Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 147 The so-called choice

The rock formations rose up, successfully trapping Ye Zi inside, but the series of coordinated attacks were not over yet.

Earth Escape, Sky Stone Cover!

The clear voice came from a dark-skinned woman in the Iwa Ninja team.

The sand and gravel visible to the naked eye quickly formed a giant, smooth square plate on top of the square rock formation. The area and shape just fit in with the gap exposed above the rock formation.

It was a material made of rocks with an astonishing weight. Once it fell, Ye Zi trapped inside would undoubtedly be crushed into a meat pie.

After the female rock ninja used this move to escape, she began to pant, obviously spending a lot of chakra.

go to hell!

The female rock ninja's eyes turned cold, and the square stone plate suddenly fell down and was embedded in the square rock formation.

The stone plate came with a shadow, and Ye Zi did not raise his head. The ground under his feet also turned into rock formations, leaving only the upper part to cooperate with this escape technique.

If you want to avoid this move, you must spend a certain amount of chakra.

Ye Zi had no choice, the chakra turned into thunder and lightning, and wrapped around the body surface again, and even more wrapped around the thunder teeth, cutting through the rock formations and breaking out of the rocks.

With a loud noise, the stone plate fell into the prison made of rock formations and fit tightly together. However, as Ye Zi broke through the stone and came out, this coordinated earth escape ended in failure. The only result was the consumption of Ye Zi. of chakra and physical strength.

At the beginning, the Iwa Ninja team did not expect to be able to easily deal with Ye Zi, and a series of offensives was just the beginning.

Stone thorns, kunai, and darts were shot at Ye Zi, who had just escaped from the rock formations.


Ye Zi waved his sword to fend off the kunai, jumped to the side, and dodged these hidden weapons.

The goal of the Iwa Ninja team was very clear from the beginning. They knew how terrifying Ye Zi was when he got close, so they used long-range attacks as their main method from the beginning.

Ye Zi, who had dodged these hidden weapons, realized this. The possibility of avoiding this team directly was very small, so he could only break through head-on.

His eyes suddenly fell on the weakest female rock ninja. Physical fatigue, chakra consumption, and various unfavorable conditions were all driving him to make another decision.

The chakra absorbed by the spiritual transformation technique is limited and has no effect on the recovery of the body and physical strength.

Those in Konoha Village believe that Ye Zi is a man-eating monster, and there is nothing wrong with their view. The difference is that after the emergence of the ghoul, the cannibalism was replaced by the ghoul.

It is normal for some methods to be used under forced circumstances.

Ye Zi has lost an arm. Even if he can form seals with one hand, the ninjutsu he can use is limited and the power will be greatly reduced. All he can rely on is the most familiar thunder escape, which can break through at the speed blessed by thunder escape. .

Shadow clone!

Ye Zi suddenly moved forward and created a shadow clone.

The Jonin of the Iwa Ninja Team, named Direnuma, is considered a dangerous person in the Iwa Ninja Village, because he has a trump card, and no Iwa Ninja who knows his trump card will underestimate this person.

Seeing Ye Zi take the initiative to attack, he made a gesture, and the three people in the team immediately retreated, while he stared at Ye Zi, making tiger seals with his hands, motionless.

Seeing this, Ye Zi was secretly on guard, but even if he didn't know what the other party had to do, he had to take the initiative and deal with the weak ones first, and then take action or escape depending on the situation.

The thunder and lightning formed a bright light on the surface of the body. When traveling at high speed, it was like a lightning bolt advancing rapidly on the surface of the earth, one on the left and one on the right.

Dilianzhao's eyes moved left and right, staring at the two Ye Zi. The tiger seal in his hand changed rapidly when the distance got closer. In the area spread out with him as the center point, the hard surface instantly turned into a swamp. The timing Very precise.

The scope of the quagmire is actually not large, but it accurately includes Ye Zi.

The speed that Lei Dun can give is greatly reduced, but this hand alone cannot stop Ye Zi.

A shadow clone went straight towards Deidara, while the main body went straight towards the three rock ninjas behind him.

