Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 252 A critical moment

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Potential crises are not known.

The first battle to capture the tailed beast is about to begin in this unknown valley.

This is the first step in a plan that can harm the entire ninja world, and it will be Ye Zi who takes the first step.

How much time has been spent running on a road without signposts, but today, I will finally take the first step on the right path I have found.

Red hair tied into a ponytail, a red beard, and black eyes.

After carefully confirming his identity, Ye Zi slowly drew out the blood from the scabbard at his waist, and gave his other long sword, the Blade, to Uchiha Shin.


His figure disappeared from the spot, as if a horn was blown, and Uchiha Shin and Kotonoha turned into black shadows and dispersed from the left and right.

In the hot spring, Lao Zi's lower body was immersed in the water, and his upper body was dressed in clothes. He stretched his arms and leaned on the stone platform behind him. His eyes were slightly squinted, and his forehead was covered with a folded white towel. He seemed to be enjoying the hot spring leisurely. , in fact, he will not let down his guard at any time.

This is the iron rule of survival for rebel ninjas. They need to always be on guard against the killing troops from the ninja village. It is this habit that once again allowed him to avoid sneak attacks.

When Ye Zi appeared silently behind him, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened. High-temperature lava surged all over his body. When the hot springs came into contact with the high temperature, a large amount of water vapor was immediately released, which floated in the air for a while. All around.

The light red blade of the 'blood' did not stop, it quickly penetrated into the steam, landed on the ground, and the touch followed.


Making this judgment instantly, Ye Zi stared at the thick steam with his dark eyes, quickly withdrew the 'blood', jumped back, and retreated a distance.

Almost as soon as he jumped away, several magma balls emitting terrible heat flew out of the steam, landed on his previous position, and exploded suddenly, melting out several large pits on the stone platform, burning. Debris from the flames scattered everywhere.

In the first round of fighting, neither of them got any advantage, but the commotion caused frightened the surrounding monkeys and fled in all directions.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sound of water being burned by high temperature kept coming, and the steam became thicker and thicker, but you could still see a red figure standing in the white steam.

Sneak attack is a method that Ye Zi is good at, but it doesn't matter if it fails. After all, the opponent is a four-tailed Jinchuuriki.

Forming a seal quickly, he used wind escape to blow away the dense water vapor. At the same time, several magma balls flew straight towards him, but the speed was not slow. However, Ye Zi's reaction was faster and he still had enough energy left to form a seal to instantly Shenju left here and avoided Lao Zi's second wave of attacks.

The steam dissipated, and the water in the hot spring had been reduced to nothing by the high temperature, while Lao Zi stood inside, wrapped in high-temperature lava all over his body, wearing only a white crotch cloth.

The melt armor covers the whole body with high-temperature lava. It is a move that combines lethality and defense. It is precisely with this move that it can withstand Ye Zi's "blood".

"Xiao?" Looking at Ye Zi's clothes quietly, Lao Zi immediately identified Ye Zi's identity.

Today's Akatsuki has been known to all major ninja villages. It is a rare mercenary organization and an organization that can be used by ninja villages to dispatch tasks.

"Why did you attack me? Are you hired by the Iwa Ninja Village?"

Facing Lao Zi's question, Ye Zi remained silent. He was not obliged to answer this question.


Thunder light emerged from the body surface, and a thunder stream as big as a thumb flowed wildly around the body.

"Such a powerful chakra..." Lao Zi frowned slowly. Even though he had coexisted with the Four Tails for many years, he couldn't help but feel that Ye Zi's chakra was very powerful, but his melt armor was not afraid of thunder escape.

Wood escape, the technique of wooden prison!

Ye Zi seals!

"Huh?" Lao Zi's eyes suddenly changed.

The stone under his feet, as soon as the vibration was felt, several thick wooden trunks broke through the stone layer, tightly entangled him like an ivy.

On the blade of 'blood', thunder flow entangled.

Keeping an eye on this opportunity, Ye Zi got close in an instant, and the 'blood' entangled with the thunder flow had just stabbed out. The wooden trunk entangled with Lao Zi's body suddenly exploded, turning into coke and falling in all directions.

