Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 205 Death Willing

When the wind and waves subsided and the smoke gradually dispersed, the terrifying energy contained in the tailed beast jade directly flattened a ten-mile radius to the ground, forming a huge crater. The trees and vegetation that were originally there lost any trace.

At the center of the pit, there lay a man with a light red chakra coat all over his body, and his voice was still there.

"You know how powerful it is!"

Kirabi, who transformed into a tailed beast, moved his limbs together, turned into a red lightning, and flew towards Kushina in the pit. After seeing Kushina's exaggerated resilience, he didn't think that one tailed beast jade could knock out Kushina.

In the pit, Kushina stood up slowly. Her red chakra coat was full of bubbles visible to the naked eye. She stared at Kirabi who was running towards her, and once again summoned the diamond chain. There are not many ninjutsu, and it has no effect against the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The only thing that can form a suppressive effect is the Vajra Chain. Although it is only for a short period of time, it is enough to seal the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

The power, speed and destructive power of the Tailed Beast-turned Jinchūriki are too astonishing, but with the support of the Yin Seal Solution, we will definitely be able to find an opportunity to seal the power of the Eight-Tailed Jinchūriki.

Before that...he must be restrained first!


Nine diamond chains extended from behind, like the tail of a demon fox, breaking through the air and shooting towards Kirabi.

"I won't hit you with the same move again!"

The red figure full of strength and speed, when the first golden chain struck, his feet cracked the ground. The burst of speed made his figure disappear in an instant. He slapped the ground with his hands and headed towards On the right side, he avoided the chains and could move straight forward without losing speed. Then, the golden chains looked like the eight limbs of a spider, forming a web from top to bottom and pounced on him.

The eight tails condensed by chakra suddenly slapped the ground, and the explosive force caused Kirabi to fly into the air, avoiding the chains. The strength he controlled and the precise angle made his figure hit Kushina like a meteorite at an astonishing speed.

Kushina had no time to react before she was smashed into the ground by the tailed beast Kirabi. With a loud noise, the surrounding ground suddenly sank.

The powerful impact knocked Kushina to the ground, and the diamond chains extending from behind directly shattered into fine particles. A large amount of blood and internal organ fragments spurted out from her mouth, although the shattered internal organs She returned to her original state in an instant, but the powerful impact still made her consciousness blank for a moment.

Feeling that Kushina still had plenty of life under her feet, Kirabi was not the so-called pity for her. He raised one foot and stepped on it quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The powerful single foot turned into an afterimage and kept falling towards Kushina's back. The frequent shocks kept pushing her deeper into the ground. The sunken ground around her also spread rapidly. Cracks appear.

Despite the terrifying healing ability of Yin Seal Release, Kushina's consciousness gradually became blurred after enduring such high-frequency attacks, and the chakra coat covering her body was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Kumo ninjas who had eliminated the other Konoha ninjas were far away from the battlefield, watching the scene of Kirabi beating Kushina.

"It seems there's no need for me to take action." Ai crossed his arms and watched the scene coldly.

A Kumo nin walked forward and asked cautiously: "Kirabi-sama won't accidentally kill the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki."

Ai glanced at Yun Ren who was speaking, and said coldly: "Bi Zi is measured."

When the Kumo ninja heard this, he slowly backed away and stood apart from the other Kumo ninjas, watching this scene of victory for the Jinchūriki of his own village.

Ye Zi, who was attracted by the explosion caused by the tailed beast jade, saw this scene from a distance, and anger suddenly emerged in his heart. He suddenly clenched his fists, forcibly suppressed his emotions, and stopped on the branch of a tree. , watching Kirabi beating Kushina violently in this foot-stomping posture, every foot-stomping, every loud noise, every shock, like a bell hammer, beating one after another, each time more loudly than the last. Heavy, constantly affecting his state of mind.

"The Kyuubi will be taken away one day, so what's the point of rescuing her now?" He said to himself, trying to make roots grow under his feet so that he could not move. This was how he watched Kushina endure the pain. human suffering.