Suddenly, the swamp surged, and five or six mud tentacles sprang out, grabbing Ye Zi and his shadow clone.

The lightning flashed away.

The six tentacles were cut in half.

Diliannuma's expression remained unchanged, the severed tentacles were divided into two and became twelve, and they once again besieged Ye Zi and the shadow clone.

Seeing how difficult it was to deal with these tentacles, Ye Zi's main body directly asked his shadow clone to deal with these tentacles, and he rushed directly to Dilian Marsh.

Judging from the hand seals maintained by Diliannuma, this escape technique seems to be conditional on being unable to move, and this is an opportunity, but Ye Zi seems to have forgotten that there are still three people in the Rock Ninja team.

Kunai came from the rear of Dilian Marsh and shot at Ye Zi.

Ye Zi frowned slightly. The swampy terrain meant that he could only move forward in a straight line to maintain a good speed. Therefore, facing this kunai, he could only block it with a knife, so he was delayed for a while.

Mainly because of his lack of chakra, he couldn't use the Thunder Dragon Armor, otherwise he wouldn't have to pay attention to these kunai.

If it were normal terrain, his speed would be beyond the control of the three rock ninjas.

After fending off the kunai and moving forward some distance, the shadow clone was scattered by the tentacles.

Ye Zi ignored the situation behind him and threw the Thunder Fang in his hand directly towards Dilian Marsh.

The dagger was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and flew towards Direnuma as fast as lightning. The latter's expression changed. If it was a kunai or escape technique, he could block it, but if it was a dagger entangled with thunder escape, he could only avoid it honestly. , so he decisively withdrew his escape technique and ducked to avoid the extremely sharp dagger.

The direction Lei Ya flew towards was the female Iwa Ninja among the three.

The sword was his reliance, how could Ye Zi abandon it so easily.

Thunder escape breaks out!

His figure turned into a wisp of thunder and disappeared in place. The next second, his figure was already behind Dilian Marsh, advancing side by side with the dagger. His right hand, surging with lightning, grasped the flying Thunder Fang. He instantly arrived in front of the female Iwa-nin who didn't react.


The dark-skinned female Iwa-nin's eyes narrowed sharply.

The thunder fangs directly penetrated her neck, driving her body forward a certain distance. Only then did the two male rock ninjas react and looked at this scene with eyes split open.

Di Liannum turned around and looked at this scene with a cold expression.

The thunder fangs pierced the female Iwa ninja's neck and moved forward a short distance before stopping.

The female rock ninja had not yet expired. Under the light of the lightning, she stared at Ye Zi with hateful eyes. But in the next second, in the remaining light of her life, the hateful eyes instantly turned into fear.

The calloused hand left the jade-black handle of the knife and inserted into her abdomen. It dug out a piece of flesh with the fragments of clothing.

His eyelids began to feel heavy, and darkness slowly came over him.

The peripheral vision in the female Iwa-nin's eyes was filled with fear. At the last moment when darkness overwhelmed her vision, she only saw the Konoha ninja in front of her, holding her meat and stuffing it into her mouth.

Eat meat…

When danger comes, this is the choice Ye Zi faces.

How difficult is this behavior?

Not difficult at all…

Human nature is revealed most vividly at certain moments.

A small boat carrying two people is drifting in the endless ocean. The lack of food will cause the two people to experience painful hunger during the endless drift, and then be pushed to death step by step.

At this point, eating the other person is the only chance to survive.

How difficult is it?

It's not difficult at all.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the Iwa ninja, Ye Zi swallowed the raw meat with pieces of clothing in a big mouth without expression.

As long as you can survive, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

He reached out and grasped the hilt of Raiga's sword again, pulled it out hard, and threw the female Iwa-nin's body to the ground.

Are the rumors true...?

The two rock ninjas not far from Ye Zi opened their angry eyes and rushed towards Ye Zi as if they had lost their minds.

Their close teammate who got along day and night died in this way before their eyes, and their idea was to tear Ye Zi alive.

You two, come back! Diliannuma's expression changed and he shouted.

But the two Iwa ninjas had no intention of stopping.

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Ye Zi's mouth.

He saw bright vitality.

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