Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 185 Afterwards

Ever since Nao exhausted his energy and returned to another space, Ye Zi felt that Nao's power had become extremely weak afterwards. He also tried to call Nao many times, but received endless silence. Although he had thought about whether to go to another space to see the situation. , but in the end I thought about it. long as he doesn't die.

He just didn't expect that Nao would wake up at this time. He didn't respond to Gao's question immediately, but first cut off the vision shared by the soul connection.

You brat, how can you be so stingy? After his vision was cut off, Nao couldn't help shouting angrily, but his body was still weak, so his voice seemed weak.

Ignoring the complaint, Ye Zi said to Nao with his mind: There happen to be some corpses here that need you to deal with.

Huh? It just so happens that I just woke up and was half starved to death. His attention was directly diverted. That time he exhausted all his remaining energy and directly caused himself to fall into a deep sleep. In that world where there was nothing, Recovery is too slow.

He finally had enough energy to wake up. When he woke up, under the authority that Ye Zi had given him before, he immediately saw Ye Zi using escape techniques that he had never known before, so he couldn't help but He raised questions, but received no answer, and was cut off from sharing his vision by Ye Zi, but he could only passively endure this.

While angry, when he heard Ye Zi's words, he realized that he was in urgent need of food.

The familiar cross light appeared out of thin air, and a palm-sized man jumped out of the light.

The fresh air I haven't seen in a long time! The shrunken ghoul fell to the ground, opening his hands with an intoxicated expression, his voice was weak, and his appearance looked quite funny.

A viscous liquid slowly emerged on the ground at Ye Zi's feet, and slowly turned into a Jue shape. He looked at the palm-sized man and said with interest: This is your psychic beast, I didn't remember. If it’s wrong, it shouldn’t be so small.”


Hearing the sound, Nao looked up at Bai Jue who suddenly appeared, put his hands on his waist, and said coldly: Where did this ugly guy come from?


Anger appeared on half of Bai Jue's face, he pointed at Nao and said slightly angrily: No matter how ugly I am, I am still prettier than you, a monster who looks like a heretic demon!

Even if you praise me so much, you never want me to retract my previous comments. Nao sneered.

You said I was praising you? Bai Jue's body stiffened, as if he had been hit by an arrow.

I can be considered a monster with faith. I haven't been called a monster in how many years. I still miss him a lot when I think about it. Nao glanced at him coldly and ran off to find the corpse.

Bai Jue was stunned...

Hei Jue, who was usually silent, suddenly said: Idiot.

Bai Jue's eyes turned to the direction of Hei Jue and said in a low voice: Having been called ugly by that monster is partly your fault, right?

Black Zee was silent again, too lazy to pay attention to White Zee.

If you feel free, go and help dispose of the corpse, so as not to cause more trouble if the Iwa Ninja comes again. Ye Zi looked at Bai Jue with an idiot look.

Okay. Bai Jue responded. Then he saw Ye Zi's eyes, and his hair suddenly exploded, and he said angrily: What kind of eyes are you looking at!

Look like an idiot.

Ye Zi responded, then walked towards a tree, folded his arms and leaned against the tree, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he looked quietly at the ground in front of him.

You are the idiot!

Bai Jue glanced at Ye Zi, murmured in a low voice, and prepared to dispose of the corpse. Then, he saw Nao standing on the chest of a corpse, with his index finger and thumb spread out to form a rectangle, as if he was gesticulating something.

Bai Jue came to his side and mocked: Ye Zi asked you to dispose of the corpse, but with your current body, how time-consuming will it be to dispose of a corpse?

Nao glanced at him, silently jumped off the body, and slowly opened his mouth. Suddenly, the mouth suddenly opened, and it expanded to a size that was extremely inconsistent with the size, like a black hole. Under Bai Jue's stunned gaze, , that exaggerated big mouth easily swallowed the corpse of a rock ninja.

After swallowing a corpse, Ghoul's mouth returned to its original size, and he muttered to himself quite dissatisfied: It's still delicious to be alive. That brat makes me eat him to death every day.

With that said, he went to deal with the next body, ignoring it.

Bai Jue looked at the body that had swallowed a corpse but was still the size of a palm, and said speechlessly: What a complete monster...

With the efforts of Nao and Bai Jue, all the rock ninjas killed by Mu Dun were dealt with. Afterwards, Ye Zi and Bai Jue left the place, while Gao was sent away by Ye Zi while he was still mumbling that he was not full. Returned to another time and space.

Nao's awakening is good news for Ye Zi. He can add one more boost. However, Nao is too weak now. It seems that he cannot suppress him blindly. He has to be allowed to strengthen a little.


Minato was injured and returned to Konoha's station. Fortunately, his organs were not injured. Under the treatment of medical ninjas, the wound healed in a short time.

After successfully blowing up the Iwa Ninja's supply route, and adding the medical ninjas who came with the army, this battle will obviously not be that difficult anymore. This is a foreseeable situation, but we cannot relax just yet.

Thanks to Tsunade's insistence on the development of the medical ninja system and her efforts in cultivating medical ninjas over the years, the medical system played a vital role in this war.

Although other ninja villages are aware of the importance of medical ninjas, it is not that simple to cultivate a medical system. It cannot be built in a day.

The Iwa Ninja's supply route has been destroyed, and we will definitely use all our strength to attack in the near future. Fortunately, you were not seriously injured, otherwise... it will only be a matter of time before the battle line collapses.

In the tent, Lu Jiu bit his thumb with a serious expression, which made his young face lose some of its tenderness.

What he said seemed to regard Minato's existence as the key to victory or defeat. From this, we can see how powerful Minato's role can be in a war.

Beside Shikaku, Ding Zao was gnawing on a chicken leg, while Hai Yi stood aside, silent.

I was attacked by a very fast enemy. I didn't have time to see clearly who it was. Minato twisted his shoulders, thinking about the thrill at that time. He was still shocked. The person who attacked him focused on the moment when he was relaxing, and attacked him from behind. It struck at such a fast speed that he had no time to turn around to see who it was, so he was forced to use the Flying Thunder God to return to his base.

Really... Then there will be one more powerful character among the Iwa Ninjas who needs attention. Shikaku said solemnly.

Minato smiled, but he didn't take the guy who sneaked up on him seriously. Compared with speed, after mastering the Flying Thunder God technique, he was worthy of anyone. Thinking of the subsequent situation, he looked at Shikaku and asked : Next, just hold on, right?

Shikaku nodded slightly, bit his thumb gently, and said: After all, this is a war between ninjas. The Iwa ninja may follow our example, divide the troops into thin streams, and invade our rear in small groups. If they... If the supplies are taken away, the situation will become very dangerous.

Hearing Shikaku's words, Ding Zao's eyes suddenly opened and he said: We have to stop the Iwa nin. I don't want to be without food.

Haiyi couldn't help stroking his forehead when he heard this, rolled his eyes at Ding Zuo, and then asked: Since this is a possibility, what are the next steps?

Shikaku frowned slightly, put down his thumb, touched his chin and began to think.

Minato looked at the three of them quietly, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, this is the future of Konoha...

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