Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 118 Peace is a joke

Countless raindrops fell from the thick clouds, forming a rain curtain all over the sky.

This small country is sandwiched between the three major countries. It has been raining all year round. Even after the war, due to the special geographical environment, this suffering country is still in war.

The remnants of the ninjas ran rampant here, and plundering and purposeless attacks and killings often occurred. No one could stop it. It was not until the Akatsuki organization appeared that the war was suppressed.

Peace, some people long for...

Many years ago, when Jiraiya took in three children, he never imagined that they would grow to this extent.

Fighting for peace, gathering together for peace, this is Akatsuki, a person who grew up from unknown to even Hanzo, the leader of the rain ninja village, and now cannot be ignored, is nothing more than the result of the concerted pursuit of peace.

The so-called peace is just a joke in the eyes of many people, including Hanzo. This organization has grown based on the joke to the point where it is worse than ignoring it, but it cannot ignore it.

The growth of Akatsuki caused Hanzo to have worries, which naturally had to be solved. Therefore, Hanzo reached a cooperation agreement with Danzo of Konoha. He would assist Danzo in seeking the position of Hokage, and Danzo needed to help him solve the problem. dawn.

Just today, under the pretense of pursuing peace together, Hanzo deceived Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan into going to the agreed place to discuss matters, and they and Konoha's ninjas would ambush them in advance.

The raindrops fell slowly, and a black shadow bumped over, smashing the round raindrops into splashing water mist.

Looking up through the holes in the mask, you can see the rain falling continuously from the gloomy clouds. Until now, Ye Zi still doesn't know the mission of this trip, and he actually wants to cooperate with the leader of the Rain Ninja Village.

The group of people walked through the rain curtain and came to a rocky mountain. The rocky mountains here were stacked up and down, forming non-standard basins.

Hanzo came to the highest rock mountain, raised his fists, and the ninjas spread out from both sides. The one on the left was the rain ninja, and the one on the right was the ninja of Konoha.

Danzo, I leave it to you to capture the hostages. Hanzo looked at Danzo not far away.

Danzo nodded slightly.

Hide well and wait for the target to arrive. Seeing Danzo nodding, Hanzo gave the order coldly. Then, he hid his figure first, followed closely by the rain ninja who came with him.

Ninjas from the Land of Rain specialize in assassination and are naturally proficient in hiding methods, especially in the Land of Rain where it rains constantly.

Seeing that all the ninjas in Rain Ninja Village were hiding, Danzo looked at Ye Zi and said coldly: Three targets will come here later. You go down and hide, find the right time to capture the woman, and then come back here.

Ye Zi nodded silently.

Go. Danzo said calmly.

After receiving the order, Ye Zi jumped down to the rock mountain and hid in the soil.

Later, Danzo gave everyone the order to hide, and the members of Gen also hid.

The rain ninjas are proficient in hiding, but the ninjas of the root organization are no less good. As an ANBU, hiding means is the most basic requirement, so even in this bare rock mountain, they can still hide well.

Ye Zi quietly hid in the soil, waiting for the target to arrive.

After a while, Ye Zi, who was hiding in the soil, suddenly sensed three auras. The chakras of two of them were very familiar, and they seemed to be...

The indifferent expression suddenly changed, slowly changing towards fanaticism. This chakra... he remembered clearly, it was the chakra of the owner of the Samsara Eye.

Is he the target? So, is it the Samsara Eye? Thinking of this, Ye Zi suddenly raised his eyebrows. He had coveted the Samsara Eye for a long time. If it was taken away today, that would not be what he wanted to see.

The three Yahikos, immersed in the peaceful territory they drew, arrived here as promised.

Isn't anyone here yet? Yahiko glanced around.

Xiao Nan said: There is still a while before the agreed time.

Yahiko nodded slightly, then looked at the silent Nagato, Nagato, if this negotiation can go smoothly, then the first step is to calm down the war and give this country some room to rest.

Yes. Nagato raised his head, and the long hair that covered half of his face moved slightly, revealing a pair of strange eyes with circles.

At this moment, a black shadow emerged from the ground at Xiaonan's feet without any warning.


Yahiko and Nagato noticed something strange for the first time, shouted suddenly, and then rushed towards Konan. There were only a few steps between them.

Konan, who was a little slow to react, took out her kunai in panic and was about to attack the black shadow. However, the black shadow appeared suddenly and very fast. As soon as she took out her kunai, the figure locked her back neatly. Hold her hands.

At this time, Yahiko and Nagato pressed forward. The man ignored them and controlled Konan. He ducked and arrived on the rocky mountain ahead.

Konan! Yahiko and Nagato looked regretfully at Konan who was being controlled. They didn't expect that their important partner would be kidnapped so easily under their eyes.

Who are you!? Yahiko looked coldly at the white fox mask on the man's face. Several strange and irregular thunder lines were carved on the mask.

Ye Zi controlled Xiaonan tightly, lowered his head and looked down at the two of them without speaking.

You, it's you! Xiaonan was suddenly attacked and panicked for a moment, but then she calmed down. Her perception was not bad, and she actually recognized Ye Zi's identity.

Ye Zi turned his head and glanced at Xiaonan indifferently, then withdrew his gaze.

Even through the mask, Xiao Nan could feel the coldness coming from underneath the mask.

Why catch...?

Before Xiaonan finished speaking, figures suddenly appeared on the rocky mountain. With the two of them as the center, there were nearly a hundred people spreading out from the left and right.

Seeing the sudden appearance of many ninjas, the expressions of the three of them changed in surprise, and they all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Hanzo walked to Xiaonan, and Ye Zi looked at Danzo. The latter nodded slightly, and he simply handed over the hostage, and then retreated into the crowd.

After controlling Konan, Hanzo raised his eyes and looked at the two people below with a cold expression.


Things have evolved to this point, no matter how stupid you are, you understand everything.

Yahiko and Nagato's eyes showed anger, having been deceived, being deceived with the illusion of yearning for peace.

Damn it. Nagato clenched his fists hard. He couldn't understand why, why?

Why do you do this? As long as we cooperate, we will definitely be able to change the status quo and give the country a peaceful environment! Yahiko opened his eyes and looked at Hanzo angrily.

Hanzo took out a kunai and pressed it against the carotid artery of Konan's neck. This action made Yahiko and Nagato feel tense.

Peace? That's just a joke. Besides, I have no interest in changing the status quo. Hanzo's tone was calm and slightly cold, just like the rain, and his eyes were as cold as ice. You who have long hair, don't want this. If the woman dies, then kill the people around you.

The cold words blended into the icy rain and slowly reached the ears of Yahiko and Nagato, as well as the ears of Konan who was under control.

The things we yearn for are often beautiful, but some things are so cruel.

There seemed to be a blood-stained paper flower, quietly falling into the mud. Raindrops fell on the paper flower, and the blood scattered and the paper shredded.

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