Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 189 Gaze (Additional update: For individual players)

Class 9 has encountered its biggest crisis ever.

The movement caused by the move of splitting the earth and turning the palm attracted the attention of Class 7 who happened to be nearby.


Kakashi looked at the movement caused by the falling trees one after another about two kilometers away.


He took the lead in heading in that direction, followed by Obito and Rinjin.

As long as the noise was caused by the battle, it must have been caused by the Iwa Ninja and the Konoha Ninja, so Team 7 served as reinforcements and went to the place where the noise came from without hesitation.

After Shizune landed with Kurenai in her arms, she felt pain in her right ankle. It was probably because she was holding someone and landing in a hurry, which caused her ankle to be twisted.

In normal times, this sprain would be nothing at all, but at this time, it was fatal.

Although I don't like to beat up drowned dogs, but... who makes you the enemy?

The fat man chuckled and looked at Shizune and Hong with a cold expression. His fat hands suddenly penetrated into the ground, and blue veins emerged from his arms.


An arc-shaped crack spread from the ground.

The fat man's eyes widened, and with a low whine coming from his mouth, he dug out a piece of soil from the ground that was dozens of times larger than his size, and held it high above his head.

So, go to hell!

He stretched out his arms vigorously and threw the clods of dirt towards Shizune and Kurenai.

When Yanye saw this, he had to form a seal and use his escape technique to block the clod of earth for Shizune.

At this time, there was a slight fluctuation in the air, and a figure slowly emerged, followed closely by a sharp sword light.

Yan Ye was shocked, removed his hand seal, and quickly took out a kunai to block the long knife that was coming.


The kunai hit the blade, sending out wisps of sparks.

The strong force directly forced Yan Ye to take two or three steps back.

The response has been good.

Ma Lianyan couldn't bear the situation and took a step forward, slashing down with the long sword diagonally, forcing Yanye to lift the kunai and hold the long sword.

Are you worried? Don't worry, you are all going to die anyway.

The horse-faced rock ninja sneered, stretched out his long tongue again, and licked his lips.

Yanye gritted his teeth, unable to summon the energy to go check on Shizune.

Seeing the clod of earth coming with a huge force, Shizune hugged Hong tightly and turned around to move away from the place. However, the severe pain from her ankle caused her to pause.

It only hurts a little bit.

She frowned, ignoring the injury to her ankle, and ran forward with all her strength. However, it was the initial pause that caused her to lose the chance to escape from the scope of the clod.

The shadow of the clod of earth pressed over and fell on the road in front of him.

Shizune looked at the shadow in front of her, feeling desperate.


It was like the sound of birds chirping in the forest.

A figure quickly passed Shizune, heading towards the clod of soil with a raging thunder light.

The strong wind that passed by her lifted up Shizune's hair. She looked back and saw a young boy. The palms of his hands were wrapped with exciting lightning, which pierced into the soil, tearing it into two halves, falling separately. To one side, several trees fell down, accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, and smoke gradually rose.

Reinforcements... Shizune looked at the silver-haired boy and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Kakashi, who arrived in time to save Shizune and Kurenai, looked up at Fatty and Stone, and drew out the short sword behind him.

What a pity. The fat man stared at Kakashi coldly, with fear in his eyes. Although the other person was only a teenager, the ability to split clods of soil with his palm was not something that ordinary teenagers could possess.

At this time, Obito and Lin also rushed over. At a glance, they saw that they were covered in blood and had a faint red breath, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

Lin came to Shizune's side and said anxiously: We need to get treatment as soon as possible.

Shizune, who is also a medical ninja, naturally knows that there was no room for treatment originally, but now, there is.

She said to Lin: You have to move to a safe place first.

You go ahead, leave this place to us. Obito said immediately.

Well, be careful, the other party is very strong.

Shizune replied without hesitation, then picked up Kurenai, and then she and Lin stayed away from the battle for a while, and immediately started treatment.

