Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 176 Plan

400,000 words... almost 100,000 words have been updated in 20 days, which is really a feat for me.


Since the end of the Second Ninja World War, the major ninja villages that suffered heavy losses have tacitly chosen to rest and recuperate, not because of the yearning for peace, but to prepare for the next collision.

People with power will develop corresponding behaviors. It is a normal phenomenon to drive power for the sake of profit and peace.

Konoha occupies the most favorable environment, and its development speed has always been far ahead. It is like a cradle, cultivating all kinds of terrifying talents.

First there were White Fang, Sannin, and Kato Dan, and then there were existences such as Ye Zi, Minato, and Kyukina that cannot be ignored.

Seeing that the distance between Konoha Village and other ninja villages has been widening, there is a tendency for one family to dominate, and the major ninja villages can no longer sit still.

Afterwards, the news of the death of Ye Zi and Kato Dan was simply good news for them, but after Minato appeared with his Flying Thunder God Technique, there was no doubt that it cast a shadow on the major ninja villages.

A person's power is limited, but a person's power can also be terrifying.

It seems I can’t wait any longer…

If Konoha is allowed to develop like this, the major ninja villages, even the alliance, will probably not be able to defeat Konoha in the future.

The thoughts that are ready to move are exposed. The goals of the major ninja villages are very clear. There is no need for a nominal alliance, they just need to crush towards the border of the Fire Country.

Each ninja village has its own intelligence channel. Although it is impossible to know the enemy thoroughly, it can still grasp some useful intelligence.

In terms of intelligence, the information Bai Jue possesses is equivalent to destroying all the ninja villages.

For many years, Bai Zetsu has been quietly observing the ninja world. He has information that many people cannot grasp. Artificial bodies scattered all over the place have been faithfully collecting information and feeding back at any time. Naturally, he has sensed that the storm is coming. the taste of.

The Kazekage is missing.

After Ye Zi casually killed a rebellious nin from Yun Nin Village, Bai Jue, who was watching the show, suddenly spoke.

A Kage-level ninja disappeared. Bai Zetsu knew about such a major event before other ninja villages. This was Bai Zetsu's terrifying ability to grasp information.

What's the reason? Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly.

During this critical period, Feng Ying's disappearance was tantamount to breaking news, but it was unknown what impact it would have.

I don't know. Bai Jue shook his head and said, Currently, the people in Sand Ninja Village are trying their best to find Feng Ying. They have probably encountered something unexpected.

Ye Zi threw the flames at the rebel ninjas who fell on the ground, and the blazing flames immediately burned on the corpses. These rebel ninjas were originally within Ye Zi's recruiting range, but they immediately launched a violent attack and were easily dealt with by Ye Zi.

After setting a fire on the corpse, Ye Zi stared at the end of the road and said calmly: According to your information, the various Ninja Villages are already about to lose their patience. From this point of view, the situation of the Sand Ninja Village is Not good.

The plan is not on the right track yet. Do you want to take action against the Sand Ninja Village first? Bai Jue asked.

Ye Zi shook his head slightly and said: The only target that can be attacked now is the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and Nagato is still accumulating strength. Even if he wants to start planning, he can only wait until this war is over.

Bai Jue said: Then we can only wait until the war is over and then collect the tailed beasts?

No. Ye Zi said coldly: This war is an opportunity to weaken the major ninja villages. In order to make it easier to collect tailed beasts in the future, I will not let this war end easily. At the very least... let The foundations of the major ninja villages have been damaged. If circumstances permit, let the Sand Ninja Village disappear.

Hearing what Ye Zi said, Hei Jue, who had been silent with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. Looking at Ye Zi's back, his eyes shone with a strange light. After a moment, he slowly closed his eyes again.

Bai Jue, who coexists with a single body, did not notice this. He looked at Ye Zi and mocked: You want to influence the situation of a battle of this scale with your own strength?

So, isn't there still you?


Bai Jue suddenly felt that he was a bit mean.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and I don't want to end up with my body and head missing. He decisively refused.

Ye Zi looked into the distance and said: I don't want you to go to the battlefield, you just need to provide me with information. The major ninja villages will always have light and dark arrangements. I can't interfere with the light ones, but I can with the dark ones.

What do you want to do? Bai Jue's eyes flickered slightly.

Weaken the strong and help the weak, so that their combat power becomes even, so that this war will not end so quickly.

That's easy to say.

Ye Zi raised his hand to put down the hung black curtain and said calmly: No matter how difficult it is, how can you know the result if you don't try it?

After hearing these words, Bai Jue was sure that Ye Zi was serious and really wanted to secretly influence this war involving the entire ninja world on his own. This kind of thing was simply fantastic. Even with his information, It cannot change the situation of being alone.

Thinking about the strength of the major ninja villages now, Konoha Village is the strongest, followed by Cloud Ninja Village, Iwa Ninja Village, Mist Ninja Village, and the last one is Suna Ninja Village.

Bai Jue couldn't imagine how to interfere or even influence all this. He felt that Ye Zi was a pure lunatic for having such an idea.

Is it necessary to do this? Be careful of capsizing in the gutter.

Ye Zi walked forward and said seriously: I will do anything that is beneficial to the plan...

Bai Zeze followed him, walked side by side with him, and said, Even if it's against Konoha?

Of course. He answered without hesitation.

Bai Zetsu grinned, eyes slightly bent, and suggested: Konoha is very strong now, and will undoubtedly be attacked by other ninja villages. If you want to deal with the attacks of other ninja villages, you will definitely divide your forces into Several groups are going to fight against other ninja villages. When the time comes, the defense force of Konoha Village will be the weakest. Rather than trying to influence the situation of the battle, taking advantage of the situation is the most suitable.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said nothing.

Bai Zetsu said with a smile: Of course, this suggestion of mine applies to other ninja villages. Even if the preparations for the heretic demons are not ready, you can just tie up the jinchuriki first, such as... the most difficult to deal with the nine-tailed jinchuriki.

With Xiao's current ability, it is impossible to defend the collected tailed beasts. Ye Zi said.

Oops. Bai Jue knocked his head and said with a smile, That's true. Actually, what I'm more worried about is that you won't be able to do it...

Ye Zi snorted coldly and said calmly: I have my own sense of discretion.

Hearing Ye Zi's cold snort, Bai Jue grinned, closed his mouth smartly, and said nothing.

Cross the road of death, cut off all obstacles in front of you, and move forward without hesitation.

However, even with this concept in mind, when he thought of taking action against Kushina, the answer he got was hesitation.

If that day comes, will I be able to do it?

When this question came to mind, I thought I would get a firm answer, but it was not.

Even if I just imagine, I can't seem to answer with certainty: I can do it without hesitation!

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