Mu Dun was broken so quickly, Ye Zi was slightly startled, his eyes narrowed, but he did not intend to stop the move, the blood went straight away, and the thunder flow generated by the thunder prison suddenly condensed together to form several thunder flow spears , hitting Lao Zi.

At the same time, the high-temperature lava on Lao Zi's body was like boiling magma, exuding astonishing heat. Facing Ye Zi's approaching thunder escape attack, he actually formed a seal at this time, as if he planned to withstand Ye Zi's attack. attack.

"A mistake in timing?"

The thunder gun formed by the thunder prison and the sharp "blood" fell on Lao Zi at the same time. Because the purpose was to capture him alive, Ye Zi deliberately avoided the vital points.


The thunder gun exploded the melt armor on Lao Zi's body, entangled the 'blood' that increased the sharpness of the thunder flow, and stabbed directly into Lao Zi's right chest.

A flash of pain flashed across Lao Zi's face. He underestimated the sharpness of Ye Zi Lei's escape, which could easily break through the melt armor that he was proud of. At this critical moment, the magic seal was formed.

Melting escape, the technique of burning flow.

Almost as soon as the tip of the 'Xue' knife pierced his chest, Lao Zi's cheeks swelled and he suddenly sprayed a large amount of high-temperature molten liquid from his mouth in front of him.

Before the lava even got close to him, the terrible heat had already dried Ye Zi's skin. His heart skipped a beat, and he decisively withdrew the knife. He kicked his heel on the ground and turned into a stream of thunder, retreating some distance backwards.

A large amount of lava fell from the sky to the ground, instantly changing the environment and turning this area into a place where magma flowed.

Ye Zi avoided the lava. His coat was burned into a beggar's uniform, his right cheek was severely burned, and his black hair was also damaged. If it wasn't for the purpose of capturing him alive, Lao Zi would have been killed with this strike, and how could he have given the other party a chance to fight back.

Ye Zi was not melted into residue. Lao Zi held his bleeding right chest, slightly disappointed. The knife penetrated deeply, but fortunately it did not damage the organs.

At this moment, Susumu Uchiha opened his scarlet Sharingan and launched an attack.

Water escape, water blast and waves!

He appeared at the commanding height behind Lao Zi, spurted a large amount of water from his mouth, and rushed towards Lao Zi.

"Is there more than one?" Lao Zi did not look back, because there was Ye Zi in front of him who was a full threat.

Jin chose to attack at this moment. The timing was not very good, but it could also create an opportunity for Ye Zi.

He used Wood Escape to form a wooden pile with more than ten sections, controlled the force, and threw it forward. Those wooden piles came up in the air, separated from each other by a certain distance, and landed on the magma one after another.

The art of spiritualization!

On the shoulders, spiritual bodies emerged.

At the same time, Ye Zi jumped towards the first wooden stake that landed on the magma and used it as a fulcrum to settle down. Then he jumped towards the second wooden stake, and the first wooden stake instantly sank into the magma and turned into nothingness.

Relying on the wooden pile that disappeared in an instant, and with perfect timing, ignoring the high temperature of the magma, he quickly approached Lao Zi in a leap.

Attack from both front and back!

Lao Zi didn't hesitate at all, and directly started the first stage of tailed beast transformation. The tailed beast chakra overflowed from the body, forming a red tailed beast coat, covering the melt armor, or in other words, the two were perfectly fused together, a line made of The tail of the tailed beast formed by chakra extends from behind.

At this time, a large amount of water arrived first, directly submerging his figure.


The place where he was submerged by the water suddenly stimulated a large amount of steam, which slowly rose into the air while filling the surrounding area.

His sight was obscured by the steam, but Ye Zi did not pause at all. Facing the coming huge wave, his spirit body rushed into the steam and attacked with his blind spot.

He wanted to use the technique of spiritual transformation to control Lao Zi and meet the conditions for being captured alive, even if his body was hit by the water flow.


He followed the direction reserved in his mind, but missed Lao Zi. At this moment, Ye Zi was caught in the huge current.

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