Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 220 Trends

Hobashi Kuchika, the former Mist Ninja Village jounin, is proficient in sword skills and water escape, and his chakra volume is several times higher than that of ordinary jounin. Before he defected, he was also one of the rare combat powers of the Mist Ninja Village.

After defecting from the village, he did not choose to leave the Kingdom of Water immediately, but continued to stay in the Kingdom of Water. During this period, he fought several times with the Mist Ninja Killing Team responsible for the pursuit, and each time the group killed the Killing Team. Troops, this can show the strength of this person.

But now, he had never thought that he would be lifted up in the air in such an embarrassing manner in his lifetime, with no power to resist, and his life and death would be in the hands of others.

He looked at the young man in front of him. There was no emotion in those black eyes, as if nothing in the world could fit into them. This look was very familiar to him, because he had seen this look many times, but among the looks he had seen, none could match the look of the man in front of him.

This man must have killed a lot of people.

Breathing gradually became difficult, and the strength disappeared. The sword could no longer be held, and it fell straight into the ground.

This is a large knife with edges on both sides. The tip of the knife is semicircular. When viewed flatly, it looks like a stick.

"Even if I want to join, you have to give me a chance to answer, right?"

With his neck stuck and his body paralyzed, Kuchulu slowly rolled his eyes as he became increasingly uncomfortable, cursing in his mind.

Just when he thought he was going to die so wronged, Ye Zi suddenly let go of his hand and let him fall to the ground.

By this time, the thick fog had dissipated.

Xie came over and stood next to Ye Zi.

Naked Deer fell to the ground, breathing in the fresh air.

Maybe it was just a few seconds before he really thought he was going to die. It was the first time he felt so close to death.

He breathed the air greedily, and after feeling that his body's oxygen supply was slightly normal, he said directly: "I'll join."

This time, it was really simple.

Ye Zi nodded coldly, and initially judged that this person should meet the conditions for the Fantasy Nine Dragons seal.

"It could have been like this earlier." Xie sneered, then looked at Ye Zi and said, "Do you want these corpses or give them to me?"

Ye Zi said: "A dead person is of little use to you."

"Then give it to your psychic beast." Scorpion still prefers living people to dead corpses.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Naked Deer chose to remain silent.

"What kind of organization is Xiao? These two people are... very strong!"

He thought silently, being forced to join Xiao, he was still a little resistant, but the pressure given to him by Ye Zi and Xie was too obvious. The strength of the members showed that the organization was extraordinary, there was no doubt about it.

If the organization he joins is very powerful, he can accept it, because he has always advocated the supremacy of force.

Ye Zi summoned the ghost again. As the light of the cross dissipated, after the ghost came out, he didn't say hello and went straight to the corpses on the ground.

Under Naked Deer's somewhat surprised gaze, Nao quickly devoured all the bodies on the ground, complained out of habit that there were still dead bodies, and then returned to another dimension.

Afterwards, the two returned to the Kingdom of Rain with the newly joined Kuchika.

Xie was quite interested in the Blood Taketori clan who had the blood inheritance limit. He happened to come to the Kingdom of Water, so he wanted to catch one to make an adult puppet to see their combat effectiveness. He didn't want Nagato to be like squeezing labor, so when they went to Taketori When the clan was stationed on the road, they were forced to return to the Kingdom of Rain.

As a result, Xie's plan failed, and Ye Zi thought of going to the Wild Country as soon as this matter was resolved.

The three of them traveled together and trekked back to the Land of Rain.

He brought Kuchika to see Nagato, and after confirming that Kuchika’s chakra content met the requirements, he gave Kuchika a ring with the word ‘three’ engraved on it.

Since he didn't know enough about the composition of Akatsuki, Kuchika didn't feel flattered at all. He only thought that this was a normal and ordinary ceremony to confer status, but he didn't expect that at this moment, Akatsuki had already positioned him as a core figure. .

As a result, there are still two left...

Ye Zi couldn't help but get excited when he thought that there were only two left, but he was also rational. Even if he gathered nine people, it would still be difficult to collect the tailed beasts with Xiao's current energy.

After that, Nagato didn't give Ye Zi a chance to relax at all, and directly issued the next task, which was also a task to intervene between small countries.

