Scourge of Naruto

Written before being put on the shelves (contains the mental journey of Jie Zhang)

Please allow me to nag a little bit. If you click in, I hope you can finish it. This is a small request from Purple Pig.

I like reading novels very much, and I know that all the friends who can click here have the same interest. I have long planned to write novels. This plan was implemented in December 2010.

I still vividly remember the first novel I read. It was a paper novel that I borrowed from a classmate. I was only 15 years old at that time. It has been more than ten years since I read it.

The name of the novel is Boiling Beast Blood, and the author's name is Huang Yi. Isn't it confusing? Because this is a pirated paper novel.

When I first saw this novel, I still don’t know how to describe the feeling. I only know that I was so excited at that time that I was immersed in the world depicted in the novel.

There are 61 chapters in the novel. I read it in class and after class. It took me a whole morning to read it. After that, my heart could not calm down.


Because this is a pirated paper novel, the chapter was cut off at chapter 61. It just cut off, which made me very anxious.

The genre of the novel is a virtual online game. Of course, I didn’t know the positioning at that time. I only knew that the novel was called Beast Blood. Then that afternoon, I felt completely bad. I asked my classmates, and they said that I came from a peddler. I bought it in my hand, but it’s hard to find it.

I struggled through that afternoon, and when I got home, I immediately used my computer to search for Beast Blood Boiling and Huang Yi. The result I got was naturally not what I was looking for, because it was a pirated paper novel, and the content of the novel was similar to that of Huang Yihe. Beast blood boiling has absolutely no connection.

The name of the game in that virtual online game novel was Qidian. At that time, I had an idea and searched for Qidian. So, that was my first time coming into contact with How happy I was.

For example, you like to eat desserts, and then one day, you are thrown into a world full of desserts. This is this kind of happiness.

I opened Qidian and learned about the existence of online novels, but I did not forget my original intention. I searched Qidian in Qidian, and the novel I was looking for came out.

I have never forgotten that feeling, I remember it clearly, maybe this is the feeling of finding a treasure.

The name of that novel is indeed called Starting Point, and the author is called Left and Right Cactus. The public chapter is exactly 61 chapters, and then he became a VIP. This is why the paper novel only has 61 chapters.

This was the opportunity for me to come into contact with novels. From then on, I started reading novels crazily. Even the day before the high school entrance examination, I read novels all night long. The novel I read at that time was called Starting from Scratch.

It wasn't until December 2010, when I entered the society, that I finally mentioned my plan to write a novel by myself. At that time, I really liked One Piece, so The Long Road to One Piece came about.

It was full of passion at the beginning, but the writing style was pitifully immature. The first chapter couldn't even be divided into paragraphs. It was just a big pile of words packed into a pile. Just like that, I came here step by step.

From the renewal of passion in the beginning to the perfunctoryness in the end, it was reflected in the first novel.

I started to stop updating, and even gave up on the novel completely in the middle. It wasn’t until nearly half a year later that I started updating again, but at that time, the updates were still interrupted.

Why is this happening? It’s not because of my grades, nor because my interest has dropped sharply, nor because of the boredom of coding. It’s because I came into contact with a game, which is Lu, Lu, Lu (not an advertisement, haha!)

The game took up my spare time, but at that time I didn’t have any big problems updating. It wasn’t until I started playing on behalf of others that my integrity began to leave me. This was the fundamental reason why I often stopped updating.

I spent time and energy to write this novel that did not bring me any income. Before I came into contact with ghostwriters, it was a manifestation of my interest and satisfaction. But after I came into contact with ghostwriters, my spare time can also become Money, then, naturally, my mind was focused on making money on behalf of others, so I started to stop updating.

Between a novel that takes time and effort to maintain, and a job that can make money while playing games, normal people would choose the latter.

Despite this, I still managed to finish writing The Long Road to One Piece. It was really a long road, one million words... I don’t know how much time it took. Although there was no profit, I was very satisfied.

Therefore, the second novel was born naturally, which is Sword Art Online: Survive.

I have always liked virtual online game anime. At that time, I watched the hack series of anime that I liked very much, which is a virtual online game type. However, the emergence of Sword Art Online completely destroyed the hack series.

When I learned about Sword Art Online, the anime had been updated to seventeen episodes. I spent an entire night watching it, and it was very painful to go to work the next day, but I don’t regret it!

Then, I started to write again. When I wrote about Sword Art Online, the fan novels of Qidian can also be signed. This is simply good news. It is signed by the bookstore. There is no need to handle the editing. Just send a contract, and then it can be put on the shelves by itself after being approved. .

If I remember correctly, I signed the contract when I had written more than 200,000 words, and it was approved. After that, there were more options for listing in the backend. Yes, at that time, I only needed to move my hands to join VIP, and the novel could also bring me profits, but I did not choose to join VIP.

Because at that time, my focus was still on substituting, so this is also the reason why I signed the contract and did not join the VIP until the end of the article. It is also the reason why updates are often interrupted.

Until the third book, which is the current one, Naruto, it was still updated frequently, and only 200,000 words were written in a year? It seems so. Can I have the title of King of Breaking?

It’s just that I can’t help it. If I compare those who have money with those who don’t, I would normally choose the one who has money.

Then now, I have been updating steadily for a while, because what? I signed another contract! ! !

This time, it’s really going to be on the shelves.

This time, my focus will shift to novels.

Therefore, the terrible interruption may no longer exist from now on, and the little brother of integrity also crawled out of the sewer and returned to the purple pig.

However, this also requires motivation, and motivation is your support and subscriptions. In today's society where a bottle of C'estbon mineral water costs 2 yuan, a novel subscription is only 5 cents per thousand words, and a chapter of a novel is only 10 cents, which is really cheap.

For the price of a bottle of mineral water, I can subscribe to twenty chapters, but these twenty chapters took me almost forty hours to complete.

Everyone wants to be rewarded for their efforts. Zi Zhu is a common person, and he also wants to be rewarded for his efforts. Besides, now that he has children, the pressure is even greater.

It really doesn’t cost much to subscribe, so after Purple Pig is put on the shelves, I sincerely ask friends to support it. Here, I bow and say thank you.

Then, the launch time will be at 12 noon, which may be delayed, but the impact will not be too big.

Well, I'm going to bed. I have to deal with some things tomorrow morning. It will be almost noon when the things are done. Starting from twelve o'clock, I will start the road of ten chapters and let the little chastity explode like never before!

This ends the chatter, thank you to all the friends who can see this!

Tomorrow at 12 noon, subscribe, collect, recommend, and drown me by then.

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