Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 232 The inevitable result

Regarding Akatsuki's information, Jiraiya added some more information.

Yu Ninja Village is Akatsuki's stronghold, but now Yu Ninja Village implements closed development and refuses to communicate with the outside world.

However, they have a mercenary force that specializes in making money. On the surface, it looks like they rely on making money to develop Ninja Village.

Compared to these, the power possessed by Akatsuki cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, after learning some information about Akatsuki, Jiraiya hopes that the village can pay attention to the Akatsuki organization, not because of Ye Zi, but because of this organization.

The Kingdom of Rain is just a small country caught in the middle. Like many small countries, it is a buffer zone for wars. It is generally difficult for big countries to pay attention to it. Among the many small countries, only the Kingdom of Rain will be taken seriously, because there is a person in the Kingdom of Rain. His name is Sanshouyu Hanzo, and he is also a ninja known as a demigod.

This is the fundamental reason why the Ninja Village focuses on the Land of Rain. However, after the second Ninja War, Hanzo's presence has been weakening. It seems to be his own choice. Until he was replaced by others, the major Ninjas The villagers knew nothing about it, thinking that Hanzo chose to hide in a remote place like the Rain Country and no longer had any ambition to compete for supremacy.

But one thing cannot be denied, that is, Hanzo has shadow-level power, but such a strong person was replaced by Akatsuki. So it can be seen that Akatsuki is by no means weak, and there are even strong people like Ye Zi and others. An S-class rebellious ninja from the Ninja Village.

The level determination of ninjas is basically genin, chunin, jounin, and shadow level.

Jiraiya believes that Ye Zi also has Kage-level power, plus the people who can kill Hanzo, and many S-level rebel ninjas, there is no reason not to pay attention to this organization.

Although Jiraiya made it very clear, what Tsunade focused on was whether anyone in the Akatsuki knew how to use Wood Release.

Based on this, without confirming the identity of the person in the Akatsuki organization who uses Wood Release, Minato gave Tsunade an unclear answer, that is, the black and white weirdo who fought with him that night melted into the trees and his aura disappeared. The ability seems to be linked to Wood Escape.

The idea put forward by Minato is vague and uncertain, but it is right.

Bai Zetsu can indeed use Wood Release, but Tsunade's starting point for wanting to know people with Wood Release abilities is to find out the murderer of Kato Dan, and one of the bases is Wood Release. However, White Jue can use Wood Release. , but not a murderer.

In the absence of intelligence support, the reason why Minato proposed this idea at this time was because the intelligence brought back by Jiraiya did not have any information about Mudun, and he felt that Tsunade was already uncontrollable. Just said it.

After hearing what Minato said, even though Tsunade was not sure it was this person, she finally had a direction.

"So, it's time to send a team to learn more about the Akatsuki organization."

Jiraiya explained the importance of Akatsuki and hoped that the village would take it seriously, so Kushina, who had always been silent, grasped this point and said the first words since entering the office.

Her expression was very calm, and Ye Zi was not included in the words involved.

Minato was stunned and looked at Kushina. He knew Kushina's thoughts, and the latter's expression was calm, but her eyes were extremely serious, and she also had her own stubbornness.

Jiraiya glanced at Kushina, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I will continue to collect information about Akatsuki, but my own power is limited after all, so Kushina's suggestion is feasible, but it must not be underestimated. Given the abilities of the Akatsuki members, even if a team is sent out, the members must be chosen carefully to avoid unnecessary casualties.”

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Minato couldn't help but think deeply.

The village's current manpower is still limited, and the shrinking finances have made it difficult to run the village and continue to train ninjas. Therefore, in order to overcome this difficulty, the village's task channels must be further expanded, ranging from digging grass. , missions as big as S-level cannot be missed.

Therefore, an elite team can play a big role in the village's financial revenue, but if the elite team is put into the task of collecting information about Akatsuki, nothing will be gained.

Considering all aspects, such a waste of manpower is not beneficial to the village, but the person who proposed this point is Jiraiya, so Minato will choose to pay attention to it.

He nodded and said, "I will choose a team carefully."

Before she finished speaking, Kushina slapped her chest with one hand, stared at Minato closely, and said in a slightly excited tone, "Let me go!"

Facing Kushina's serious and determined gaze, Minato opened his mouth slightly, and what he originally wanted to say was suddenly stuck in his throat.

