Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 214 Three more to go

After agreeing to join Akatsuki, the murderous intention previously caused gradually disappeared.

Being able to let Scorpion join instead of killing him is an acceptable result.

If possible, Ye Zi doesn't want to just kill the scorpion. After all, it's hard to find strong members. He has only recruited Kakuzu so far. The other people are too weak to stand in sight. At best, they can only be used as subordinates. As for the tail beast, plan, these weaklings have no qualifications to participate.

Fortunately, Scorpion agreed. As for the request he made, although it was very difficult, it did not reach the level of rejection.

"Konoha White Fang, it's not that easy to solve." Xie tore off a piece of black cloth and covered his charred mouth.

"I know this very well." Ye Zi put away the 'blood' and said calmly: "Konoha White Fang may be one of the obstacles in the future. Akatsuki and him will definitely have a battle, and the end of the obstacle is... death!"

Hearing this, Xie let out a deep laugh and said coldly: "I can wait. It just so happens that there is room for improvement in the technology of using living people to make puppets. Konoha White Fang, hum, this is excellent material. I want to use it to the best of my ability." Use the puppet technology on him, absolutely!"

"Let's go, Xiao's base is in the Kingdom of Rain. Regarding Xiao's information, I will let the woman with paper explain it to you on the way." Ye Zi glanced at him and walked forward.

"The woman using paper..."

Xiaonan raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Zi coldly.

Ye Zi ignored Xiaonan's gaze.

"I still have something to do in the Kingdom of Stone, so I can't leave with you right away." Xie did not move.

Ye Zi stopped, turned to look at Xie, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The hidden weapon used by the puppet requires the ore here."

The purpose of Xie's stay in the Kingdom of Stone is to find an ore called black iron ore, which is rich in magnetism and is relatively rare even in the Kingdom of Stone, which is rich in ores. In addition to being used as hidden weapons, it is mainly used as Because of the Third Kazekage's puppet.

Use this magnetic ore to make hidden weapons. Use them in battle. Even if you can't kill the enemy, they can still be scattered around. Then you can sacrifice the puppets of the Third Kazekage. These hidden weapons scattered around can also be used as one of the killing moves.

"Is this important? If it's just a hidden weapon, the organization can help you collect it." Ye Zi said.

Xie said calmly: "It's different. What I want is not an ordinary hidden weapon."

Many people regard hidden weapons as a powerful means of killing. In Ye Zi's view, it is foolish to comment on the sharpness of the hidden weapon itself, but it is not as useful as tempering it with poison.

However, this person was a Scorpion, so he did not look down upon him and asked: "With the hidden weapon you want, how much will it add to your strength?"

Xie sneered and said calmly: "I'm not sure I can beat you now, but with these things, it's more than enough to defeat you."

Listening to Xie's conceited words, Ye Zi's face was expressionless. In the previous fight, both sides had room for improvement. He couldn't figure out Xie's full strength, but since he could kill the third generation of Feng Ying, he was not weak at all. , however... Ye Zi doesn't think Scorpion can pose any threat to him if he uses all his strength.

"You don't have to worry about the ore. I will ask the organization to dispatch a group of people to help you find the ore. You can order the amount you want." Ye Zi made a decision directly. Since Xie said so, the hidden weapon must have increased the impact on him. It really cannot be ignored.

"Oh?" Xie was a little surprised.

Xiao Nan suddenly said: "The organization's manpower is limited now, and there is no spare time to come here to find ore. Moreover, the ore here is not that easy to dig."

"In my opinion, a hundred of your so-called manpower are not worth one scorpion." Ye Zi looked calm.

There was no expression on Xie's puppet, only a pair of eyes remained ferocious. When Ye Zi said this, he said calmly: "Am I that weak if I take a hundred people?"

"Absolutely." Ye Zi glanced at him.

"You you dare to come and have a fight when I'm ready? You are also an excellent material, and it will definitely be perfect for making puppets."

"I don't have that much free time."

"Hey." Xie snorted coldly.

Xiaonan looked at Ye Zi and said calmly: "Don't make a conclusion so early. It's not your decision to dispatch personnel."

"I will mention this matter directly to Ling Zang, don't forget, what is our ultimate goal!" Ye Zi suddenly looked at Xiaonan, the slight luster in his eyes was a bit scary.

