Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 186 Class 7

In order to cope with the Iwa Ninja's next offensive, Konoha's troops also need to be divided into thin groups, mainly traditional squads, spread out to guard any possible invasion routes by the Iwa Ninja.

Dividing forces is risky. Once the Iwa Ninja does not adopt the plan of invading the rear, but directly launches a fierce attack from the front, Konoha's troops on the front will be directly defeated, so this plan requires intelligence support.

The heavy responsibility of spying on intelligence once again fell on Minato. In order to prepare for a rainy day, the diversion team must be in place first. After everyone discussed it, the team responsible for the rear was determined. As long as the plan remained unchanged , these teams need to stay in the rear to meet the elite team of Iwa Ninja, among them is Minato's seventh team.

At night, it's so quiet.

Before Minato went to gather information, he called Team 7 to give him some instructions.

A small bonfire was built with firewood, and the weak light of the fire shone on the faces of the members of the seventh team, showing their childish faces.

Minato sat on a rotten tree, holding a slender branch and gently flicking the fire. From time to time, small sparks would explode from the fire.

Kakashi, I leave the team to you. Minato looked at Kakashi seriously, his blue eyes tinged with a little fire.

Yeah. Meeting Minato's serious gaze, Kakashi nodded cautiously.

Today, Kakashi is only twelve years old, but he has already become a jounin. Under the personal teachings of Hatake Sakumo, his sword skills have gained several points of true inheritance. With his good thunder escape, he is stronger than the average jounin. Even stronger.

Compared to Obito and Lin who were on the same team, his status as a jounin meant that the gap in strength between them was wide.

Teacher, don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will definitely protect Kakashi and Lin. Obito said with a smile.

Kakashi glanced at Obito with his dead fish eyes and said, I wonder who was scared to tears today.

That's because there's sand in my eyes! Obito blushed and then argued loudly.

Kakashi shrugged and said lazily: It seems that the sand likes your eyes very much.

You! Obito pointed at Kakashi, with an angry look on his face.

Okay, you two! Lin interrupted in time, looking slightly helpless.

For Lin's sake, I won't argue with you. Obito turned his head away, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Seeing the daily bickering between Kakashi and Obito, Minato gave a wry smile, then his expression became extremely serious and said: Kakashi, I know you are very confident in your own level, but I hope you can consider your teammates. With the ability, before encountering a strong enemy with no chance of victory, it doesn’t matter even if the mission fails, you must not hesitate to escape, remember?”

Kakashi's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a moment, he nodded slowly.

Seeing Kakashi's hesitation, Minato sighed slightly in his heart. Kakashi is a very good genius. He became a Jonin at the age of twelve, but just because he is young, he cannot grasp his position well. .

And you, Obito, Kakashi is your captain now, don't always go against him.

Obito curled his lips, looking very unconvinced, and replied: I know.

Lin, take care of them. Finally, Minato smiled at Lin.

Yeah. Lin smiled and nodded.

Okay, I'm going to carry out the mission. You must remember that you must not act recklessly. After the instructions again, Minato left Konoha's station and led a group of elites to spy on intelligence.

After Minato left, Kakashi took off the knife behind him and took it in his hand. This sword was a gift from Kakashi's father on the day he became a Jonin. It was forged to imitate the White Fang and could also transmit chakra to enhance aggression.

He looked at the short knife in his hand quietly, thinking about what the teacher just said, and he actually disagreed with it.

Completing the mission is the most important thing.

This concept was formed when my father was ostracized and slandered by his peers after his mission failed.

Although his father didn't say anything, Kakashi could easily see the fatigue and sadness in his father's heart at that time. Fortunately, his father came out of the haze later, but Kakashi was also affected by it and implanted this kind of feeling in his heart. concept.

Missions and rescuing companions…

My father chose the latter, but was ostracized and slandered by his peers. Therefore, the right choice should be the mission...

The so-called ninja, to reflect its value, is judged by tasks, so even though my father has completed so many tasks for the village, he suffered this unfair situation because of the failure of one task, not to mention... for the sake of saving. It was the companions who caused the mission to fail.

Kakashi, what are you thinking about? Lin looked at Kakashi who was worried.


Kakashi raised his eyelids, looked at Lin sitting next to him, shook his head slightly and said, It's nothing.

Lin pursed her lips, a little worried.

Obito stood up, crossed his arms, looked sideways at Kakashi, and said, Hey, Kakashi, don't think that you are a Jonin and just want to put on airs and order me around at will.

Kakashi raised his eyelids, looked at Obito, and said calmly: Just don't hold back when the time comes.

What did you say!

When Obito heard this, he became furious and said loudly: Are you kidding me? I'm from the Uchiha clan!

But you are weak. Kakashi pointed out the fact without mercy.

That's because I haven't opened my eyes yet. When I open my eyes, I will definitely surpass you, absolutely! Obito glared at Kakashi fiercely.

Kakashi was unmoved and mocked: The truly powerful Uchiha elites will not rely on the Sharingan.

You guy! Obito clenched his fists and said angrily, You are so annoying!

That's enough, you two! Have you forgotten what the teacher just said? Lin stood up angrily, looking at the two of them.

Seeing Lin getting angry, Obito decisively shut his mouth and said nothing.

Kakashi turned his head away and stared at the darkness in the distance silently.

Seeing the two people with very different personalities, Lin was very helpless. She really hoped that the two could get along harmoniously, but they seemed to be natural enemies. No matter how she tried to reconcile them, they just couldn't get along.


At the same time, other battlefields continued.

The Suna Ninja were losing ground due to the disappearance of the most powerful Kazekage in history.

What caused a fundamental change in his disadvantage was the siblings Chiyo and Ebizo.

After careful consideration, Ebizo planned and formulated a plan to deal with Konoha. Coupled with Chiyo's poison, the combined strength of the two of them defeated Konoha in a battle, directly reversing the disadvantage, and then began to suppress Konoha. Leaf Ninja.

Chiyo's complex poison made Konoha anxious.

Later, in order to deal with Chiyo's poison, Tsunade rushed to the battlefield to provide support.

Kushina saw that in order to deal with this war, all the ninjas that could be dispatched in the village were sent out, even the genin who had just graduated were not able to avoid it, but she could only stay in the village, coming and going, not at all Can't sit still.

Although because of Ye Zi's experience, she began to feel a little dissatisfied with Konoha, Konoha was still her home after all, and for this home, she didn't want to just sit there and do nothing.

So, she approached the Third Hokage.

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