No, you are an important Jinchuuriki in the village...

Such words are produced subconsciously, but they cannot be blurted out.

Not allowing Kushina to go was Minato's original intention, but he would never say the word Jinchuriki at this time, let alone explain the importance of Jinchuriki to the village, or after the Jinchuriki left the village He couldn't even tell the risks.

However, he couldn't refuse directly, let alone agree to Kushina's request, so he directly avoided Kushina's eyes and chose to be temporarily silent.

"Let me go!" When no response was received, Kushina took a step forward and repeated.

This step is a further expression of determination, just like the resolute and serious tone, which cannot be doubted or rejected.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Sarutobi watched the invisible confrontation between Minato and Kushina in silence.

Kushina's positive determination and Minato's evasive silence are the manifestation of the will of both parties.

In fact, from the very beginning, Minato knew that one day, there would be such a moment, it was just a matter of time, it was an inevitable result.


In the end, it was Minato who was defeated.

Hearing Minato's agreement, Kushina showed a big smile, and finally... got this opportunity.

Looking at Kushina's smile, Minato only had deep helplessness in his eyes. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Kushina to participate in this mission, not because of Ye Zi, but because of the danger. He didn't want Kushina to be in danger. Among them, if he were not in the position of Hokage and there were too many things for him to deal with, then he would definitely stay with Kushina.

"I will also participate in this mission." After Minato agreed, Tsunade looked calm, but her tone was the same as Kushina's.

She did not intervene in the atmosphere just now because she knew that if she intervened at that time, Minato might take the opportunity to transfer this spot to Tsunade and directly reject Kushina.

Jiraiya and Sarutobi looked at each other and both smiled slightly.

Should I say that he is really a master and a disciple?

Minato couldn't help but smile bitterly, now it's good, even Tsunade is going, and three important combat forces are gone at once, and powerful members will have to be selected later.

"This is really..."

He frowned slightly.

"That's it. I'm waiting for your news."

Seeing this, Kushina said a word, turned around and ran away.

Everyone in the office watched Kushina speechlessly as she ran for the door.

"Tsunade, you should stay in the village." Jiraiya advised after Kushina left.

"You don't need to decide my matter." Tsunade stepped forward without hesitation.

Jiraiya suddenly looked choked. He knew that once Tsunade made a decision, he couldn't get it back even if it cost a hundred people, and the dissuasion was just a tentative move, but Tsunade said it without hesitation. It hurt his heart.

So, he decisively changed the subject and asked: "Old man, Minato, what were you talking about Orochimaru before?"

Seeing Jiraiya bring up this topic again, Sarutobi's expression gradually became gloomy.

Seeing Sarutobi's expression, Jiraiya couldn't help but frown, and so did Tsunade.

Minato was silent with a solemn expression. Sarutobi still had to tell Jiraiya and Tsunade personally about this matter. Once the result was determined, even Orochimaru's identity and contribution could not change everything. consequences that should be endured.

"Orochimaru... seems to be conducting human experiments."

As these words with a tone of disappointment fell, Jiraiya and Tsunade were shocked. For a moment, chills surged from their hearts and spread throughout their bodies. The two of them seemed to have entered an ice cellar, their expressions frozen.

"Old man, are you kidding me?" After a moment, Jiraiya came back to his senses with a look of disbelief on his face.

Sarutobi sighed deeply and said, "I also hope this is just a joke. Although I can't be 100% sure about it, I still believe it."

"You actually... got to this point, that Orochimaru guy." Tsunade gritted her teeth, finding it hard to accept that her companion since childhood would do such a thing.

Human experimentation is a word that is even more taboo than forbidden art. Once anyone comes into contact with it, it is equivalent to drawing a line, cutting off morality, humanity and identity...the recognition from the surroundings and the recognition from partners.

"I have noticed Orochimaru's ambition before, but I never thought that he would reach this level." Sarutobi looked disappointed. How could he think of the student he was once most proud of? , it will eventually become like this.

A piece of skin shed by a white snake was picked up by a young man. The thoughts it triggered turned into seeds and were buried in the deepest corner. What will this seed eventually sprout into? Does it depend on the guidance of the adults around you? ?

Perhaps it has nothing to do with guidance. From the moment you pick up the snake skin, this is the inevitable result. Just like Ye Zi came to this world, Orochimaru took him back to the village, and his current situation is also an inevitable result, a result that has been destined from the beginning.

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