Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 219 Another one

After letting Nao swallow the body, Ye Zi and Xie got on the boat and headed directly to the west of the island.

Ye Zi didn't pay attention to the killing troops sent by Gen. Now he was far from the past. Even if Gen's killing troops came in an endless stream, they would only bring food to Ghoul at most.

The ship cut through the waves and sailed on the sea, far faster than traveling by land. The journey was calm and calm. When they arrived at a small island, a week had passed.

The location of the target to be recruited is too vague, so we can only find it based on its characteristics.

This small island is different from the country of waves. The island is rich in material and the people's living standards are still above the horizontal line.

After arriving on the island, the two first looked for a place to fill their stomachs, and then began to collect information about ninjas who used broadswords, but found nothing. In other words, there are more people in the Kingdom of Water who use broadswords, which seems to be a feature.

After staying on the island for half a day, I moved to the next island, but still found nothing. Instead, I encountered a team of Mist Ninjas, who were easily eliminated by Scorpion, and their bodies were sealed in scrolls.

In this way, in order to find Fengqiao Kuchika, he wandered around the surrounding islands of the Kingdom of Water for several days before getting clues about Fengqiao Kuchika's whereabouts.

Following the clues, the two came to the island called Luoshui among the many islands, and found the traces of Fengqiao Kuchulu as they wished.

The sky was gloomy, dark clouds were surging, the sea breeze was stronger than usual, and it looked like it was about to rain.

When Ye Zi and Xie found Fengqiao Kuchulu, they happened to see the latter being ambushed by a group of Mist Ninja Anbu. The two stood far away, watching the battle between the two sides.

"Just in time to see how strong this person is."

Ye Zi raised his head and glanced at the sky, then looked at the young man holding a straight sword in his hand. He was strong, with disheveled hair, and a square and big nose, just like the sword.

"It doesn't look good." Xie looked on coldly.

Inside the field, thick fog gradually rose, slowly obscuring the line of sight, and also hiding the Mist Ninja's killing troops and the Fengqiao Kuchika.

"Mist Ninja always likes to use this method." Xie said calmly, the puppet he controlled always had an expressionless face.

Mist ninjas who are good at using the technique of killing people in the fog will first use escape techniques to raise a thick fog at the beginning of the battle. Both sides are Mist ninjas. Using this thick fog as a battlefield, they will compete with each other in the fog. The killing technique also frustrated Ye Zi and Xie's plan to see Fengqiao Xulu's strength.

"If you are injured, then kill him. You should be satisfied with this material." Ye Zi looked calm. This kind of killing technique in the fog is just a trick in his eyes. With his perception ability, The fog ninja hiding in the fog looking for opportunities can be eliminated in seconds.

Xie said: "Do you really want to appreciate my skills as a puppet maker?"

The implication is that in this kind of battle, it is not easy not to get hurt.

"I'm not interested at all." Ye Zi refused politely.

Xie snorted and stopped talking, but stared at the thick fog that enveloped an area.

After a moment, a short scream sounded in the silent fog, and then it became quiet again.

After a while, there was another short scream, and then it became quiet again.

"It's boring." Scorpio commented.

Although Ye Zi didn't say anything, he did think so.

The movement of the dense fog always made a sound, and then calmed down. After making twelve sounds, the dense fog gradually dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Twelve times was the number of people who had been killed before, but it was unknown who survived in the end.

Xie said coldly: "It's finally over."

The fog dissipated, and twelve bloody corpses were lying messily on the ground. Among the corpses, stood a man carrying a big knife, which was Fengqiao Rudelu.

Xie's eyes glanced over Yulu's body, and there were no wounds. He couldn't help but regretfully said, "What a pity."

"Go meet him."

Ye Zi jumped down from the tree and ran towards the rotten deer's position, followed closely by Xie.

After a battle, Yulu was a little exhausted. Although he was not injured, his physical and mental losses were quite high. When he saw Ye Zi and Xie running towards him, he immediately waved the big knife and held it in front of him, his eyes Leng Ran looked at Ye Zi and Xie.

According to his past style, he would not hesitate to attack the two approaching strangers. However, since a battle had just ended, his physical strength and spirit needed time to recover, so he would not attack even if the other party did not attack. He will take action first, on the one hand, to check the situation first, and on the other hand, he will take the opportunity to recover his physical strength and spirit.

Ye Zi stopped nearly fifty meters away from Kuchulu, looked at Kuchulu in an attacking posture, and directly stated his intention, saying: "Fengqiao Kuchulu, join Xiao."

Along the way, in order to recruit members, he has found many rebels. Ye Zi has always been straight to the point and directly stated his intention.

Hearing Ye Zi's straightforwardness, the scorpion's eyebrows hidden in the puppet raised. He thought of the time when Ye Zi recruited him.

"Xiao? What organization?" Without knowing the purpose of Ye Zi's visit, Yulu responded cooperatively with the intention of delaying time.

Ye Zi said: "You can understand it as a mercenary organization."

Xulu sniffed and asked, "Why did you come to me?"

Ye Zi said coldly: "Xiao specializes in recruiting strong rebel ninjas, and you meet this condition."

"Let me think about it." Naked Deer said casually.

When Ye Zi heard this, a hint of impatience flashed across his face. Before he could speak, Xie said, "I don't like waiting for others. Join or die."

This last sentence made Ye Zi couldn't help but glance at him. He always felt that this sentence sounded a bit weird, not like something that Scorpion would say.

Xie Xie noticed Ye Zi's glance and looked calm. This sentence was originally said in imitation of Ye Zi's style.

"Okay, I'll join."

Xu Lu suddenly agreed very simply, which surprised Ye Zi and Xie. At this moment, Xu Lu quickly formed a seal.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

The thick fog suddenly rose, and the figure of the rotten deer quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

"Rejected, if you want to take action, give him a breath." Xie looked at the fog around him and reminded him.

Ye Zi said coldly: "This person's strength is pretty good, let's convince him to join."

"How do you want to persuade?" Xie asked.

In the thick fog, the sound of rotten deer suddenly came, as if coming from all directions, making people unable to figure out their location.

"You still have time to chat? I don't care who you are. A mercenary organization that I have never even heard of dares to invite me? I just want you to enjoy it, anytime..."

Ye Zi suddenly moved in a certain direction, and at the same time as his figure moved, lightning gradually began to rise, seeming to pierce the thick fog.

He was very fast, stretched out his hand, and stuck it on the neck of Naked Lu, interrupting what Naked Lu had not finished. Then, the thunder flow spread along the palm of his hand to Naked Lu's body. The powerful thunder flow directly hit Naked Lu. The deer was electrocuted and his whole body was paralyzed.

"If you want to persuade, this is the only way." Lifting the astonished rotten deer with one hand, Ye Zi said with his back to Scorpion in the thick fog.

"That's right." Although his vision was blocked by thick fog, Xie seemed to be able to see this scene.

Looking at the panicked eyes that were so close, Ye Zi repeated: "Fengqiao Kuchulu, join Xiao."

This time, Xulu was stiff and did not respond to Ye Zi's words.

Because his neck was pinched tightly.

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