Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 148 Danger

Anger makes people lose their minds, and the two Iwa ninjas made the stupidest decisions.

In terms of strength, these two rock ninjas have very good close combat skills. However, they are facing a melee type like Ye Zi who mainly uses thunder escape.

To rush forward recklessly is to seek death.

Ye Zi faced the two of them with a knife. The lightning just flashed in the eyes of the two rock ninjas, and the knife came in front of them. That kind of speed, at this distance, they couldn't react at all.


Two knives.

The two Iwa ninja fell to the ground.

Dilianzhu could not suppress his anger, but he could only watch Ye Zi dig out the flesh of his teammates and devour them alive. He also realized that this seemed to be a means of recovery for the other party. Although it was cruel, it was undeniable. Very useful in battle.

Can't win.

That thunderous knife made this idea appear in Di Lianmao's head. Then, he faced a choice, a choice, a difficult choice.

Just let Ye Zi leave like that? No, he wanted to keep Ye Zi, even if it cost his life.

This is the way of Dilian Marsh.

There was only one Iwa Nin left. Ye Zi didn't think the other party could keep him, so he stopped fighting and turned around to run away. Then he saw that the strongest Iwa Nin left was charging towards him recklessly.

Ye Zi raised his brows. If it was a close combat, he was confident that he could kill the opponent in an instant. Since the opponent came to die, he didn't mind wasting a little time to restore chakra for himself.

Diliannuma did come to die, but he just wanted to drag Ye Zi into hell with him.

The trump card that even those who know the situation are afraid of is about to be revealed at this moment.

He rushed over, and the chakra in his body surged towards a location in his chest.

Ye Zi didn't roll his eyes, so he naturally didn't notice this scene. Seeing Di Lian Nu coming at him so unprepared, he raised his thunder teeth and took a few steps forward, preparing to kill Di Lian Nu with one strike.

The so-called trump card is self-destruction, pouring all the chakra into the pre-set technique on the chest, thereby triggering a violent explosion. This is a trump card used to die together. It is usually used at the end of the road, but at this moment, it was Used to keep a person.

White light emerged from his chest, causing severe pain that made Diliannuma frown slightly, and rushed over without hesitation.

Ye Zi suddenly realized something was wrong and retreated without hesitation. However, chakra appeared on the surface of Diliannum in a form visible to the naked eye.

I saw Diliannuma's body suddenly swelled, as if being stretched by a huge energy. At this time, the white light became dazzling!

Ye Zi's face changed drastically. He felt the crisis deeply and prepared to take defensive measures.


At this moment, dazzling white light burst out in an instant, sweeping through any direction where Ye Zi was at extremely fast speed, drowning his figure.

The violent wind and waves swept out in all directions with scorching energy. Flames and thick smoke burst out from the middle with loud noises, forming a huge mushroom.

Several nearby peaks were suddenly wiped out in half, and the horrific explosion affected an area of ​​several kilometers.

The rock ninjas who were chasing Ye Zi looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance in astonishment. Only those with knowledge knew who could create such an explosion scene.

Among them is Tsuchikage Onoki. The only person who can make this explosion is Direnuma...

Isn't their team out on a mission? Did he meet Ye Zi on the way home? Using your last trump card under extreme pressure?

All kinds of speculations appeared in Ohnoki's mind. His face trembled slightly and he headed towards the location of the explosion. On the other hand, the same was true for other Iwa ninjas.

Whether it is clear or unclear, it is all consciously moving towards the center point of this explosion.

The thick smoke from the explosion lingered for a long time, and the location closer to the center point had been razed to the ground, and the initiator did not know where he had gone. He must have been blown into pieces.

One thousand meters away from the center point, there was a person lying with his body scorched black in many places. It was Ye Zi.

The sudden self-destruction made Ye Zi stunned for a moment. He originally broke an arm, but this explosion also blew off a leg. Not only that, many parts of his body were affected by the explosion.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, this self-destruction would have been enough to kill him.

Lying on the ground for a while, Ye Zi, who was temporarily comatose, shook his head slightly, his consciousness was hazy, and the sound of the explosion blurred his vision. He suffered from pain in many places all over his body, and it was difficult to exert strength in his limbs.


Ye Zi struggled to get up, first with his left arm, and now with his right leg, becoming a complete disabled person, and now he is still being chased. It can be said that this self-destruction, although it did not take his life, directly Pushing him to the brink of death.

There was no time to waste. Even though his body was in pain, he gritted his teeth, jumped on one leg, and used all his remaining strength to head towards the outside.

He never expected that the Iwa Ninja could use such an astonishing power to self-destruct, so he suffered a severe loss, and this loss made his situation instantly become very dangerous.

Not long after Ye Zi left, Ohnoki flew to the explosion scene. It was a mess and there were no clues about the battle. If the explosion was really caused by Dilian Marsh, then the team belonging to Dilian Marsh would have probably encountered Unlucky.

So, what about Konoha-chan?

Ohnoki's cold eyes quickly passed through the bottom, and then flew forward for a distance. After that, he saw some blood spattered on a rock, which confirmed that Ye Zi might have been seriously injured and also confirmed the direction of escape. .

After leaving a mark to guide the direction, he chased in the direction Ye Zi left.

Leaving the center of the Earth Kingdom and approaching the border, the number of green plants began to increase. However, this favorable environment for Ye Zi turned into a disadvantage after losing a leg.

His whole body ached, and his vision began to blur, but his will to survive drove him to endure all the discomfort, identify a direction, and grit his teeth to move forward.

If I remember correctly, there is a bridge not far away. After crossing the bridge and going some distance forward, you can get out of the Land of Earth. After that, as long as you hold on to the Grass Ninja Village, there is still a possibility of survival.

With this idea and a strong will to survive, Ye Zi's injuries that could cause him to fall not only did not make him fall down, but also inspired his will.

However, Ohnoki was faster than him, and finally caught up with him and saw his back.

There are no words to describe the beauty of this moment. Seeing that infuriating back, Ohnoki only felt that fate was too fair, allowing him to catch up with that dilapidated back here.


After it is released, two chapters will be steadily updated every day.

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