Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 206 Known changes

For the sake of the village, they have to do this step, even if they die, this is the embodiment of their own will.

The desire to die emerged, and Kushina ignored the ferocious expression of Kyuubi. The moment she made the decision, she would not hesitate. If she was not suppressed, she would even want to use the zombie to seal it, pulling her If the eight tails go to hell together, at least they can show some value.

Just as she was preparing to end her life... in the cold, damp and dark space, there seemed to be a flash of lightning, and there was a moment of brightness that made her stop her thoughts of suicide.

That flash of light was a very familiar chakra, and it was also the chakra that was least likely to appear here. However, it just appeared, filling the entire sealed space in a short moment.

With unbelievable emotions, Kushina suddenly opened her eyes. The terrifying power coming from her back had disappeared, because Kirabi was thrown away by a figure filled with thunder, and the chakra possessed by that figure was so strong that The short distance passed by, and she finally confirmed her guess.

With her unique perception ability, she can clearly identify the person who possesses this chakra.

The sudden figure flew the tailed beast-turned Kirabi into the distance, and the palm wrapped with thunder attribute chakra was inserted into Kirabi's abdomen.

The Kumo ninja who were watching Kushina being beaten were shocked by this hasty scene.

Ai was even more angry because of his own negligence, and aroused thunder currents all over his body. He dodged from where he was and rushed to Kirabi's position.

"who is it?"

Kirabi frowned in pain and stared at the masked man in front of him. The large influx of thunder attribute chakra made him paralyzed by the powerful current even though he transformed into a tailed beast, but at the cost of unreserved. , this method of transporting chakra without reservation, if not controlled, the caster may die due to exhaustion of chakra.

Kushina, who lost Kirabi's suppression, jumped out of the pit and looked at Ye Zi who inserted his hand into Kirabi's abdomen. Feeling the chakra sensation coming from Ye Zi, she thought she could no longer touch her. The feeling of arriving is back.

I thought I would never see him again. Just when I was begging for death, I was still thinking about whether I could see him again...many strange thoughts started and ended because of him.

Kushina stared at the figure quietly, tears suddenly falling from her eyes. There was no more joy than what was lost and found at this time.

She had been waiting for this back figure for a long time. It was no longer untouchable, but a figure that seemed to be within her grasp. It was a figure that stood in front of her to protect her.

Ai arrived at this moment with lightning speed, and his palm, which stirred the thunder flow, cut towards Ye Zi's head.

The lightning flashed past, and the upper part of Ye Zi's head immediately flew into the air, paralyzing Kirabi's thunder stream, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The joy of Ye Zi's appearance instantly froze on Kushina's face. The first thing that came to her was not this cruel scene, but the feeling of Ye Zi's chakra disappearing.

Suddenly, his heart felt like it had been stabbed hard with some sharp weapon, and the pain was unbearable.

In the sealed space, Kyuubi's eyes suddenly stretched to their maximum size. He felt the change in Kushina's mood in an instant, and the beast's eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of ecstasy. This was what he had been looking forward to.

"Rat." Ai said coldly.

"Good job, brother!" Kirabi touched his injured abdomen.


Suddenly, the corpse killed by Ai's palm turned into a puff of white smoke.


Ai and Kirabi couldn't help but be startled.

Kushina, whose state of mind collapsed in an instant, was also stunned.

What's happening here?

"Could it be...the shadow clone?" Ai guessed.

Kirabi was stunned when he heard this. The thunder attribute chakra inserted into the body was so strong that it was actually a shadow clone. However, this made sense. The other party was sending chakra without reservation. Someone who would commit such an act of seeking death. , it can be explained that it is a shadow clone.

"It turns out to be a shadow clone."

Realizing that it was just a shadow clone, Kushina's collapsed state of mind returned to normal at this moment.

Nine Tails in the sealed space was immediately stunned.

"Then where?"

Kushina actually no longer paid attention to the Abby team, but activated her perception ability, only to return disappointed.

"Why didn't you show up?" Kushina's eyes fell on the Abby team again, but she was thinking about Ye Zi.

The weak chakra coat returned to its original strength at this moment.

She looked at the Abby team, and after confirming that they were unable to match their strength, her thoughts changed.

Since it cannot be stopped, then choose to delay until reinforcements arrive.

Kushina, who thought Ye Zi was secretly guarding her, was very confident. Although she didn't understand why Ye Zi was hiding, she must have unspeakable reasons.

She had a lot of doubts, but they were all put to the back of her mind because Ye Zi saved her at the critical moment.

"When this matter is over, I will definitely find you and ask you clearly what the unfinished words are!" she thought optimistically.

As for the Abby group, they had a little scruple because Ye Zi was secretly there.

The three of them were all deceived by the shadow clone that Ye Zi originally sent to collect intelligence.


Ye Zi's true body was far away from here, so of course she couldn't sense it. However, the Abby team did not have Kushina's perception ability, so after discovering that the person who sneaked the attack was a shadow clone, they couldn't help but take it to heart. The opponent was also a lightning escape master like them, so at the time of the sneak attack, For a moment, neither Kirabi nor Ai could react, and they were attacked by the other party.

Ye Zi, who was far away from here and was quietly following the troops led by Lei Ying, suddenly changed his expression and stopped, unable to help but hold his head.

"This is...the memory of the shadow clone."

The short but not long memory was received by Ye Zi, and then he stood on a tree and fell into deep silence.

Faced with such a situation, can't you help but come to the rescue after all? Even if it was a shadow clone, he was repulsed by such a brave and fearless rescue method.

However, as his own shadow clone, he would have made the same choice if he were his true body. However, if he were not a shadow clone, he should have a better choice. But no matter what, he still took action to save...

Ye Zi slowly put down his arm, and two people appeared in his mind, one was Ye Rui and the other was Kushina.

Collect the tailed beasts and return to Earth!

There is no doubt that the Kyuubi will be captured in the end.

So, this act of rescuing...

"Stupid behavior." After a long time, he said coldly to himself.

If there are people in this world worthy of his care, they are Kushina and Orochimaru.

"Just right, let's cut them off today."

Ye Zi, who thinks about the future carefully and rationally with a cold heart, knows very well that Konoha will be an enemy. Since he has determined that he is an enemy, he must treat him as an enemy.

He stared indifferently ahead, as if looking at the long, almost endless road.

Although the shadow clone's behavior revealed a certain degree of intelligence, it did not cause any changes in his psychology. Even if Konoha knew that he was still alive, it would not be a big deal. After the power he possessed increased, his mentality had already changed. Changes have already occurred, especially now that he already feels that Orochimaru is weak. In the past, he thought about how to surpass him, but now he actually feels that he can easily defeat Orochimaru. Moreover, the shadow clone's behavior this time made him think rationally about his future choices.

If you want to reach the end, you can't hesitate!

With a kick of his feet, he once again followed up with the Raikage troops.

The troops led by Orochimaru were completely wiped out, and the troops led by Kushina were also wiped out. As for the other shadow clone, there was no way to feed back information until it disappeared.

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