Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 233 Undercurrent

So, what should be the decisions we face next?

Execution on the spot, or imprisonment?

This choice should have been left to Minato to decide, and if it was his choice, there would be no hesitation and execution on the spot after confirmation.

However, Orochimaru's identity is not an ordinary ninja after all. He is one of the Sannin of Konoha, the apprentice of the Third Hokage, and the partner of Teacher Jiraiya.

Therefore, Minato handed over this decision-making power to the Third Hokage and Jiraiya-sensei.

Sarutobi took over this important task. As Orochimaru's teacher, he had the obligation to solve this problem, but even he himself was not aware of his wavering.

Then, the plan for Orochimaru took shape at this moment, and quietly pounced on Orochimaru, who was still unaware.

The protection from Danzo was not perfect, and it was also due to Orochimaru's own crazy behavior, directly plundering village members. How could this behavior be concealed?

The only situation that can cope with this disadvantage is that Orochimaru moves the research base outside the village, so that he will not be directly trapped in heavy siege when he is discovered. But even so, once the incident comes to light, the pursuit he will face is not Little things.

Although most of the ninjas in the village are out on missions, the Third Hokage, Jiraiya, and Tsunade are all in the village now, so they have enough ability to solve Orochimaru's trouble.

Things like this always require resolute action.

Once the decision is made, the first step of deployment begins immediately, and the web is being woven.

Land of Fire, Mushroom Forest, night.

In this forest adjacent to the border, a bonfire was burning, and two people were sitting next to it, namely Ye Zi and Xie.

Two huge wild boar legs were hung on the bonfire. These two wild boar legs were hunted several kilometers away. Only the two hind legs, which were the size of an adult, were removed. The wild boar carcasses were discarded there.

The flame burned the surface of the wild boar leg. When the golden fat dripped into the campfire, it seemed like it was inhaling delicious food. The flame suddenly climbed a little higher, and the alluring aroma of meat floated around with the crackling sound.

Xie was not interested in the tempting smell of meat or roasted wild boar legs. Now he did not need to eat at all and was working on improving the puppet's arm mechanism. He wanted to carve a storage spell into the arm and install a poison-quenching hidden weapon.

In other words, these two adult-sized wild boar legs were enough for Ye Zi's meal.

Turn the boar leg over and wait for it to cook.

The mushroom forest is very quiet at night, almost silent, except for the sound of firewood burning in the campfire.

Ye Zi stared at the pork leg that was gradually turning golden. His brows suddenly raised slightly, as if he was aware of it, and then his face returned to calmness.

He looked at Xie and said calmly: "I'll leave for a while and help me take a look at the boar legs to make sure they don't burn."

Xie didn't raise his head and refused: "It has nothing to do with me if it's burnt."

Seeing Xie's refusal, Ye Zi didn't say anything, turned around and left, heading towards the dark depths ahead.

When the bonfire behind him turned into a little firelight in his field of vision, Ye Zi stopped. On the tree trunk in front of him, a pale man slowly appeared, but he was a clone of Bai Jue.

"Jiraiya has returned to Konoha. The information he brought back is unclear, and he has made some moves. He has united many elites and set out for the outside of the village. Even the Third Hokage has been dispatched. The specific target is unknown." The White Zetsu clone said expressionlessly. said.

After hearing the information from the Bai Jue clone, Ye Zi's eyes became slightly serious and asked: "Who are the ninjas dispatched?"

The White Zetsu clone said: "It is known that there are three generations of Hokage, Jiraiya and Tsunade. In addition, there are many Anbu and a small number of jounin in the village."

"Aren't there any chuunin?" Ye Zi keenly grasped the key point.

The Bai Jue clone shook his head and said, "No."

Ye Zi frowned, even the abdicated Third Hokage was dispatched, and he didn't even bring the chuunin. What was the purpose? Is it related to Jiraiya's return to Konoha Village? So was this operation carried out against Akatsuki?

"Where's the direction?"

"At the two o'clock direction of the Konoha gate, Kotoye is following the team from a distance in order to obtain further information."

Hearing that Yan Ye took the risk to follow the team led by the Third Hokage, Ye Zi's expression changed slightly, and then he thought about Konoha's large-scale operation this time.

Not long after, he decided to go to investigate and ordered the Bai Jue clone: ​​"Follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked back at the fire spot in the distance, and then he was possessed by Thunderbolt, like a bolt of lightning, piercing the silent mushroom forest and heading towards the direction of Konoha Village.

The Bai Jue clone blended into the trees and followed behind Ye Zi.

Ye Zi left without informing Xie, and the wild boar legs hanging on the bonfire continued to withstand the burning of the flames. Over time, the alluring smell of meat turned into a burnt smell. Even so, smelling this burnt smell , Xie didn't raise his head to look at the boar's legs, but he was already gloating in his heart.

After a while, the burning smell became stronger and stronger, and most of the bottom part of the wild boar's leg had been roasted to char, but Ye Zi had not returned yet.

Xie finally stopped what he was doing, looked up at the burned black boar leg, and then turned his gaze in the direction Ye Zi left.

"Is this just leaving for a while?"

Looking in that direction, Scorpion in the puppet frowned slightly, but he had no idea at all. Ye Zi felt that informing him was a waste of time, so he left directly without even notifying him.

After waiting until the bonfire was extinguished and still not seeing Ye Zi, Xie realized that Ye Zi had probably run away for something, without even leaving a message.

"That guy!" Xie gritted his teeth.


Konoha Village, more than a hundred kilometers northeast, has a dense forest.

Sarutobi, wearing a black battle uniform, led many Konoha ninjas behind him and jumped forward in the forest.

According to the information that has been obtained, the place where Orochimaru conducts human experiments is in a hidden place in this dense forest.


Sarutobi's gaze cast far into the darkness, his pupils filled with complex emotions.

There were many ninjas following him, all of them were good players, and there were also many Anbu interspersed among them.

If Kotonoha were here, he would only be able to recognize some familiar Konoha ninjas, namely Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kushina, and the youngest Kakashi.

For the sake of Orochimaru, the force that Konoha deployed was luxurious, and it also showed the importance it attached to Orochimaru.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were not far apart from each other. They dispatched so much combat power to ensure that Orochimaru could be left behind, or in other words, to ensure that they had the power to kill Orochimaru.

"Jiraiya, do you have to kill Orochimaru?" Tsunade looked gloomy and asked Jiraiya beside her.

Jiraiya's face was solemn. After hearing Tsunade's words, he did not answer immediately, but looked ahead and remained silent.

Since Tsunade asked this, it meant that she didn't want to attack Orochimaru just like that, including him. Even if he knew that Orochimaru reached out to experiment, he still had the innocent idea of ​​​​pulling Orochimaru back.

How could it be possible for friends who have been together since childhood to do anything they say.

After a long time, he said in a low voice: "I don't know either."

When Tsunade heard this, she could only look ahead in silence.

A net targeting Orochimaru was falling from the sky.

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