Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 149: Despair?

Not long ago, Onoki felt regretful for not using Dust Release to directly deal with Ye Zi. But now, he saw Ye Zi, who was severely injured, struggling at a speed that he thought was very slow. He felt deeply that fate was fair. At the same time, There is no plan to kill Ye Zi directly with Chendun.

As an enemy, as an enemy, he didn't want Ye Zi to die so easily. He wanted Ye Zi to die painfully to comfort the many dead souls tonight.

Floating in the air is a condescending gesture. Seeing that figure from a distance, Ohnoki was sure that Ye Zi couldn't run away.

A gaze came from far away, like a needle, gently piercing Ye Zi's back. So, he couldn't help but look back, instinctively raised his head, and saw the flying star flying towards him. Come Ohnoki.

Ye Zi's face, which was pale due to his injuries, suddenly showed an ugly look. If it hadn't been for the Iwa Ninja team, and if that man hadn't unexpectedly self-destructed, he wouldn't have fallen into this tragic situation, let alone At this moment, Kaname was being overtaken by the Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village.

In his current state, how can he survive?

Ye Zi's heart finally started to panic.

The horror of death lies in the fact that there are still things you are attached to and unfinished things.

He turned his head, inserted the Thunder Fang into the scabbard, suddenly fell to the ground, and used his remaining hands and feet to escape towards the outside.

Put your feet on the ground, like a rabbit, jump forward, jump a long distance, then use your hands to support, stabilize your body, and then jump again. Compared with walking alone on one leg, this method is more convenient. The speed of improvement doubled, but the way he ran away made him look embarrassed.

When the sickle of death is placed across the neck, the mood of desperately trying to get rid of the sickle will make people give up some things.

Ye Zizhen really felt the threat of death, so he used all his strength to get rid of the death sickle that was about to fall.

If your feet are broken, crawl with your hands. If your hands are also broken, move forward like a fish. This is the embodiment of your will to survive.

Although Ye Zi tried his best to get rid of Ohnoki, his efforts were in vain.

Onoki, who was flying through the air, was much faster than him. It didn't take long for him to surpass him, and then he landed in front of him.

The short body, at this moment, seemed like a mountain that Ye Zi could not climb, lying in front of him, ruthlessly indifferent.

Ye Zi stopped, stood up and pulled out the Thunder Fang, looking at Ohnomu silently. The other party just stood in front of him without attacking, showing his absolute self-confidence.

Your posture is pitiful and ridiculous. Ohnoki put his hands behind his hands and stared coldly at Ye Zi, who had lost a leg and an arm. He sincerely thanked Di Liannuma for using his life to save Ye Zi at the most critical moment. Ye Zi.

Speaking of which, Ye Zi and Di Rennuma have quite a connection. The spy who was buried in Konoha through his handling was Di Rennuma's father, Kimura Takuyang who used the pseudonym, and Kimura Takuyang was the one who was What Ye Zi pulled out was indirectly killed in Ye Zi's hands.

Onoki was very dissatisfied with Kimura Takuyang's final choice, because Kimura Takuyang had the same choice as Dirennuma. Once discovered, even without chakra, he would be able to detonate himself at that time, causing certain damage to Konoha. Trouble, and the unsuspecting Konoha ninja at that time was absolutely certain to die, but Kimura Takuyang did not choose to do so, and died like this in the end.

His father died indirectly at the hands of Ye Zi, but as his son, Diliannuma helped him keep Ye Zi and also saved Ye Zi's life without knowing it. It can be said that this is really... The arrangement of fate in the dark.

Ohnoki was slightly impressed and stared coldly at Ye Zi, who in his eyes had become a dead person.

Once a person dies, there is nothing left. What's the point of worrying about ridiculous postures? Ye Zi responded coldly, with an expressionless face. It seemed that there was no trace of fear of death. In fact, in his heart, he was bearing the fear of death. Under the huge pressure, the whole head is also spinning rapidly. How can I get rid of this situation?

That's right. Ohnoki nodded in agreement, and then said calmly: So, are you ready to sacrifice?

The consciousness of sacrifice?

This kind of awareness... I have never taken it seriously.

Because, there is a reason why I can’t stop here!

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed sharply and burst out with cold light. What was connected here was the fierce thunder and lightning all over his body. The thunder and lightning was more crazily and raging than ever before, burning the cells and scorching the skin surface and hair. , when the burnt smell had not evaporated, he was a bolt of lightning moving forward without hesitation, piercing Ohnoki.

This is the last resort, the final outbreak, the last chance of survival!

The thick thunder light instantly tore Onomu into pieces, and then flew away for a distance. Immediately afterwards, the dazzling light light went from dazzling to dim, and quickly, not slowly, turned into nothingness.

The lightning on his body disappeared into the air, and Ye Zi fell to the ground and rolled far away.

It really hurts and is really tiring.

From tearing cells, to tearing blood vessels, to breaking bones, to burning the skin, pain from the inside out tortured Ye Zi at this moment.

He used his last resort and endured inhumane pain. Everything was a reflection of his will to survive.

As long as he moved slightly, there would be tearing pain, but Ye Zi still struggled to stand up. From the beginning to the end, he never let go of the Thunder Tooth in his hand.

He took the first step with difficulty, followed by the second and third steps, as if heading towards an unknown distance, where there was the place he wanted to go, maybe the end, maybe the starting point...

The fragments torn apart by the energy of the lightning burst quietly turned into soil.

The short-range burst was terrifyingly fast and caught people off guard, but Ohnoki responded from the beginning, so Ye Zi's last resort did not hurt him at all.

He appeared in front of Ye Zi, looking at Ye Zi's body that had lost one arm and one leg. The charred skin was covered with traces of blood. The condition of the whole body was extremely tragic, but even so, he could persevere. He stood up and took steps. For a moment, an expression of admiration appeared on his old face.

This is an enemy worthy of admiration and a young man worthy of admiration.

Little White Fang of Konoha should not be your title. The title you deserve should not be in the shape of others.

An existence like you should have a title of its own.

Are you desperate? Ohnomu looked at the miserable Ye Zi quietly.

The remaining light in Ye Zi's eyes, with the appearance of Onomu, seemed to be eroded by darkness, bit by bit, the remaining light returned to darkness, and no waves could be seen.

He didn't speak, but raised his arm hard and slowly, and pointed his teeth directly at Ohnoki, giving a silent response.

Then, the arm holding the Thunder Fang was cut off by the sharp stone blade. The whole arm fell to the ground, splashing a handful of dust. The Thunder Fang held tightly by the palm did not fall off because of this.

Ye Zi's face, which was charred and mixed with blood, was slightly distorted. A large amount of blood poured out from his shoulders, taking away his life.

How can we not despair?

He is really desperate!

His head dropped weakly, covering up everything.

At this time, the pursuing Iwa ninjas came one after another, and they all saw Ye Zi's miserable condition and Onoki standing in front of him.

More and more Iwa nin came, gradually surrounding the two of them, among them was the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han. Seeing Ye Zi in such miserable condition, he was satisfied.

This night will be extraordinary.

Ye Zi of Konoha may die in this way.

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