Hong was bleeding profusely at this time. Although the casual knife did not hit the vital part, the injury was equally serious. If Shizune was the only one, this kind of injury would be delayed for a while and there would be no way to recover, but now with the addition Lin is different.

The two began to work together to treat Hong.

Obito and Kakashi stood side by side, facing the fat man and the stone on the side of the Iwa ninja.

Stone, I'll leave that brat with the goggles to you. The fat man directly picked up Kakashi, who looked the strongest.

Be careful. Shitou was not a fool. It could be seen that Kakashi was very strong.

On the other side, Yan Ye and the Horse-faced Rock Ninja started a close combat. It seems that the Horse-faced Rock Ninja underestimated Yan Ye. After the fight, he realized that the woman in front of him was not weak in skill.

That's what makes it interesting.

The sword in the hand of the horse-faced rock ninja splashed out a dazzling sword curtain, covering Yanye. The latter held a kunai in one hand and danced like a butterfly, blocking the horse-faced rock ninja's fierce attack.

The more difficult it was to attack, the more excited the horse-faced Iwanin became, especially when the opponent was a woman. The speed of the sword he wielded slowly slowed down, but its strength began to become heavier.

Yan Ye, who kept resisting the long knife, noticed that the force coming from the long knife was getting stronger and stronger, so that it became more and more difficult for her to block it.

Kai, who had a head-to-head confrontation with the female Iwa-nin but was kicked away, coughed a few times, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and felt bursts of pain in his right leg. There was no fracture, but it was definitely swollen.

What a powerful force.

Reaching out to touch the bloodshot, Akai had no time to take care of his teammates, because the female Iwa ninja was already attacking him.

The collision of the legs caused Kai some internal injuries, and the female Iwa-nin also felt uncomfortable. She had always been proud of her own strength, and when she saw Kai who was younger than herself, she felt very disdainful. But after the fight, she Only then did he realize that the other person was not an ordinary kid.

Putting aside her disdain, she regarded Akai as an opponent of the same level.

Come on, let's see whose taijutsu is stronger! The female rock ninja rushed towards Akai, her arm gradually turned to stone, and she punched him.

Akai lowered his head to avoid the punch, put his fists together, and hit the female Iwa-nin's chest.

The arm that the female Iwa-nin swung out turned and turned, and then pressed down sharply.

Akai's fists hit the chest of the female rock ninja first. There was a sound of cracking rocks, and his fists hurt. Then, the elbows of the female rock ninja fell and hit the bottom of his neck. .

The female Iwa-nin flew out first, while Kai broke the thick tree trunk and was knocked to the ground by an elbow.

The two seemed to have equal physical skills, but they were trading injuries for injuries.

Not far from the battle situation here, Ye Zi and Bai Jue, who arrived here at some unknown time, quietly watched the battle between Team 7 and Team 9 and the Iwa Ninja.

With the purpose of weakening the strength of Konoha and Iwa Ninja, a total of six teams, four Iwa Ninja and two Konoha, died at the hands of the two of them along the way.

If this fight continues, it will be endless. Let's just kill him. Bai Jue said calmly.

After hearing Bai Jue's words, Ye Zi just stared at the familiar faces in silence.

After not seeing each other for nearly a year, the childishness on Akai's face is now hard to see. His strength is good, but his reaction and speed are still lacking.

Yanye's melee combat skills have increased significantly, and he can actually withstand such a fast sword screen. However, with your expertise, you are only suitable for sneak attacks in the dark.

Kurenai was still so weak. His weakness in taijutsu should not have been corrected, so as a ninja who specializes in genjutsu, he was the first to fall. If there were medical ninjas, he should not have died.

And... those two brats, if I remember correctly, are Minato's students.

What, can't you do it?

Bai Jue turned his head and looked at the wooden mask on Ye Zi's face, unable to see Ye Zi's expression at this time through the mask.

The six teams we met along the way went on a killing spree without saying a word, and they didn't even wait until the two sides decided the winner before taking action.

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