Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 198 Situation

My right eye was swollen and painful, and it was very difficult to update, but I still updated two chapters before twelve o'clock and went to rest.


In the heavy wind and rain, Ye Zi's figure was looming, and the rolled up raindrops splashed the hem of his robe wet.

Bai Jue wants to find the person who killed the third generation Feng Ying, so he cannot accompany Ye Zi. Without a guy who can detect information at any time, it is equivalent to a black eye. However, he has already obtained the information he collected from Bai Jue. After coming here, I have a certain understanding of the current situation.

The next destination is the Kingdom of Thunder...

Walking on the muddy road, even the large hat could not resist the increasing rain.

Looking at the front blocked by the rain curtain, it is between blur and clarity, like an unknown and bumpy road.

Ye Zi once said that he could guide Nagato to use the reincarnation eye correctly. Although this was just an excuse, it also contained Ye Zi's expectations. However, it backfired. Although the goal of both of them was to collect tailed beasts and transfer them to the heretic golem, It's just that what Nagato wants is to use the Heretic Golem as an absolute weapon to suppress war, and then conquer the world, so that the world will succumb to peace because it is afraid of the power of the Heretic Golem.

Ye Zi could vaguely see through Nagato's will. It seemed that this road was getting farther and farther away from the original goal...

The heretical technique of reincarnation in the Six Paths Art is the key to resurrecting Madara. If he wants to go back, he needs to resurrect Madara. However, with the current will that Nagato upholds, he wants him to resurrect Madara at the cost of his own life. But it is impossible.

How to make Nagato willing to resurrect Madara can be said to be an almost unsolvable problem.

Unable to interfere with or control Nagato's will, Ye Zi can't think of any way. At least he doesn't have the slightest clue now. He can only slowly come up with a way in the process of collecting tailed beasts. If nothing works...then seize it. The Eye of Reincarnation. Maybe with the Eye of Reincarnation, you may be able to understand the truth of all things in the world, and you may be able to master the method of going back!

This road always seems to be getting closer, but in fact it is getting longer. It is so long and unclear.

The speed of walking in the rain suddenly accelerated, which showed Ye Zi's sudden change of mentality. He really didn't want to wait too long, and just wanted to return to the earth as soon as possible. Even if he might have to endure the outcome of the vicissitudes of the world, but He must also verify the results himself.

He walked in the wind and rain, heading towards the Kingdom of Thunder. At the same time, the battle situation kept changing.

Kumo Ninja is very strong, very strong.

The power of Abby and the Third Raikage stood in front of Konoha like an impenetrable iron wall.

After gaining the title of Sannin, Orochimaru was suppressed like this for the first time. Although there was no advantage in terms of military strength, it cannot be denied that the more fundamental reason was that the opponent was too strong.

In the first wave of offensives at the beginning of the war, Orochimaru was very cautious. The formations he distributed were mainly for testing. But when the Third Raikage joined the battlefield, the so-called formations were meaningless at all, so they were specially divided. Various escaping teams, even the wind escaping team that restrained thunder escape, could not stop the Third Raikage.

The terrifying posture of being in a deserted land on the battlefield was deeply engraved in the hearts of Konoha ninjas. It was the first time that Orochimaru was defeated so completely. In order to reduce the number of casualties in Konoha, he defeated Konoha with one person. He blocked the third generation of Raikage with all his strength, and was directly defeated. In the end, he was injured by Raikage.

The ninjas of Konoha suffered heavy losses in the first wave of offensive, but the Raikage only paid a large amount of chakra without even being injured at all.

Since then, Konoha has been directly suppressed. Orochimaru tried his best to avoid direct combat with Kumo ninja, but adopted containment methods. The purpose was not to win, but to contain, and he repeatedly made a show of ability. A posture that threatened the Kumo ninja's rear.

However, the Kumo ninja were not moved at all, because they knew that Konoha's military strength was tight, so they acted unscrupulously, and the team Abby was in was a sharp sword that brought huge destructive power to Konoha, so the Kumo ninja moved the battle line It has been pressing towards the territory of the Country of Fire.

Orochimaru applied to Konoha for reinforcements to no avail. He could only watch his troops decrease sharply, and the jounin with considerable combat power died one by one. In the end, he only waited for the reinforcements of Kushina and Liao Shengyu.

Even if you are the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, you can't change anything.

In Orochimaru's cold snake eyes, there was a light of indifference to life. This battle with the cloud ninja was defeated without any suspense. He tried his best, put in the greatest effort, and tried his best to make every step The road is in the right place, but everything is in vain. It's not that he is weak, but that the opponent is too strong, especially the existence of Raikage, like a turtle that can't eat, a turtle that can run wild with thorns!

I firmly believe it can. Faced with Orochimaru's final words, Kushina replied seriously.

Orochimaru saw the light of fear of death in her eyes, so his previous final words were overturned.


After the Sand Ninja took the initiative to seek peace, the Iwa Ninja followed suit.

Times are changing, and the older generation who dominated the scene in the past will eventually give way to the new generation.

The fundamental reason why Iwa Ninja agreed to sign the truce treaty was the battle between Onoki and Minato.

The battlefield paved with blood and bones, at this moment, became a stage for two people. With the remaining ninjas on both sides watching, Onoki and Minato started a fierce battle.

Ohnoki is getting old after all. The powerful dust escape technique, the weighted rock technique that limits the enemy, and even the numerous escape techniques were all defeated by Minato's Flying Thunder God technique.

The years have worn away his mental strength and chakra, leaving him with a body that is no longer useful, but it has also given him a wealth of combat experience. This may be the only advantage that can crush Minato, but Minato is a rare A genius with terrifying reflexes and a calm and wise mind, Onoki's only advantage is actually of little use.

In the end, Ohnoki was defeated first because his physical strength and chakra could not keep up, and he was captured by Minato.

As a Tsuchikage, being captured by a junior can be called a shame, but after living a long time, Onoki vaguely realized why Minato did not choose to kill him. It was simply to avoid further casualties, which meant that the war was still going on. This moment brings a pause.

Iwa Ninja was defeated. When he was captured, he was completely defeated.

In the battle that lasted for more than ten days, both sides paid a heavy price, and countless lives were lost on this land.

In the end, it was still impossible to shake the existence of Konoha...that place of abundance.

Today's young people are really scarier than the last. The Abby combination from Yunnin Village, the dead Little White Fang, and you...! Ohnoki's eyelids drooped feebly, and his tired expression showed the ruthlessness of the years.

It's time for our generation to make way for you.

The sharp corner of the kunai was pressed against Onoki's neck, making the Iwa ninja behind him afraid to move rashly.

After hearing Ohnoki's words, Minato's eyes flashed slightly. He looked at Ohnoki and said, You are old after all.

Onoki smiled bitterly and sighed: Konoha wins, and you win too.

Minato heard this and decisively took back the kunai and returned to Konoha's camp.

Onoki looked at Minato who was retreating. Even though he was defeated by the latter, even though he had expected it, when he saw that the other party could pull off the kunai so decisively, he could only admire him in his heart.

Terrible junior.

At this point, the Iwa ninja withdrew their troops and then signed a truce.


The border between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Water is the perished Kingdom of Whirlpool, and it is now also the battlefield between two ninja villages.

Itachi, who was only 5 years old, came to the battlefield as the youngest person in the entire ninja army.

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