Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 197 Code Name

Leaving the Kingdom of Wind and returning to the Kingdom of Rain again, this country filled with water vapor and non-stop rain will always be disliked by Bai Jue.

After walking through the muddy road and the torrential rain, we arrived at the rain ninja village controlled by Akatsuki.

Yu Nin Village began to implement closed development and no longer accepted outside ninjas, so Ye Zi and Bai would never enter Yu Nin Village through the main entrance.

After entering the village, the two went directly to the tallest tower. Nagato summoned them, but they didn't know why.

Entering the tower, I met Nagato in a dark room on the first floor. The darkness seemed unable to cover the Samsara Eye, and the outline of the eye could be clearly seen in the dim light.

I know everything you have done during this period.

Nagato stood with a pair of samsara eyes staring at them quietly. Next to him stood Konan, and behind him there were four figures hiding quietly in the darkness.

When Ye Zi and Bai Jue heard this, they just looked at Nagato without saying a word and waited for the next step.

Weakening the strength of the major ninja villages is not a bad thing for Akatsuki, but Akatsuki is not strong enough yet for you two to be exposed so wantonly. Nagato looked at the two of them with eyes as deep as a pool of stagnant water. , which is elusive.

Bai Jue shrugged upon hearing this, turned his head to look at Ye Zi, and once again marveled at the wonderful use of this wooden mask.

Understood. Ye Zi responded coldly, but didn't take it seriously at all. If he wants to execute the plan, it will be a matter of time before Xiao is noticed. Even if it is his identity, it doesn't matter even if it is exposed. The reason why he hides his identity is just to be able to Just a little more convenience.

A simple response made Nagato stop the topic and said instead: Sealing the tailed beast requires at least nine people with powerful chakra. Before the plan begins, Akatsuki needs to recruit some strong people.

After hearing about the plan, Ye Zi became a little more concerned and asked: Nine people? How many are still missing now?


Is there a suitable candidate?

Nagato said coldly: Currently I only like one.

Who? Ye Zi asked.

The man who killed the Third Kazekage.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and said, Who is the person who killed the Third Fengying? Where is he now?

I don't know. Nagato replied calmly.

Ye Zi was speechless when he heard this.

At this time, Nagato suddenly looked at Bai Jue and said, Bai Jue, you are responsible for finding this person.

Isn't this a difficult thing to do? How should I find someone who I don't know? Bai Jue chuckled. Although he said this, he seemed very relaxed.

This is the value you can embody. Nagato said.

Bai Jue curled his lips and said, Don't worry, give me some time and I will be able to find this person. However, I am only responsible for finding this person. I can't do the recruiting.

Then it's settled. Nagato continued: One billion funds have been gradually received, but it is still far from enough. After recruiting enough people, we will continue to focus on making money.

Making money again?

Ye Zi frowned and said coldly: If everyone is in place, then the plan should be implemented immediately instead of making money.

Nagato was not angry at Ye Zi's rebuttal. He looked at Ye Zi quietly and said, I am the executor of the plan. It is up to me to decide what to do.


Ye Zi's eyelids drooped slightly under the mask, and he chose to remain silent. Sure enough, he was still too passive... If Nagato was allowed to decide what to do, he didn't know how long it would take before the plan could officially start. The basic goal was Consistent, but the final goal is still somewhat deviated. The key is that it cannot interfere with Nagato's will, so it cannot change anything.

Do you want to seize the reincarnation eye...but there is no guarantee that it can be transplanted smoothly, so even if you want to grab it, you must first ensure that it can be transplanted smoothly, but...there are no talents in this field.

Ye Zi thought silently, and Nanako's figure suddenly flashed through his mind, and then quickly disappeared. That woman... was dead. After Nanako's figure passed by, another figure appeared in his mind, it was Orochimaru.

Thoughts swirled in his head and were suppressed after a moment.

Nagato never thought about the impact his words would have on Ye Zi, or in other words, this kind of thing was simply not worthy of his attention.

Put this ring on.

Nagato suddenly took out two rings, each with a word engraved on them, which were 'Kong' and 'Xuan'. He threw the two rings towards Ye Zi and Bai Jue, and they were firmly caught in their hands. .

Ye Zi opened his palm and found a ring with the word empty engraved on it.

Empty... he whispered to himself, emptiness means nothing, nothing, and does not contain any matter or spirit.

This ring allows me to contact you at any time. Don't lose it. It is also the medium that I need to rely on to seal the tailed beasts. Nagato looked at the two of them.

I understand, but this ring is really ugly. Bai Jue put the 'Xuan' on the little finger of his right hand.

Ye Zi silently put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

Nagato slowly raised his right hand, wearing a ring with the word 'zero' engraved on his thumb, and said: The words on the ring are also the names you will use in the organization in the future. I am Zero Burial, and Xiaonan is White Tiger. Ye Zi, you are Kongcheng, and Bai Jue is Xuanwu.

When Ye Zi and Bai Jue heard this, they subconsciously glanced at the ring. They even had a code name, and it looked more and more like an organization.

Xuanwu will be responsible for finding the person who killed the Third Kazekage from now on. As for Kongcheng's continued... Once the nickname was determined, Nagato used it directly. When he reached this point, he was interrupted by Ye Zi. .

I will do things to make money, but not now. The Third Ninja War is not over yet. This is an opportunity to weaken the major ninja villages. I will not miss it easily. Ye Zi saw that Nagato wanted to continue Qiu Cai immediately interrupted him.

Rather than making money, what is more worthwhile now is to let the major ninja villages bear the greatest losses due to this war, so as to reduce the difficulty of collecting tailed beasts in the future.

Regardless of whether the words were interrupted or Ye Zi showed his own will, Nagato did not get angry because of this. He just fell into silence after hearing Ye Zi's words. After a moment, he said: This is a good thing for Akatsuki, but the new Akatsuki is noticed by the major ninja villages too early, which may affect the plan.

Ye Zi slowly stretched out his hand, pulled out a corner of the red cloud on his outer robe, looked calmly at Nagato's reincarnation eyes, and said coldly: From the moment the new dawn was born, you can't hide in the darkness. Since you have started Spreading divine will in Yuren Village, since you aspire to become a god, are you afraid?

Ye...Kongcheng, you are too presumptuous. Xiaonan looked at him coldly.

Ye Zi tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his lips under the mask outlined a slight arc. He ignored Xiaonan and looked at Nagato.

Seeing Ye Zi directly ignoring her, and thinking of Ye Zi's contempt for her that day, Xiaonan couldn't help but feel angry. She stared at Ye Zi coldly. When she took a step forward and was about to speak again, she saw Nagato stretched out his hand. He stretched out his arm to stop her.

From the beginning to now, those eyes of reincarnation have always been calm and unruffled, seemingly without any emotion.

Nagato looked at Ye Zi with calm eyes and said: I...will become a god! And then change the world. If the plan changes because of you, then I will kill you.


Still replying like this, Ye Zi faced Nagato's calm eyes, and the faint arc at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Become a god?

Stupid concept…

If I need to step over you, then I will also... pull you off the altar!

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