"Let the Kyuubi be taken away by the Kumo ninja, so that you won't have any worries about attacking in the future. Yes, isn't this better?"

"Just look at it this way."

"You just look alike..."

The low self-talk was incompatible with the unrest in his heart. Pictures related to Kushina flew past his eyes. The fingertips of the clenched fist turned white quietly, and the other palm imprinted on the tree trunk could not help but exert force, instantly cracking the tree.

The Kumo ninja was on the other side, his eyes focused on Kirabi and Kushina, and he didn't notice this scene.

Kushina, who was pressed down and beaten by Kirabi, although her injuries could heal quickly, was not immune to the pain. She endured wave after wave of pain, and her consciousness was close to fainting. The light that her eyes could see was covered by darkness. A little bit of erosion.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to a familiar space, which was the sealed space where Kyuubi was imprisoned.

Kushina lowered her head and glanced at the ripples slowly spreading out from under her feet, then raised her head and looked at the iron door with a seal and the cold beast eyes hidden in the door, looking a little disappointed.

The huge body of Kyuubi was hidden in the darkness and turned into a shadow. The only thing that could show light was the beast eyes that could clearly show emotions. He stared at the lost Kushina indifferently and said: "Now that things have happened, what's the matter? Did you ask for me?"

"Help me." Kushina suppressed the disappointment in her heart and looked at Kyuubi and said seriously.

She had to stop Kumo Ninja. Only in this way could the Fire Country be protected from the flames of war, and the village be able to seize that glimmer of victory.

"I refuse." Kyuubi said indifferently: "The purpose of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is to capture you. In the end, I just changed my residence. So why should I help you?"

Hearing this, Kushina said without hesitation: "Before that, I will commit suicide."


The nine-tailed beast's eyes condensed, and its head slowly moved forward, pressing against the iron bars. Its two claws grasped the iron bars on the left and right sides, and it suddenly exerted force, as if it wanted to crush this hateful cage.

"Do you think that Yun Ninja would let you commit suicide so easily after all the effort to catch you?"

He glared at Kushina fiercely, feeling uncomfortable having his life and death controlled by others.

Kushina took a deep breath, looked calm, and said, "You can take a gamble."

Those calm eyes seemed to say: do what you say.

Kyuubi couldn't help but fell into silence. He was unwilling to be buried with the Jinchuuriki. Even if he would be resurrected, he didn't know how many years it would take.

"You can tear off the seal, and I will help you kill all the cloud ninjas present. Isn't this exactly what you want?" Kyuubi said instead.

"I can't let you out." Kushina shook her head with a firm attitude. From the moment she became a Jinchuuriki, the responsibility she needed to bear has been clearly engraved in her soul. Rather than letting the Kyuubi go, it would be better to die.

The tailed beast that hates humans will only be a disaster for humans once it escapes from its cage.

"Then it's up to you." Kyuubi's figure slowly disappeared into the darkness. He still wanted to believe that the cloud ninja could control Kushina and transfer him to another container. Compared to the new container, the whirlpool The women of the clan were too difficult to deal with, whether it was the previous one or the current one, Kushina, he couldn't find any chance to escape from the cage.

"Is this the only way...I'm really useless."

Seeing Kyuubi's direct rejection, Kushina's eyelids drooped slightly, showing her will to die.

"I wonder if I can see you if I die."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile, and scenes about him passed through her mind.

"That's it."

Rather than letting the Nine-Tails be taken away by Kumo Ninja, or freeing the Nine-Tails, she would rather die in such a useless way.

"You little brat!"

Kyuubi, hidden in the darkness, noticed the unhesitating will to die revealed from Kushina, and couldn't help but became furious. His claws passed through the iron bars, but could not touch Kushina.

"I'm sorry, Kyuubi."

Kushina looked into Kyuubi's angry eyes, her face full of determination.

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