Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 190 Where to lead

The words spoken in the heart start in the heart and end in the heart. They cannot be conveyed to them at any time. ※% top ※% point ※% small ※% say, x.

If Akai heard this, he would definitely jump up with excitement.

If Kurenai heard this, she would be so angry that she would jump to her feet.

If Yan Ye heard this, he would probably never suppress his emotions again.

Killed directly?

Hearing Bai Jue's words, Ye Zi didn't know why, but deep self-mockery emerged from his heart. Along the way, the cells, fat, bones, and skin of his hands could almost be said to be made of blood. From the moment they were stained with blood, It has been soaked in blood.

After killing Kato Dan, do you want to kill them all except Minato until now?

If this is the only way, it will lead to monsters.

Under the mask, the eyelids slowly drooped, covering up the complex emotions in the dark eyes, as well as the hesitation hidden deep in them, like candlelight in the residual wind, swaying unsteadily, appearing bright and dim.

At least...not now.

He told himself this, seeming to be looking for a ridiculous reason.

Seeing that Ye Zi remained silent, Bai Jue could vaguely feel his hesitation, and sneered in his heart, thinking that you had really abandoned your humanity, but in the end it was not enough. You who refused to act in Madara's name...

These Konoha brats are very good seedlings. As long as they survive this war, they will surely grow into an existence that threatens Akatsuki over time. So, don't you want to eliminate any threats that may arise in the future? ?This was an opportunity not to be passed up.”

Precisely because he sensed Ye Zi's hesitation, Bai Jue had to suggest and encourage like this. He really wanted to see the blood scroll that Ye Zi had paved with his hands. It must be very interesting.

Ye Zi's eyes slowly fell to Yanye who was being forced back by the horse-faced Iwa Ninja. Thinking about the information provided by Bai Jue, he calmly said: The Iwa Ninja has a greater advantage.

Is this why you didn't take action? Bai Jue cracked his mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

I have my own plans.

Ye Zi stared at Yan Ye, and an idea came to his mind. Although he was not sure that he could succeed, there was still a reason to try, because the forehead protector pattern she wore on her forehead was not a leaf.

Maybe, you can take advantage of...

Hmph, whatever you want. Bai Jue shrugged. In his opinion, the Konoha boys who are fighting are all good prospects. If they are eliminated now, there will be only benefits and no harm to Akatsuki. , but now that Ye Zi has made his decision, he will not touch this idea again.

Akai jumped up from the ground, panting heavily, and looked at the female Iwa Ninja not far away.

So strong, is she really a woman?

Her thick black eyebrows were pinched in frustration. In terms of strength, she was evenly matched with the female Iwa Ninja.

He has never seen Tsunade and Kushina's strange powers, otherwise he might not have such thoughts.

If you want to win, you can only use Eight Gate Dunjia...

Akai silently removed the bandage on his hand, his expression changed subtly, and he showed a trace of momentum inadvertently.

This not yet obvious aura was keenly captured by the female Iwa ninja, and she couldn't help but frown.

What a difficult kid. She took a deep breath, her expression getting colder.

Ye Zi, who was watching the battle in the dark, looked at Akai from a distance and could actually feel the subtle changes. His eyes swept across Akai's body. In the belt tied around his waist, there was a A corner of something earthy-yellow is revealed.

That is…

With his excellent eyesight, he could vaguely see what the earthy yellow thing was, and the expression under the mask couldn't help but reveal a hint of helplessness, actually carrying the wallet with him during the war...

But you have grown up.

He thought silently, kicked his feet, and jumped in a certain direction.

Ye Zi's sudden move shocked Bai Jue. He had no idea what Ye Zi wanted to do, so he could only blend into the trees and follow him.

The horse-faced Iwa-nin is well-known in the Iwa-nin village. Whether it is his sword or his personality, he is well known to many people.

In the Iwa Ninja Village, where earth escape is the main trait, few people use swords, because except for the earth shadow, the changes in the nature of earth escape cannot bring any substantial help to sword skills, so horse-faced Iwa Ninjas who use swords , can be regarded as an anomaly, and he has the most undesirable character.

If the enemy is female...

His hormones and pineal gland hormones will become chaotic, affecting his mood and personality. He can chatter nonsense, his facial features will be distorted into an uncomfortable look, and he will secrete a lot of saliva, and he will be satisfied with killing him. The abnormal pleasure of a female ninja.

Just then...

He used his long knife to suppress Yan Ye, but he never stopped talking.

Use some strength. So, women are really too weak.

How can you be so weak, how can you satisfy me?

Can your resistance be more intense? Little beauty.

Your forehead protector is from the Grass Ninja Village, right? Why is it here?

I'm very curious, you should answer me!

The horse-faced Iwa-nin opened his mouth, and his tongue was exposed and twisting like a snake's tongue. Every time he said a word, saliva would spray out, and his ugly appearance was undoubtedly revealed.

Although this is an ugly enemy, one cannot deny his strength.

Yan Ye thinks that his physical skills are not weak, but facing the violent and non-stop attack of the horse-faced rock ninja, he can only be forced to block and retreat all the time, unable to find any chance to counterattack, and the opponent's sword exceeds It became heavier and heavier, and my arms began to be unable to bear the weight.

Damn it, do you have to use all your strength just to block his knife?

She was forced to retreat continuously under the pressure of the long knife, and she had to always pay attention to the rear. If a flaw was exposed, everything would be lost.

Unconsciously, the battle between the two of them began to move away from Kakashi and the others.

Although she was at a disadvantage, she always maintained a calm expression, ready to take action.

It was this look that made the horse-faced rock ninja feel uncontrollable anger.

I hate your expression!

The twisted eyebrows and lips, the long tongue splattered with saliva, and the deformed light exuding from the eyes that were stretched to the maximum, finally turned into a roar from the heart.

The trajectory of the long knife changed instantly, from bottom to top, one upward, and slashed out a half-moon shaped knife light towards Yan Ye.

Yanye's eyes changed slightly, and the two kunai in his hands were placed together, blocking the path of the long knife.

The moment the long knife collided with the kunai, the sound of the collision between the iron tools suddenly increased to a new level. Stronger force than before was transmitted along the long knife to the kunai, directly cutting Yan Ye away.

This guy…

Yan Ye flew upside down into the air, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and he tried hard to stabilize his body.

This is the expression, this is the expression I've been waiting for, haha!

The horse-faced rock ninja stepped off the ground with his feet, and the ground instantly cracked. He jumped into the air and followed him. In mid-air, he raised his sword to slash at Yan Ye who was losing his balance in mid-air.

Hurry up, let me see the moment when the blood blooms from your delicate skin, like a firework exploding.

The highly anticipated thoughts formed fleeting words in his mind, and the terrifying laughter vibrated in the air, even completely covering up the sound of the long knife cutting through the air.

The knife, which was full of abnormal pleasure, just slashed towards Yan Ye.

Seeing the long knife slashing at him, Yan Ye gritted his teeth hard and tried to adjust his arm movements to block the knife with kunai.

However... the long knife was not as bulky as before, as if it was instantly liberated, and the speed was faster than her arm movement.

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