Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 215 Country

The true face after taking off the mask came into Xie's eyes.

She has short black hair and messy bangs on her forehead, still a little away from her sword-shaped eyebrows. The dark eyes under her eyebrows are unwavering, her lips are tightly pursed, and her face is expressionless, exuding an aura of indifference.

This face, which had been hidden for some time, once again appeared in the sunshine, and from now on, it should be remembered.

Seeing Ye Zi, this made Xie very surprised. Ye Zi, who was secretly known as the mission robot in many ninja villages, was actually still alive.

"That old man Tsuchikage seems to have Alzheimer's disease." Xia sneered. The person who killed Ye Zi personally was Ohnoki. Many people know this. Now if the news that Ye Zi is still alive spreads, Ohnoki's old face will be revealed. , I guess I can’t hang on anymore.

Ye Zi glanced at Xie and said nothing. If it weren't for Uchiha Madara's intervention at that time, he would definitely die.

"The two of you will form a team for the time being." Nagato made a decision directly. The action team was temporarily divided into two teams to cooperate with each other to increase the efficiency of the mission.

Considering the compatibility of the teams, Ye Zi and Xie are actually not suitable to form a team, especially Ye Zi. If paired with an illusion master, the team should be able to become the strongest combat force. However, illusion masters are not cabbage and need to be cultivated. Creating an illusion master is not as easy as investing money and time, but requires a talented person with good qualifications.

Even if Bai Jue focused on this point when looking for talents, there was no news. Illusion masters were already difficult to find, let alone those with traitorous status.

Therefore, due to the lack of core characters, Ye Zi and Xie had no choice but to form a team. This was also the beginning of a two-person team.

Neither Ye Zi nor Xie had any objections to Nagato's arrangement. Anyway, it was a task to carry out, and having an extra helper would make it much easier.

Afterwards, the tedious task of collecting money assigned by Nagato was again thrown to Ye Zi.

Time flies by, half a month flies by in the blink of an eye.

The Land of Rain is always stormy, and Konoha and even some ninja villages are gradually experiencing turmoil under the calm surface.

Following the internal investigation of Konoha Village, the wanted book of Konoha ninjas in the ANBU included Ye Zi's information, and he was designated as an S-level traitorous ninja.

Originally, Minato meant to be classified as A-class, not S-class regardless of life or death. However, under Danzo's interference, it was finally designated as S-class. The reason was that Ye Zi had a lot of confidential information, so he had to be eliminated. .

Minato had no reason to refute this and finally agreed to the decision.

With their unique intelligence channels, the news that Ye Zi was still alive and classified as a traitor was known to other ninja villages. Except for the Iwa Ninja Village, the other ninja villages did not have much reaction.

The war had just ended. Although a truce treaty was signed, there were still warring factions who were dissatisfied with the truce treaty and tried to revive the dispute. In order to check and balance this, and in addition to the post-war cultivation and rest, the major ninja villages had no time to pay attention to it. this matter.

Only Konoha's roots are very concerned about this matter.

When he knew that Ye Zi was still alive, Danzo asked the intelligence points located in various places to start paying attention to Ye Zi's movements. At this time when manpower was needed, regardless of the situation of the village, he wanted to find out Ye Zi's movements and directly sent out killing troops. , intending to erase Ye Zi from this world.

Everything he does is based on his own will. Although he believes that everything he does is for the benefit of the village, he cannot deny that some decisions will harm the interests of the village.

Ye Zi, who was far away in another country, naturally would not have thought that Danzo would be so eager to take his life at such a time.

He and Xie accepted the mission issued by Nagato and plundered wealth at a crazy speed for half a month.

The existence of chakra allows people to obtain power, and with the support of power, rights are accompanied by it, and the desire for control becomes the core of power. The founding and origin of a country comes from strength.

Most of the small countries sandwiched between big countries were destroyed by war, but the clans that established the country did not disappear due to the destruction of the country. Anyone who survives has his or her own strengths and will not give up the opportunity to make a comeback.

The country is destroyed, but the territory is still there, so it is like a weed, growing and growing.

The establishment of small countries, the destruction of small countries, and the reincarnation of small countries are what big countries are happy to see, so the territory that exists in the cracks is always neutral, and those who want to build a world on neutral territory will not Quite a few.

After this enduring war, small countries with insufficient national strength will naturally fall under the influence, while the remaining small countries are just hanging on, hoping to breathe the air and bathe in the sunshine during the truce between countries.

Located between the Kingdom of Tang, the Kingdom of Iron, and the Kingdom of Fire, there is a neutral territory that occupies a small area, about the same as the Kingdom of Grass.

The division of the territory is extremely strict and clear, and there are as many as three countries in this small territory. In order to compete for this neutral territory on the territory, the countries that did not perish during the war will have to endure the war. At that time, they never stopped fighting for control of the territory.

Therefore, among the three countries, two must fall.

The military capabilities of small countries were pitifully weak, so mercenaries had a role to play, and a large part of the income of Ninja Village came from these small countries that rose up after their demise and then perished after their rise.

Located in this country that has yet to determine its sovereignty and is even nameless, there is a plain that has long existed as a battleground and the only way to the hub.

"Nearly a hundred ninjas? This is the military strength of a small country. I don't know if there is any talent." Xie hunched his back, standing on a huge rock lying on the plain, looking coldly into the distance. The team that came, what he called the material that could be made, was the material that could be used as human puppets.

"Ye Zi, don't destroy the good materials later. It's best if you can keep them alive." Xie suddenly reminded Ye Zi who was silent at the side. He was almost familiar with the team formation in the past half month. Ye Zi's fighting method is to use a long knife with thunderbolt to cut people. Because the sharpness is so sharp, after every battle, the enemy turns into corpses all over the ground.

At present, his method of making puppets mainly relies on living people, but there are not too many puppets. Even corpses, as long as the strength is up to standard, he will choose to use them to make puppets.

"What materials can such a weak country have?" Ye Zi said lightly.

"Everything is uncertain," Xie said.

The words went away with the wind and disappeared silently.

Their eyes fell on the approaching team.

Among the three small countries, this team is owned by the strongest one among them. The other two small countries have weaker military capabilities, so the alliance spent a lot of money to hire Xiao, with the intention of destroying the military power of this small country.

The so-called price is the wealth of the entire country and the money taken from civilians.

If the country is destroyed.

People are displaced, whether they live or die, and always settle in the next place.

As long as the strongest small country perishes, the people and wealth plundered will sooner or later be able to offset the cost of hiring.

A team of nearly a hundred ninjas noticed the two unknown people on top of the boulder, stopped and began to prepare for war.

"Let's start working." Xie jumped off the boulder and walked slowly towards the team of a hundred people.

Ye Zi glanced at the sedan chair in the middle of the team, jumped off the boulder, and faced the team of 100 people with Xie.

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