Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 196 The Sand Ninja seeks peace (Additional update: Solo to the Moon)

I couldn't sleep, so I went to bed after writing a chapter.


It was just a light sword, but the consequences caused by it were unbearable for the Sand Ninja Village.

The liberated Shukaku, holding on to his inner hatred for human beings, made a big fuss in the Suna Ninja Village. If the Suna Ninja led by Rasa hadn't been pestering Shukaku, the latter would have wiped out all the Suna Ninja Village first. Weaker humans.

Just because the hatred was completely pulled away, Shukaku changed his target and began to entangle with the Suna Ninja led by Rasa. Although he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, it still made the Suna Ninja Village full of holes. After all, Suna Ninja The Ninja Village put most of its troops into the war, leaving the rear with relatively empty troops. In addition, Rasa did not have Minato's ability to shift targets, so he could only watch as the Suna Ninja Village turned into waste little by little.

It doesn't matter if the building is gone, it just needs to be rebuilt. But life cannot be lost so easily.

The ninja sent to notify the frontline troops asked the Suna ninja stationed at the stronghold along the way to send most of their troops back to the village to help Lord Kazekage, and then went straight to the frontline.

After learning that Shukaku was released by an unknown person to cause trouble in Suna Ninja Village, Chiyo and Ebizo were immediately confused. They guessed that this was probably Konoha's disgraceful method. In desperation, they withdrew the battle line and returned to Konoha. The soldiers returned to the village before their eyes.

Seek peace. At the moment when he returned to the village, Ebizo made a decision.

Regarding this proposal, Chiyo could only choose to accept it. Thinking of the losses that Shukaku might cause in the village, plus the losses of this war, the Suna Ninja Village only had the option of seeking peace. If they continued to fight to the death, the losses would be The most serious thing will only be yourself.

If... Konoha further invades the Country of Wind, even if it relies on the geographical environment, the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, even if it asks for peace, it cannot be rushed. It can decisively withdraw all its troops and create an illusion that can delay the situation for a while. For the time being, the top priority right now is to deal with the hidden danger of Shukaku first.

Seeing the Suna Ninja Village withdrawing its battle line without hesitation, Konoha was quite puzzled.

Have you given up? Tsunade stood on the slug's head, looking at the front that was razed by the war, and frowned slightly. The Suna Ninja's decisive withdrawal this time left her confused.

White Fang stood next to her and guessed: We are just barely maintaining our advantage. The Sand Ninja's withdrawal without warning may be creating an illusion to attract us into the Kingdom of Wind, or it may be that the Sand Ninja is withdrawing without warning. Something happened at the rear.

An accident? Hearing White Fang's words, Tsunade's eyes showed a look of contemplation, and after a moment she said in a deep voice: The Sand Ninja is acting strangely. Let's send someone to investigate the information for the time being, and confirm it first before making any plans.

White Fang nodded, his cold eyes passing over the tired-looking people of Konoha, and the corpses scattered on the wasteland, including those of Iwa ninjas and those of Konoha. A cold murderous intention suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he suggested: If The Sand Ninja wants to attract us into the Kingdom of Wind, so we should stay put. If something happens behind the Sand Ninja, we can seize this opportunity and directly invade the Kingdom of Wind!

I hope that the Suna Ninja will withdraw their troops in such a hurry because of changes in the rear. Tsunade shook her head and said: However, even if there is a change in the Suna Ninja's rear, we don't have the power to further suppress the Suna Ninja. You know, The situation on several other fronts is not so optimistic, especially Orochimaru's front.

White Fang couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this. According to the information that was transmitted, the only one with an advantage was the line of defense aided by Hinata and Uchiha. Compared with the others, the strength of the Kumo ninja was too strong. Konoha led by Orochimaru Being completely suppressed, if it weren't for Orochimaru and the older generation Inokacho, this front might have been defeated long ago due to Konoha's tight military strength.

