Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 158: Memory Kill II (810)

After that, Ye Zi and Ye Rui were settled.

It was still the same room. At first, the fat aunt wanted to separate Ye Zi and Ye Rui and let Ye Rui go to another room, but under Ye Zi's strong obstruction, she gave up.

Because of Ye Zi's resistance, the fat lady had a bad impression of him.

Life in the orphanage is very peaceful, with three rich meals a day. Except for eating and sleeping time, there are free activities every day.

The orphanage occupies a large area with many rooms. The various play rooms are a paradise for every child. There is even a library, but the books in it are all children's books.

Ye Zi is very active, running around in the huge orphanage. If it weren't for Ye Rui, who was a dragster, his range of actions could expand further.

I don’t know why, but Ye Rui has been sleeping longer and longer since she came to the orphanage. Sometimes she would fall asleep inadvertently in the middle of eating, which made Ye Zi ask her questions carefully every time. Only after making sure that Ye Rui felt no discomfort did she give up.

In the days that followed, the two brothers and sisters also made a few friends. They were similar in age to Ye Zi. The younger one was a five-year-old girl with a braided hair. She had a cute face and two faint pimples on both sides of her cheeks. flush.

After making friends, life in the orphanage became more and more enriched, until one day... the orphanage began to let outsiders come in to adopt children.

Every once in a while, a young couple comes to the orphanage to adopt a child. Each time, they successfully take away one child, leaving behind other envious children.

Ye Rui is still young and has no idea about this at all, and Ye Zi has always believed that one day his parents will come back to find them, so how can he feel envious?

The days passed, and in January, the temperature dropped and frost came.

On that day at the end of January, two of Ye Zi's friends were adopted away, leaving only the girl with braids.

Yi Zi, I'm so envious that Xiao Qiang and Xiao Hei can be taken away. The girl with braids said to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi smiled and comforted: You look so cute, maybe it will be your turn next time.

The girl with sky-high braids couldn't help but smile.

One word becomes a motto.

The next young couple who came to adopt a child really took away the girl with braids.

Before leaving, the girl with braids waved vigorously to Ye Zi, who gave her a big smile.

All changes start from here...

One night two days later.

Ye Zi habitually looked at the night sky outside in front of the iron window. At this moment, snowflakes slowly fell from the sky.


He grinned excitedly, and after confirming that Ye Rui was asleep, he sneaked out, braving the low temperature and cold wind, and wandered in the yard.

During this stroll, his mind became more active. Because of Ye Rui, he had never been to many places in the orphanage, and since he sneaked out tonight without Ye Rui as a drag bottle, he planned to climb over a wall and take a look outside.

There is an iron door on the wall, which is always locked. The height of the wall is more than three meters high. The wall is covered with vines and looks like it has some traces of time.

Out of curiosity, Ye Zi successfully climbed over the wall with the help of vines. Then, he saw a large one-story building, surrounded by a wall, forming a huge yard.

Through the faint moonlight, Ye Zi saw that there were no plants or trees in the yard, it was a piece of loess and slightly desolate, with only the four walls covered with lush vines.

Ye Zi followed the vines from the wall and was considering whether to approach the building. At this moment, a small black shadow ran out of the building.

Upon seeing this, Ye Zi was so frightened that he hid in the lush vines, completely hiding his body in the darkness, with only one obscure eye exposed, looking at the small figure running in this direction.


Under the weak moonlight, it was not very clear. The figure was not running very fast, and it made a whining sound as it ran, like the sound of its mouth being sealed.

Then, several taller figures also ran out from the one-story building, as if chasing the small figure.

Ye Zi watched this scene with bated breath, his heartbeat slowly speeding up.

As the small figure got closer, he finally saw who it was.

It was... the girl with braids who was taken away just two days ago!

Ye Zi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the girl with braids. The girl's mouth was sealed with black tape, and the fear that penetrated into her soul appeared in her exposed eyes.

When the girl with pigtails ran less than fifty meters away from the iron gate, she was kicked down by the adults who were chasing her. Her weak body flew two or three meters towards the iron gate, and then Rolled to the ground.

Ye Zi covered his mouth tightly and watched everything in horror.

The adult who kicked the girl down, wearing a white protective suit, came over, grabbed the girl's feet with one hand, and started dragging her back, as casually as dragging a rag bag.

The little girl with braids was digging into the ground with her small hands, but she couldn't stop the adult's strength.

Suddenly, she saw Ye Zi hiding among the vines. She only saw a small part of his face, including the eyes, and recognized Ye Zi.

Snowflakes fell, floating gently in front of the girl's eyes.

Those eyes were full of fear.

She sent a message for help to Ye Zi, whining rapidly from her mouth.

But until she got further and further away from Ye Zi's location, the figure hiding in the vines remained unmoved.

Seeing the girl with braids being dragged into the dark building, Ye Zi couldn't help but fall to the ground, shaking like chaff.

After a while, he suppressed the fear in his heart and followed the vines back to the yard. Then he quickly returned to the room and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his sister who was still sleeping peacefully.

We can't stay here anymore. Ye Zi clenched his hands tightly, with fear still remaining in his eyes. The scene just now had a huge impact on him.

Why are the children who were taken away still here? What about the children who were taken away before?

Then when I wanted to go, I could only feel deep fear. The impact this had on a six-year-old child was terrible.

On the eve of the sun, Ye Zi pretended that nothing happened and started a new day.

He was already thinking about how to escape from here.

A few days later, another young couple whom I had never seen before came to adopt a child.

Ye Zi looked at this scene and felt cold in his heart.

That day, he began to consciously approach the staff of the orphanage. On this day, he huddled under the window sill of a room and listened to the words coming from the room.

Has Ye Rui's sleeping time increased significantly?

Yes, after one more stage, the experiment should be almost ready to be carried out. However, some people have to go home for the holidays, so it will have to be postponed until after the new year.

Haha, don't be in a hurry. A two-year-old experimental subject is a rare material. It doesn't matter if you take your time.

Okay, then the dosage remains unchanged until the next phase.


Ye Zi hid among the flowers and plants under the window sill, feeling chilled all over while listening to these conversations.

It turns out... is this why Xiaorui is so sleepy?

This is not an orphanage at all...but hell!

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