Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 159: Memory Kill III (910)

To what extent can human evil reach?

The young Ye Zi didn't know, but now, the evil he saw with his own eyes was like a black air, slowly eroding his state of mind and cognition.

His sister was regarded as the next experimental subject. Ye Zi didn't know what kind of experiment it was, but it was definitely not a good thing, so he wanted to take his sister out of this terrible orphanage.

February has passed for several days, and the snow has begun to intensify, making the sky and earth covered in white. The symbolic Spring Festival is about to arrive.

A group of employees at the orphanage have gone back to celebrate the New Year, and the remaining people are enough to maintain the operation of the orphanage.

It took several days to figure out where the key was. That night, Ye Zi planned to escape from the orphanage and expose it.

Waiting patiently until late at night, he took the branch with him, slipped out of the room first, and reached the guard room at the door.

The old-fashioned radio on the table was playing the sounds of Peking Opera. The middle-aged man was lying on a chair, snoring slightly. The heater beside him was emitting light and heat.

Ye Zi stepped into the room silently, took out the branches he had prepared in advance, and gently hooked a bunch of keys hanging on the wall. He glanced sideways at the gatekeeper to confirm that he was still sleeping soundly, and then relaxed. He took a breath, and at this moment, he suddenly saw a folding fruit knife placed on the plate with apples on the table.

Ye Zi looked at the fruit knife, his eyes flashed slightly, and he took it together. Then he carefully walked out of the guard room and returned to the room as quickly as possible.

After getting the key and returning to the room, my racing heart showed no sign of stopping.

Ye Zi woke up Ye Rui, who was in a daze.

Ye Zi said: Xiao Rui, how about my brother taking you out to play?

Ye Rui pouted and said unhappily: But it's so cold.

There are a lot of delicious food there, but you have to be good and follow me quietly. Don't talk or make any noise.

Okay, okay. Ye Rui clapped her hands and was overjoyed when she heard that it was delicious.

Then get dressed and we'll set off. Ye Zi said.

Yeah. Ye Rui nodded.

Soon, Ye Rui got dressed, and then, Ye Zi and Ye Rui were about to open the door, when the door suddenly opened by itself, and a huge figure blocked the door.

Where do you want to go? Standing at the door was the fat aunt, with a smile on her face.

A few drops of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Ye Zi's forehead, and he explained: I'm taking my sister to the toilet.

The fat aunt glanced at the clothes of the two people and showed a strange smile. Then she kicked Ye Zi without any warning. The latter was kicked to the ground and felt a lot of pain in his chest. .

After kicking Ye Rui down, the fat aunt slapped Ye Rui directly with her palm.

With a snap, Ye Rui, who didn't know what was going on, was immediately knocked unconscious by the slap, and her tender cheeks suddenly became red and swollen.

Looking at this scene, Ye Zi couldn't help but have a look of anger on his face.

It seems you know something, so there's nothing you can do about it. Someone will have to come and take you away tomorrow. The fat aunt looked at Ye Zi, who looked angry, and kept smiling.

Ye Zi held his brother in hand, stood up and suddenly rushed towards the fat aunt.

The fat aunt's eyes turned cold, and she raised her foot to give Ye Zi another kick.

But this time, Ye Zi dodged her careless kick, and then threw herself into the fat aunt's arms.


The fat aunt's expression suddenly changed, and she felt her chest light up slightly. When she looked down, she saw a fruit knife stuck in her chest.

Ye Zi slowly backed away, looked at the fat aunt with a look of astonishment, and said, Go to hell, you beast.

The fat aunt opened her mouth and fell to the ground.

Ye Zi did not go to see the fat aunt, but went to check on his sister's condition. He saw that the little cheek was already red and swollen.

Clenching his fists hard, Ye Zi struggled to carry his unconscious sister on his back and began his escape.

Fortunately, the fat aunt came alone. After all, with the overwhelming advantage in all aspects, she had absolute confidence. How could she have thought that Ye Zi had a fruit knife in his hand, let alone a six-year-old child who could kill him so decisively? he.

Carrying his sister on his back, he narrowly escaped from the orphanage.

The cold wind was biting, and the snowflakes all over the sky were blown by the cold wind. Looking from a distance, it was so white that it was impossible to see the road ahead.

A six-year-old boy, carrying a two-year-old girl on his back, plunged into the snow and headed towards an unknown direction.

The cold wind was like countless knives, cutting into Ye Zi's face one after another, and the biting low temperature soaked into his bone marrow.

He gritted his teeth and persisted without falling with a will beyond his age.

In such a windy and snowy day, this kind of behavior is no different from seeking death, but Ye Zi didn't think so much. After seeing the darkness of the orphanage, his only remaining thought was to leave the orphanage.

After walking for who knows how long, Ye Zi finally couldn't bear it anymore. Fortunately, he found a big bare tree with a tree hole under it.

He carried his sister on his back and hid in a tree hole, snuggled up to keep warm, and fell asleep from exhaustion.

The sky was slightly bright, and Ye Zi woke up from the cold. When he woke up, he found that Ye Rui's face was flushed, and when he touched his forehead, he actually had a high fever.

For a moment, Ye Zi panicked. He quickly picked up his sister and walked toward a group of low buildings in the distance in the dim morning light.

The snow that had fallen all night stopped now, making Ye Zi feel much more relaxed.

He was walking on the road with Ye Rui on his back. He was very hungry and his feet, which had been buried in the snow for a long time, no longer felt.

As the low buildings got closer and closer, he met an old man pulling an old sled on the avenue, and then he blocked the old man's way.

Save my sister. He carried his sister on his back, bending over like a camel about to be crushed.

The old man had a beard and wore patched shabby clothes. He looked like a rag collector. He looked at Ye Zi indifferently and said, Get out of here.

Save my sister. Ye Zi bit her lower lip tightly and blocked the road without giving in at all.

I can no longer support myself, what can I do to save you? the old man said coldly.

Ye Zi's thinking was clear. When he heard the old man's words, he immediately said: Save my sister, I will raise you.

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. His eyes swept back and forth over Ye Zi's thin body. Such a little guy actually said that he wanted to raise him?

Haha. He couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a while, he couldn't laugh anymore because he saw Ye Zi's expression was extremely serious, and there was a deep pleading in his eyes.

The old man was silent for a while and said coldly: Get on the sled.

Hearing this, Ye Zi quickly put Ye Rui on the sled for fear that the old man would regret it, then took off a piece of clothing and gently covered Ye Rui's body.

When he set out from the tree hole, he took off his coat and wrapped it around Ye Rui. At this time, he took off another one, leaving only two pieces of clothing on him, which could not withstand the cold wind at all.

This kid... The old man looked at Ye Zi and couldn't help but believe that Ye Zi could really take care of him.

He took off his smelly coat, threw it on Ye Zi, and said coldly: Put it on. If you fall down when the time comes, who will take care of me?

Ye Zi was startled. Although the coat looked like it hadn't been washed for many days and even smelled bad, he still put it on.

Yes, what should my sister do if he falls too?

The sleigh turned back and headed towards the low buildings.

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