It is not unreasonable to be outnumbered, but if a person is strong enough to a certain extent, he can also bring about changes in the situation. For example, Kumo ninja's terrifyingly powerful Third Raikage. If it weren't for this person, where would the battle line led by Orochimaru be? As for how miserable it would be, another example would be Namikaze Minato, a being who could harvest at will on the battlefield, which could directly help Konoha gain an advantage.

Based on the assumption that something happened behind the Suna Ninja, White Fang felt that it was a pity to miss this opportunity, but he had to agree with Tsunade.

Due to the withdrawal of the Suna Ninja, it was considered a temporary truce, which also gave Konoha an opportunity, but the Suna Ninja had to march back to the village in a hurry. Following them was a team sent by Konoha to spy on intelligence.

The fact that Konoha would send people to spy was within Ebizo's expectation. He had already made the decision to seek peace when he decided to withdraw his troops and return to the village. However, without knowing what the other party would do, He had to prevent Konoha from taking advantage of the situation, so in order to conceal the reason why he had to withdraw his troops, or to delay the time of being known as much as possible, he left arrangements to intercept Konoha's spies along the way.

When the Suna Ninja returned to the village, the entire Suna Ninja Village had undergone earth-shaking changes. Shukaku was like a tireless monster. He made trouble in the Suna Ninja Village for two days and two nights, directly destroying two-thirds of the village. The buildings were reduced to ruins. Fortunately, the personnel were evacuated, which prevented more serious casualties. However, these few days were destined to be a nightmare for the Iwa Ninja Village.

Shukaku was in trouble for two days and two nights, and Rasa and the Ichigan Sand ninja also persisted for two days and two nights. During this period, they suffered a lot of casualties, but they could barely contain Shukaku.

Seeing the tragic situation in Suna Ninja Village, the Suna Ninjas who returned to the village were filled with indignation, and they were even more indignant towards the unknown person who released Shukaku.

Although the Suna ninjas who came back from the hurried march were exhausted, they still had enough chakra. After joining the battle, they began to suppress Shukaku.

Kill them all!

Seeing a large number of sand ninjas joining the battle, Shukaku made a strange cry and swung his blank bullets around randomly. With abundant chakra, he didn't have to worry about not having enough chakra. Tailed beasts were war-grade weapons. Beings that couldn't be killed could only be used. Select Seal.

Rasa, who was mentally and doubly exhausted, came to Chiyo.

You have to make a decision. Chiyo looked at Luo Sha.


Luo Sha looked at the noisy Shukaku with a tired look. After a moment of silence, as if he had made a decision, a firm look appeared on his face, he nodded and said: Everything is for the village. .”


Seeing Rasa's decision, Chiyo looked at the unscrupulous Shukaku with cold eyes and began to prepare for the seal. At the same time, Luo Sha arranged for someone to bring his wife Garu Luo.

On this day, Shukaku was sealed in Gaara's body in Garura's belly. Because Shukaku made a big fuss in the Suna Ninja Village for two days, the Suna Ninja suffered huge losses and no longer had the energy to maintain the war. They had no choice but to After that, he asked for peace with Konoha on the condition that he wanted to know whose arm it was that released Shukaku. However, Konoha, who had grasped the root cause, directly denied it. At the same time, he obtained useful information during the exchange.

The person who released Shukaku was wearing a robe with a clear black background and red clouds. His characteristic features were short black hair, good at thunder escape, and a long sword as his weapon. In addition, the information about Bai Zetsu, Only the appearance is mastered.

Subsequently, Konoha did not take the opportunity to suppress the Suna Ninja Village, but agreed to the Suna Ninja Village's wish for peace. In this regard, the two parties signed a truce contract, and Konoha's tight military strength also gained room for buffering.

On the other hand, Ye Zi and Bai Jue were called back by Nagato. At the same time, Kushina was sent to the front line to assist Orochimaru.

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