Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 188 Crisis

The tip of the kunai was heading towards his vitals.

Oops! Obito opened his eyes and looked panicked.

At this time, a ray of white light came flying towards him, stabbing the bald Iwa-nin in the chest, and flying back with his body. The kunai that stabbed Obito deflected, and drew a line on Obito's left cheek. Wound, there will be no chance.

Obito stepped on the edge of the tree trunk with his right foot to stop his body from falling backwards. There was a cut on his cheek. His left eye couldn't help but narrowed. He looked up and saw that the bald rock ninja had a short knife stuck in the trunk of the tree. superior.


Feeling his accelerated heartbeat, Obito breathed a sigh of relief.

Kakashi jumped several times, came to the body of the Iwa Ninja, and pulled out the short sword.

At this time, Lin, who had been hiding, appeared and came to Obito's side.

Is everything okay?

Lin said as she began to heal Obito.

As a medical ninja, she tried not to participate in the battle to ensure her own safety so that she could heal her teammates afterwards.

Hehe, it's just a minor injury. Obito looked unconcerned. In fact, his heartbeat has not slowed down yet. If it weren't for the short knife that Kakashi threw at him, he might not have scratched his cheek as easily. .

Thanks, Kakashi. Although he was not very happy in his heart, he still thanked Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't speak, but lowered his head and wiped the short knife.

Seeing Kakashi's cold behavior, Obito was immediately dissatisfied, but didn't say anything.

After Lin finished treating Obito, Kakashi said: Let's go and find the second group of enemies.

At the same time, Team 9 was also facing an Iwa Ninja team in the Forest of Dusk.

After Ye Zi's death, Hong's father served as the captain of the ninth team. Until the war came, considering the reasonable allocation of human resources, Yuhi Zhenhong was transferred to lead another team. Kotonoha, who had become a Jonin, was replaced. In addition to the original team members Metkai and Yuhi Kurenai, a Chuunin named Kato Shizune was added. She was a girl who had just mastered medical ninjutsu. Her joining just made Team 9 Become a standard team.

At this time, Team 9 was unlucky and encountered a team of Iwa Ninjas who were in the upper reaches of the force.

Hmph, three women.

Looking at the three women in Class 9, the leading Iwa ninja jounin slowly circled his lips with his long tongue, and a trace of drool couldn't help but flow out from the corner of his mouth.

This person has a horse face, his face is pale and bloodless, his body is as thin as a bamboo pole, his arms are long, and he holds a long knife in his hand. It can be seen that he is a ninja who uses a knife, and he is considered a ninja among the usually bulky Iwa ninjas. rare.

Captain, you're drooling. A fat man with a bushy face reminded.

The remaining two Iwa ninjas were a man and a woman. The man was strong and muscular, with regular and thick features. The woman was fleshy, with short hair, long and narrow eyes, and slightly cold eyebrows, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

After hearing the team member's reminder, Ma Mianyan couldn't help but raise his arm and wipe the corner of his mouth.

The only female Iwa-nin looked at him with contempt.

Opposite the Iwa Ninja, Yan Ye had a solemn look on his face, shook his hands, and eight pale green Senbon slipped out of his sleeves and were caught between his fingers. She could feel the murderous intent of that horse-faced rock ninja, and she could also feel how powerful he was.

Akai and Hong didn't feel as intuitively as Yanye. Having seen blood, they were already used to this kind of life-and-death battle.

Sister Shizune, just take cover from behind. Akai kicked in place on the tree trunk a few times, his bandaged hands clenched into fists, with a look of eagerness on his face.

Hong glanced at him and warned: Don't rush too far ahead, otherwise I won't care about you.

Ah. Akai smiled stupidly and said, I will pay attention.

Shizune looked at the two of them and smiled helplessly, thinking that Akai and Hong, who were several years younger than her, didn't look nervous at all. On the contrary, her own nerves were already slightly tense.

The enemy is very strong, be careful. Yan Ye gave Akai and Hong an untimely blow to their relaxed atmosphere.


Akai calmed down his emotions and his expression began to change, becoming serious and solemn.

I'm on it.

Before the enemy moved, Akai took the initiative to attack. He kicked his feet like a reckless calf and rammed his head towards the Iwa Ninja team with his horns on his head.

Ah, are you so impatient to die? A flash of coldness flashed across the female Iwa-nin's narrow eyes, and she jumped into the air to face Akai.

Konoha Tornado!

Akai let out a strange cry and swung his foot towards the female Iwa-nin with great force.


The female rock ninja chose to go head-on, and also swung her leg towards Akai's leg, but a layer of rock surface was condensed on her leg.

Hong, who was at the back, made seals with his hands and stared at the female rock ninja, preparing to use illusions to help Akai hit the enemy with one blow.

Huh? Little beauty, you can't be so bad.

A slightly trembling voice, which seemed to be suppressing excitement, sounded from behind Hong's ear. The sudden appearance of the voice immediately shocked the three people present.


Yanye and Shizune both turned their heads to look, and the horse-faced rock ninja appeared behind Kurenai at some unknown moment.


When they looked at the horse-faced Iwanin, the long knife pierced Hong's back diagonally downward at the same time, and blood came out.

Hong's eyes narrowed sharply, he groaned, and the handprints he raised fell down weakly.

Heh, heh heh...!

The horse-faced rock ninja let out a series of satisfied chuckles in Hong's ear. Then, with a cold expression, he pulled out the long knife, brought out a large amount of blood, and let Hong fall softly on the tree trunk.

Am I...going to die?

Hong fell on the tree trunk, his vision gradually blurred, and he felt that all the strength in his body was disappearing.

Captain is so bad. The fat man looked at the figure gradually turning into mud beside him and chuckled.


At this time, the legs of Akai and the female rock ninja collided together. There was a muffled sound, and Akai flew backwards and hit a tree trunk.

The female rock ninja also felt uncomfortable. Since she was at a height lower than Akai, she fell downwards.

How dare you! Yan Ye looked at Hong falling in a pool of blood. He was so angry that he flicked his arms and shot all eight Senbon at the horse-faced rock ninja.

Don't be anxious, take your time.

Ma Lianyan smiled cruelly, and at such a close distance, he actually used his long knife to knock down all eight Qianben, and then his body gradually became transparent and disappeared into the air.

Shizune, take Kurenai and leave.

Seeing this scene, Yan Ye's heartbeat gradually accelerated, he gritted his teeth and observed the movements around him.


Shizune's heart tightened, she jumped to Hong's side, picked up Hong, and prepared to take her away.

Stone, we seem to be ignored. The fat man stretched out his arms.


The Iwa Ninja, who was called a stone, jumped down, his eyes calm and calm, and his hands formed seals.

Earth Escape, split the earth and turn your palms!

Pressing his hand on the ground, he saw the ground in front of him suddenly cracked, forming a shock wave that rushed towards the tree where Shizune and Kurenai were.


Several trees in that area fell together.

Shizune, who had just picked up Kurenai, screamed and lost her balance and fell. She hurriedly stabilized her body in the air and barely managed to land.


Looking at this scene, Yan Ye felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Akai, who has strong strength and physical skills, had a head-to-head fight with the female Iwa Ninja. Kurenai was directly seriously injured by a knife, but Shizune had to take care of Kurenai.

Although I could feel that the opponent was very strong, I didn't expect that the battle would be one-sided. If this continued, they would all be wiped out...

Thinking of this, the strong sense of crisis turned into a chill and instantly invaded Yan Ye's whole body.

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