with very few stops to rest. It took them a few days to reach the Land of Rain, where it rains all year round.

Stepping into the land of rain again, feeling the continuous raindrops falling from the sky is a lingering familiar feeling from the body.

Since he had been to the Land of Rain many times, and even to the Rain Ninja Village, he immediately recognized the direction Danzo was leading, which was to go to the Rain Ninja Village.

This mission is related to the Rain Ninja Village? Assassination? Investigation? Seizing things? Seeing that the direction Danzo was leading was the Rain Ninja Village, Ye Zi had many doubts in his heart, but he did not expect cooperation.

The situation has been stable for several years now. Although there is no longer a war between countries, small and local frictions are inevitable. The Country of Rain, which is caught between many countries, is still a battlefield for ninjas from many countries during the truce. If not for the rise of With an organization called Akatsuki and the actions of the Rain Ninja Village, the war in the Country of Rain will become increasingly chaotic.

After passing through heavy rain, a group of people arrived at the entrance of the Rain Ninja Village. When the two ninjas responsible for guarding the gate saw a large group of people, their eyes showed vigilance, and they subconsciously took out a kunai and held it in their hands.

Danzo stopped while keeping a distance, then lifted his hood, revealing a serious face. He threw a small scroll towards the two of them.

The Anbu who followed stood neatly behind Danzo, including Ye Zi.

Ye Zi looked at the familiar door through the holes in the mask and remained silent.

The two ninjas guarding the door first looked at the scroll rolled not far in front of them, then looked at each other and nodded slightly, the vigilance on their faces unabated.

At this level, it is obvious that the other party will not be an enemy, but the due vigilance should still be maintained.

One of the ninjas controlled a stream of water and rolled up the scroll on the ground. With exquisite control, he controlled the water flow to open the scroll. Then he saw the mark on the scroll, his eyes changed slightly, and he put away the scroll calmly. Then he nodded slightly to his companion.

Go in. The two of them stepped aside.

Danzo raised his head expressionlessly and led many ANBU into the Rain Ninja Village.

After entering the village, Danzo went straight to the tallest building, as if he was no stranger to this place.

Passing through the streets, we soon arrived in front of the tallest building. There were still ninjas guarding the gate. Seeing the arrival of Danzo and his party, they didn't seem surprised and got out of the way.

A group of people swarmed in and climbed up the stairs. Then, they saw a middle-aged man wearing a gas mask in an empty room on the top floor.

We're finally here, Danzo Shimura. The middle-aged man wearing a gas mask looked at Danzo.

Things have to be taken lightly. This matter cannot be taken lightly. Danzo gave a stiff and hypocritical smile.

That's right. The middle-aged man nodded in agreement and clapped his hands. At this moment, Ye Zi clearly felt dozens of auras approaching quickly. In the next second, black shadows flashed in the empty room. Nearly fifty rain ninjas suddenly appeared.

The middle-aged man, Sansho Hanzo, also known as the demigod, looked around at everyone, his eyes finally fell on Danzo, and said calmly: Then let's set off.

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of people in the room disappeared one after another.


Hatake Sakumo = Hatake Saun.

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