Xiaonan was startled for a moment, then chose to remain silent.

"That's it, let's go back to the Land of Rain."

Ye Zi glanced at the abandoned mining area where desolation and barrenness coexisted, but he couldn't feel the slightest anger. After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and walked forward first.

"It seems not bad to join Xiao, although I don't know what your purpose is." Xie followed, side by side with Ye Zi. Xiaonan also followed after seeing this.

"Do you want to know?" Ye Zi said.

"If you're a little interested, it's okay to talk about it." Xie was quite interested.

"Become an enemy of the world." Ye Zi's tone was very calm.

"Haha." Hearing this, Xie Xie gave the most sincere laugh without hesitation.

Xiaonan looked at Ye Zi's mask-covered side face with a slightly complicated expression. Becoming an enemy of the world and conquering the world are literally the same in origin. If you want to conquer the world, you must first be an enemy of the world. However, What Nagato said about conquering the world and what Ye Zi said about being an enemy of the world gave her completely different meanings.

From beginning to end, she couldn't figure out what this guy was thinking.

Perhaps, this sentence is like Wuji's children's words.

Ye Zi walked silently, slowly speeding up, with two people following him.

The stronger wind echoed from the canyon. After breaking free, it swept away the fine rocks on the ground and rolled them into the air. Behind the three people, a wind of sand and gravel formed. After flying very high, the wind dissipated and the fine rocks lost their support. , pouring down like rain.

The three of them left the Kingdom of Stone and entered the Kingdom of Rain. They went straight to the Rain Ninja Village and took Scorpion to meet with Nagato.

Seeing those iconic eyes, Xie couldn't help but be shocked. But at this moment, he suddenly felt that Xiao seemed to be a very powerful organization.

Nagato turned his cold and ruthless eyes and looked at Scorpion. With the ability of his eyes, he could see through Scorpion's body at a glance, and said calmly: "In this case, there are still three more to go."

"Three?" Xie was slightly startled, hiding his doubts in his heart and not speaking out.

"Three... that's it soon." Ye Zi thought silently, and after recruiting three more people, he could start the plan to collect the tailed beasts.

Nagato threw a ring at Scorpion.

Xie raised his hand to catch the ring. He opened his hand and saw that there was a jade character engraved on the ring.

"This ring is very important. You must not lose it. The words on it represent your code name, Tamame." Nagato said.

"Jade Girl?" Xie Xie couldn't help but frown, but they couldn't see it in the puppet, but this code name was too feminine.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Xiaonan, the meaning was very obvious. This code name is more suitable for this woman. Forget it, it's just a code name. He doesn't really care about it, but he just looks away.

"Before Xuanwu finds the next member, your mission is still to make money." Nagato said calmly.

Ye Zi was not surprised at all by Nagato's words. He looked at Nagato and proposed that he had agreed to Xie's request before, emphasizing that this matter could increase Xie's strength.

Nagato thought for a moment and agreed to this request.

Collecting tailed beasts is not an ordinary task. If you want to set a level, it is a super S-level task, so the members responsible for collecting tailed beasts must be stronger.

"Your identity has been exposed, so you can take off this ridiculous mask." Nagato suddenly said, without showing any dissatisfaction. He didn't care at all that Ye Zi's identity was exposed. What he cared about was that the major ninjas The village attaches great importance to Akatsuki, but now that it is after the war, even if the major ninja villages pay attention to it, they have no spare capacity.


Ye Zi was not too surprised. He took off the mask casually, and with a little force of his hand, he crushed the mask into pieces.

"It's okay, this mask will block your vision and is quite troublesome to wear." Ye Zi said without caring. Before, he had thought of hiding his identity and leaving Konoha, saving a little trouble and bringing some convenience, but the shadow The clone rescued Kushina, and the exposure of his identity was a certainty.

"In this case, he will be classified as a traitor." He thought silently. After the war, he didn't think Konoha would have the spare capacity to send a killing force to hunt him down, but it would be hard to say if it was Danzo.

After all, he has been with Gen for such a long time and has more or less mastered some confidential information that Gen does not want to leak.

Despite this, Ye Zi doesn't care much. Now that he is getting stronger and stronger, and there is still room for improvement, he no longer pays attention to the pursuit from the root.

Xie turned his head and looked at Ye Zi's face, very surprised.

"Oh it's you."

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