Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 146 Destiny made a joke

No one would have thought that Ye Zi, who fled in such a panic, would return to the village, and no one would have thought that during this return trip, he would successfully steal the scroll.

When Onoki returned to the village, what greeted him was cold bad news.

The ninja responsible for the pursuit set off, but he did not choose to chase, but went home.

The faint smell of blood reached him, and with a heavy heart, he came to the door of the room.

In the warm room, two corpses were lying upside down, with blood soaking the entire tatami. Huang Tu held his wailing daughter, his face expressionless, a deathly silence, but the thick face kept slipping. Tears flowed down his face, dripping into the pool of blood, causing ripples. The slight ticking sound seemed to accuse the cruelty of this world.

Onoki put one hand on the door frame and looked at the scene in the room. His eyes were filled with monstrous anger, but he was forced to hold back and not vent it. If someone didn't hold back, the house would be reduced to ruins, but there was still something in the room. There is his granddaughter.

Ye Zi still has some humanity and actually let his granddaughter go. But despite this, when Ye Zi kills his daughter-in-law, this hatred will be completely forged.

Ye Zi!

Onoki gritted his teeth and said the name dullly, his tone full of desire to pull out his muscles and bones.

Since the time of the Kingdom of Gray, this man has had a big feud with the Iwa Ninja Village. He first killed two young talents with excellent talents, and then single-handedly destroyed the Iwa Ninja's arrangement during the war with Konoha. That time The fundamental reason why they were defeated so miserably was because of Ye Zi. If it hadn't been for Ye Zi's existence, if it hadn't been for Ye Zi who killed the two rising stars, if it hadn't been for Ye Zi who had resisted the top soldiers of Iwa Ninja, everything would have led to Iwa Ninja's defeat.

Sooner or later, this place must be recovered, and tonight, he thought that this place could be recovered, and Konoha's Little White Fang, who was gradually becoming famous, would be removed from the list starting tonight, but unexpectedly, it would evolve into this situation.

For a moment, he regretted it endlessly. If he had just destroyed the entire stone building with Dust Escape at that time, none of this would have happened.

Ye Zi, you must die!

Ohnoki didn't say a word of comfort to Huang Tu. He knew Huang Tu and his son. What he had to do now was to take Ye Zi's head to pay homage to those who died because of Ye Zi tonight.

People are not machines, they will get tired.

Even though I had replenished some chakra in the Iwa Ninja Village, my body and mind would become tired during such high-intensity fighting and response.

Ye Zi was indeed tired, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. It was like a race for life.

What he did in the Iwa Ninja Village was spread from word to mouth, which immediately aroused public outrage. These Iwa Ninjas attacked one after another. Every Iwa Ninja wanted to pull out Ye Zi's bones. They were all exhausted. Jin'er, in this night, was chasing Ye Zi crazily.

Faced with this menacing pursuit, Ye Zi had the capital not to take it seriously, but his body's irresistibility began to slow him down.

He has always been too dependent on his body, or he has maintained absolute confidence in his body. But when his legs began to ache and develop symptoms of weakness, he realized that the body was not made of steel. It had the same characteristics as ordinary people. The same characteristics, excessive consumption, will also produce bad consequences.

However, even if the speed drops, it is not easy for the Iwa Ninja chasing behind to catch up. Since Onoki and Han were pulled down from the beginning, it is impossible to catch up in a short time. If you want to keep Ye Zi, you must The Iwa Ninjas formed an encirclement, but the Iwa Ninjas were all left behind by Ye Zi. No one could stop Ye Zi from the front.

Although many Iwa ninjas were working hard, they could still think rationally that the chance of keeping Ye Zi, who was known for his speed, was really slim tonight.

However, sometimes, humans have to bow to fate.

You discovered a pile of dog shit in advance, and you were about to avoid it with a proud look on your face. Perhaps a strong wind blew suddenly, and you raised your foot and plunged into the dog shit.

This is a coincidence, a coincidence created by fate. At this moment, this coincidence happened to Ye Zi.

Just by chance, a group of rock ninjas led by jounin appeared on Ye Zi's path.

As the two sides met from afar, Ye Zi's heart skipped a beat and he looked at the team with a solemn expression.

At this time, meeting the Iwa Ninja team is really a fucking thing. Not to mention that it will delay the pace. This team does not look weak. There is a high possibility that it is a mission-oriented team. In other words, There is a conservative estimate of one jounin in the team.

The rock ninja team was also shocked when they saw Ye Zi losing an arm, and immediately entered a battle preparation posture.

The thunder-patterned fox mask, the black and white hair flying in the wind, the short knife about two feet long, the handle as black as ink jade, the strong smell of blood blown by the wind...

In just a moment, the jounin leading the team issued an order to stop Ye Zi because he determined Ye Zi's identity.

Konoha's Little White Fang, because of his extremely fast knife skills, is very similar to Konoha's White Fang. Because of his younger age, he has the title of Konoha's Little White Fang.

Escape from Earth, Pierce Through Stone! x3.

As soon as the jounin issued the order, the other three rock ninjas in the team used the same earth escape move in tacit agreement.


A dull sound sounded from the surface, and in the next second, stone forest-like soil thorns covered a large area, including Ye Zi's front, back, left, and right paths, piercing out from them!

Three identical Earth Escapes covered a large area in tacit agreement, very much like one person had used an enlarged stone penetration.

Ye Zi had no choice but to jump into the air to avoid the large-scale stone thorns.

At this moment, the leader of the team, the rock ninja Murakami, came to Ye Zi with the teleportation technique, waved his big fist wrapped in rocks, and punched Ye Zi in mid-air.


Leith emerged on the body surface.

On Lei Ya's blade, Lei Si shot out.

The knife slashed at the huge rock.

Even though Lei Ketu and the Jonin did not retract their fists, they faced Ye Zi's sword directly.

This choice is undoubtedly stupid.

This sword can easily cut off the Iwa Ninja's arm.

A trace of doubt flashed across Ye Zi's eyes quickly, but he did not hesitate.


The rock fist was easily chopped open, and then cut into the arm, reaching the shoulder and even the head without any hindrance.


But he saw the rock ninja turn into a puff of white smoke.

When Ye Zi saw this, his expression changed.

At this time, countless stone crystals flew towards him.

Ye Zi couldn't stay in the air. When he fell to the ground, facing the numerous stone lings, he could only wave his thunder teeth to ward off the stone lings.

A burst of sword light splashed out, but it was in mid-air and had no foothold. Coupled with the excessive consumption of his body, he could only block most of the stone lings, while a small part of the stone lings passed through the sword curtain and left a mark on his body. There were a lot of wounds.

Blood flowed down from the air and landed on the sharp stone thorns.


Thunder and lightning burst out, tearing off several stone thorns, allowing Ye Zi to land safely.

Encountering these two waves of attacks, Ye Zi saw blood directly. Despite his poor condition, the opponent was not a weakling.

Earth Escape, Rock Break! Without giving Ye Zi any time to breathe, a cold voice came out the moment he landed.

The ground surged, and the stone thorns that emerged from the ground fell to the ground first. Then, in the four directions where Ye Zi stood, the rock layers suddenly rose upwards, forming a square cylinder, trapping Ye Zi inside.

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