Ye Zi and Xie rested for a day in Yuren Village before setting off again. When no suitable talents appeared, Xiao members had to work hard to make money. This was also because as more and more tasks were completed, Xiao's reputation gradually declined. After leaving, many small countries will choose to issue tasks to Xiao.

The land of fire, where the roots are.

The cross bridge where meetings were held and orders were issued remained unchanged.

Danzo stood quietly in the center of the cross bridge with a cane. The bandage binding his right eye and right arm looked very awkward. As a leader of Gen, he was very good in terms of strength. He had not performed tasks for a long time. That was why he was like this. The reason why the bandage looks awkward, especially since it hasn't been taken off for a long time.

In this regard, it's a good thing that he has the ability to make Sarutobi and the others not care about this matter.

"Mission failed." A figure flashed, half-kneeling in front of Danzo.

Danzo's hand holding the cane suddenly tightened, and his fingertips suddenly turned pale.

"I regret it." He sounded slightly angry, regretting that he did not simply deal with Ye Zi at that time, but wanted to use the mission of the trip to the Kingdom of Earth to let Ye Zi die.

Why did the Iwa ninja know that someone was invading the village but didn't know who it was? This was Danzo's method.

This decision not only almost caused Ye Zi to die during the mission, but also directly pushed Ye Zi out of Konoha. If this were not the case, Ye Zi would not have killed Kato Dan, and would have become a valuable fighting force of Konoha. Like Minato, in the third ninja war, he would have become famous in the ninja world in the name of Konoha. Perhaps Konoha would also I won't lose my vitality in this ninja battle.

However, reality can never be directly linked to if.

This feeling of regret passed by as soon as the last syllable fell.

He only regretted one thing in his life, and nothing else after that was worth regretting for a long time.

"Let the sixth team be dispatched." Danzo could not give up his plan to kill Ye Zi because of the failure of a team. He looked at his subordinates in front of him and said coldly: "Remember, even if the mission fails, One person must be left in charge of gathering intelligence.”

Raiga's data files are still intact in the root. Danzo doesn't know how much his current strength has increased, but he knows how powerful Raiga is, and he has already prepared for the worst when he assigned the task.

"Yes!" the subordinate responded decisively.

"Go ahead."

"Yes." The subordinate's figure disappeared.

Looking at the deserted bridge, Danzo's left eye flashed with fierce murderous intent.


Minato knew nothing about Danzo's actions against Ye Zi. He was busy dealing with post-war matters. He was extremely busy, especially since the country seemed to be planning to reduce the financial resources invested in Ninja Village. This would have an impact on the development of Ninja Village. major.

A lot of things happened after becoming Hokage, so that he could no longer serve as the leading teacher of Class 7, so he entrusted Class 7 to Kushina.

In his opinion, Kakashi, Obito, and Lin have outstanding potential, especially Kakashi, who is a rare genius in his class. He has great expectations for Kakashi, letting Kushina take the lead. In Class 7, he can feel more at ease.

It just so happened that Lin's talent as a medical ninja was quite good, and Kushina, who studied under Tsunade, was just right to train Lin.

Seeing that the development of the village was gradually getting on the right track, Minato felt very satisfied, but Kushina's occasional requests always made him embarrassed.

"I don't know how the master's progress is."

Minato pushed the papers aside and rubbed the sun.

Ever since Ye Zi was classified as a traitor, Kushina has been trying to find Ye Zi, maybe to find out.

Minato didn't give a clear answer, and kept delaying it because of the current shortage of manpower in the village.

Now Kushina was asked to lead Team 7, originally thinking that it would divert attention, but it had no effect.

He suddenly sighed, closed his eyes to rest, and planned to give himself ten minutes to rest.


The land of wind.

Ye Zi and Xie came here to perform their mission.

In his free time, using Bai Jue's clone as a bridge, Ye Zi and Yan Ye had a one-sided contact and obtained two pieces of information.

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, left the village not long after Konoha classified him as a traitorous ninja and has never come back. There is a high possibility that he was targeted at him.

Uzumaki Kushina has always wanted to find him, and seems to want to bring him back to the village. However, the village did not explicitly refuse, but was temporarily stranded due to lack of manpower. In other words, once Konoha has enough manpower, it is possible to target him. He sent out his troops.

These two pieces of information are quite useful.

But it was Jiraiya's actions that made Ye Zi feel a little bit better.

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