Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 177 Take action

After the Third Kazekage disappeared, the Sand Ninja Village tried its best but could not find even a single clue, let alone the Third Kazekage. For a ninja village, the shadow is the representative of the village's strength and the guarantee that can make the village prosperous. During this critical period, the disappearance of the third Kazekage has brought deep uneasiness to the Sand Ninja Village.

Due to Suna Ninja Village's intensive search, other Ninja Villages knew the news, so each village had different thoughts.

As the country of the wind with the largest territory, its location is very harsh. It is an area filled with sand and soil. The rainfall in the year is limited, so the living environment is very difficult.

However, it is this harsh environment that can cultivate excellent ninjas. However, due to regional factors, the national power of the Country of Wind and the Suna Ninja Village, which represents military power, are the weakest existences. Even if they walk The elite route cannot change this.

Therefore, compared with Konoha, the attractiveness of the Kingdom of Wind is pitifully weak. Even if the Third Kazekage disappears, as the neighboring Kingdom of Earth, there is nothing to covet.

The harsh environment sometimes becomes a protective umbrella. It must be said that it is an ironic phenomenon.

Compared to other ninja villages, strictly speaking, Sand Ninja Village is the one that covets Konoha the most. The land there is fertile, the green fields are spread over thousands of miles, and the living environment is terrifyingly favorable.

This kind of coveting applies to other ninja villages.

Weakening the enemy and strengthening oneself comes down to human nature, and only war can reveal human nature.

The Iwa Ninja Village, the Cloud Ninja Village, the Mist Ninja Village, and the Suna Ninja Village, which had just lost the third Kazekage, slowly put pressure on the border of the Land of Fire like a tacit agreement. Although their actions were not obvious enough, they had already started the war. horn.

The unified purpose of all the major ninja villages put Konoha under tremendous pressure.

This situation was also within the expectations of the Konoha Staff Group. As the most powerful Fire Country and the most powerful military force, Konoha has always been the one being besieged.

Despite the huge pressure, Konoha is not afraid at all, because with Konoha's current power, it can indeed be proud of the others. The only regret is the death of Kato Dan. If he is still alive, he can share part of the pressure.

The information seemed to have grown wings and turned into pieces of flying paper, landing on the Hokage's desk, and the clues of the fangs that were about to move were revealed.

We're here after all. Perhaps in order to reflect the solemn atmosphere, Sarutobi did not hold the pipe in his mouth. Although he was a conservative person and resisted war, he would not back down when the time came.

The battle front is slightly tight. Mito Kadoyan took the information and browsed it carefully.

Besides him, Koharu and Danzo were also sleeping there.

The biggest threat comes from the Iwa Ninja Village. Their movements are the most obvious. In addition, the Cloud Ninja Village. These two lines of defense need to be dealt with more focused. Koharu's eyes were fixed on the territory of the Iwa Ninja and the Cloud Ninja. above.

Men Yan nodded slightly and agreed. However, although the movement in the Mist Ninja Village was relatively small, he had to guard against it. He said rigorously: The Kazekage in the Sand Ninja Village is missing. This dispute will probably not be taken seriously, while in the Mist Ninja Village. We need to take precautions, as they may jump out and take a bite at critical moments, especially when the village frontline is most tense.

About the battle line, how to arrange it. Danzo lowered his head slightly, and placed the crutch with the sword on the side of the sofa. His left eye was slightly squinted, and there seemed to be some secret hidden in the bandaged right eye.

Sarutobi groaned and said: Orochimaru can guard a line of defense. In addition to Minato, the two of them are most suitable to deal with the Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja.

Danzo's slightly raised eyes were pressed into a straight line, and he said calmly: Minato is too young. Compared to him, Jiraiya is more suitable for this position.

Sarutobi said calmly: Youth is not a criterion for measuring ability. Minato has this ability.

Danzo was expressionless when he heard this. He could see that Sarutobi's arrangement was paving the way for Minato. Once this war is over, Minato, who holds such a position, will be even closer to fame, even as long as this war ends. He has outstanding performance, and his reputation should be comparable to that of Orochimaru.

It seems that your final decision is still to make Minato the next generation Hokage?

War is nothing but a piece of cake. If there are better options, there is no reason to let Minato take on this important task. Danzo expressed his disapproval of this arrangement in a nonchalant manner.

Minato has this ability. Sarutobi repeated these words again, confronting Danzo tit for tat.

Danzo said calmly: Minato's ability is well known to everyone, but the two fronts of Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja are crucial. It is more appropriate for Jiraiya and Orochimaru to guard them.

Seeing that Danzo had been objecting to this arrangement, Sarutobi couldn't help but frown slightly.

There is nothing wrong with letting Minato take on this important task. Furthermore, Nara Shikaku can go with him. Monoto suddenly interrupted. Like Sarutobi, he was also very optimistic about Minato's prospects, and at the same time, Nara The decisiveness and intelligence shown by Shikaku won his heart even more. As long as these two juniors can join forces, they have reassuring qualities.

Seeing that Men Yan agreed that Minato was worthy of a big job, Koharu thought for a moment and expressed his opinion: In the future, the younger generation will be needed to support Konoha. With the ability that Minato has shown in recent years, coupled with the assistance of Nara Shikaku, send It is not impossible for him to guard one of the two lines of defense.

In fact, she would rather let Minato go than let Jiraiya guard this line of defense. If Kato Dan was still there, these two lines of defense would undoubtedly be guarded by Orochimaru and Kato Dan.

Three to one.

Danzo's narrowed eyelids concealed his deep dissatisfaction. Unable to change this decision, he could only compromise silently.

From this point of view, even if it was him, he had to admit that Minato's ability was not inferior to Orochimaru, so he really didn't want Minato to take up such an important position. This could be said to be a way to gain Minato's reputation in order to reduce Obstacles to ascending to the position of Hokage.

In his heart, he covets the position of Hokage, but he also knows very well that even if Sarutobi retires, this position will never be his turn, so taking a step back, let Orochimaru, who has a cooperative relationship, take this position. is the most ideal situation.

But now that he has made a decision, he will not dwell on this issue.

The Iwa ninja's defense line is led by Minato, the Cloud ninja is led by Orochimaru, and the Mist ninja's side is left to Jiraiya. As for the Suna ninja, there is no need to invest too many troops, you just need to pay attention to the developments at all times, even if If the opponent plans to attack, use the currently allocated forces to deal with it. If it cannot stop it, the defense line that deals with the Iwa ninja can support it at any time. Men Yan finally took the prototype of the decision. Of course, this decision will not be as simple as the words say. Rather, it requires further consideration to form a careful arrangement.

Next, we will discuss this issue in depth based on intelligence, that is, the distribution of existing military forces...

Compared to Konoha's response, the other ninja villages had an easier time, because they had only one goal, and that was Konoha. As for the other ninja villages that were sympathetic, they didn't have to put in too much effort.

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