Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 251 The plan begins

A lot can change in two years.

The rain ninja village is developed in a closed manner, not involved in foreign affairs, and has a steady stream of financial support. It is quite impressive. Such investment is not meaningless. There are many elites among the ninjas trained. The most important thing is to eliminate Hanzo. These elites are loyal enough to have left behind partisans.

The spread of God's will gradually took root in Yu Ren's head.

These will be effective troops in the future.

Therefore, the plan to collect tailed beasts has been put on hold. Recently, it has finally started.

The country Nanako once stayed in has always been in war. The rise and fall of countries are an endless cycle. In areas that do not have the name of orthodoxy, life is in ruins and the number of people has been decreasing.

This is a place where sovereignty has not yet been established. Naturally, Nagato took a fancy to it and secretly supported a national puppet. He also built a secret underground cave here, adjacent to the border of the Land of Fire, to place the summons. Before the chakra of the tailed beast is recovered, the outside demon does not have a chakra shell and is also very fragile.

When the plan started, both Ye Zi and Bai Jue were ready. The empty shell of the heretic demon image channeled by Uchiha Madara was channeled by Nagato together. Before that, enough demons had been left behind. Clones.

Collecting tailed beasts causes the outsiders to absorb them. If you want to follow the path of balance, you must start from the first tail. However, even if you don't follow the balance, as long as you don't go too far, you will be fine.

However, relatively strong tailed beasts such as the Eight and Nine Tails can only be put to the end.

Although the plan to collect tailed beasts has been launched, Akatsuki currently does not have the strength to compete with the major ninja villages, so he cannot act too ostentatiously.

Based on various considerations, the jinchūriki related to the major ninja villages were skipped, and the primary target was directly set on the four-tailed jinchūriki.

Judging from the information provided by Bai Zetsu, the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, known as Lao Zi, is a rebellious ninja in the Iwa Ninja Village.

As a Jinchuuriki, he not only defected from the Iwa Ninja Village, but also failed to allow the Iwa Ninja Village to recover such an important tailed beast for many years, which shows his strength.

The reason why the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki was chosen as the primary target was that it would have no impact after being captured.

The task of capturing the four-tailed Jinchuuriki fell on Ye Zi. Following him were Kotonoha and Uchiha Susumu. As for Bai Zetsu, after working with Ye Zi for nearly a year, new members joined. He was once again assigned to the position of investigating intelligence.

The Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, this is the first goal and the first step in the plan!

Lao Zi's whereabouts are erratic and he has no fixed residence, but the place he has stayed the most is the Kingdom of Tang. According to the available information, Lao Zi's current location is the Kingdom of Tang.

After confirming the target location, Ye Zi and three others set off from the Kingdom of Fire to the Kingdom of Tang, going in a different direction from Team 7 who was chasing them.

"Judging from the information given by Bai Zetsu, the ability of the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki is Melting Release. He can use a move to cover his whole body with lava formed by the change of chakra properties. In conjunction with Taijutsu, it combines offense and defense. It is very difficult to solve. You should pay more attention.”

The three of them ran forward. Ye Zi looked forward, reminding Yan Ye and Uchiha Shin beside him.

"Is it similar to your Thunder Prison?" Yan Ye asked.

Ye Zi said lightly: "It's different. The lava coat of the four-tailed Jinchuuriki is more difficult to deal with than my thunder prison. If you want to compare it, it will be as difficult to deal with as the third generation's thunder escape possession. It's not easy to defend or fight." no."

Uchiha Susumu and Kotonoha were shocked when they heard Ye Zi give such a high evaluation to the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

"Although it is difficult to deal with, its shortcomings are also obvious. It will be restrained by water escape. Among the three of us, your water escape is the best, so you will be the main attacker."

"Me..." Uchiha's eyes flashed.

Ye Zi glanced at him and said, "What? Don't you have confidence?"

"Nothing like that, it just feels a little weird." Uchiha shook his head, not wanting to admit it.

He can now be said to be Ye Zi's apprentice. Under Ye Zi's teachings, he has already mastered Mu Dun to a certain extent, but it is still far behind Ye Zi's Mu Dun.

In addition to wood escape, his chakra attributes are water and earth, of which water escape is the best.

With the 'Three Magatama' Sharingan and Wood Release, he is no longer the experimental subject who can be slaughtered by others. In recent years, his strength has soared, but he still lacks combat experience, that is, he lacks the kind of self-confidence that belongs to combat.

This kind of self-confidence can only be cultivated through constant fighting.

"I will be the bait. As for Yan Ye, there is nothing you can do to get the target. Just harass him from the side first." Ye Zi ordered.

Hearing Ye Zi's blunt words, Yan Ye curled her lips slightly dissatisfied, but had no way to refute. She took a big risk and luckily successfully fused the pillar cells. Now she can also use Wood Escape. In recent years, she has cooperated with the Wood Escape Institute. The new technique he mastered was really impossible for Lao Zi, who could cover his whole body with lava.

Theoretically speaking, Wood Release is restrained by Melt Release.

Ye Zi said: "I'm here to attract the attention of the four-tailed Jinchuuriki, and look for an opportunity to break the target's lava coat with water escape. At this time, it is the best time to attack. It must be dealt with in one go, but not life-threatening. This It’s just a battle plan, do you understand?”

Yan Ye and Uchiha Jin nodded when they heard this, indicating that they understood.

"Ye Zi, when the four-tailed Jinchuuriki loses his defense, it's the perfect time for you to attack. Use your poison to subdue him." Ye Zi glanced at the surrounding environment and judged the location.

"Okay." Yanye said seriously.

"The geographical environment of Tang Country is more favorable to us."

Ye Zi saw that he was getting closer and closer to the border of the Kingdom of Fire, and was about to approach the Kingdom of Tang.

In a country rich in hot springs, the closest to the earth's surface is a large number of water resources, which is an environment suitable for using water to escape. However, deep in the earth's surface, there are active volcanoes or extinct volcanoes.

It cannot be ruled out that the Four-Tails Jinchuriki can use the volcanoes under the ground, but what can be used faster is the water above the ground.

The basic explanations were all said, and the rest of the journey was silent. After crossing the border of the Country of Fire and arriving at the Country of Tang, Ye Zi took the two of them straight to a place far away from human settlements.

The Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki has always been a loner and traveled around alone, rarely entering a city or a place where humans are.

There are many hot springs in the country of Yu, most of which are used. Some of the hot springs that are not used are located in the mountains. This sparsely populated mountain is Lao Zi's activity area.

In response to this, Ye Zi rushed directly to the mountains.

Without the help of Bai Jue's body, it is not easy to find a person in real time.

However, although Tang Country is large, human settlements are spread over a wide area. Regardless of this condition, it is easy to search the remaining areas.

After resting for a night, Ye Zi and the others found Lao Zi in a valley.

At this time, Lao Zi didn't know that someone was targeting him.

There are few plants around this valley. There are many hot springs on the mountain or at the bottom of the mountain. Lao Zi was soaking in one of the hot springs. Besides him, there were many monkeys scattered in this sparsely populated area. Come to the hot spring.

The three of them came to the top of the mountain and looked at Lao Zi from a high position.

"Proceed according to the battle plan."

Looking at Lao Zi who was not aware of the danger at all, Ye Zi looked indifferent.

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