Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 254 New technique...and successful capture

The dark red chakra condensed like substance and covered the whole body, exuding terrifying pressure and high temperature that burned the air.

Lao Zi was not able to control the second stage well, so his emotions were directly disturbed by the tailed beast's chakra and he became violent.


Let out a beastly roar full of anger and murderous intent.

Lao Zi kicked his feet, and the ground he stood on instantly shattered, leaving behind a shallow layer of magma, while he penetrated the air and rushed straight towards Ye Zi.

The fusion of the melt armor and the tailed beast's coat not only provides defense, but can also cause damage with just a single touch. Even if it is touched by the tailed beast's chakra coat, it can cause considerable damage.

Lao Zi is very fast, and in this state, it is not easy for Ye Zi to cut off his limbs. But similarly, even if Lao Zi is seriously injured in this state, he will not die so easily, but If you want to capture him alive, you still have to completely suppress him in a berserk state.


The ferocious body directly knocked Ye Zi's body into scattered thunderbolts. Immediately, Lao Zi's flying feet pressed hard on the stone layer, drawing a path of black smoky lava behind him. But the thunderbolts that were scattered did not disperse. Instead, they seemed to be attracted by Lao Zi's body and remained only a few decimeters away from him.

Sensing that the thunder-attribute chakra was surging around his body, Lao Zi shook his head and his violent eyes swept over these lightning threads as thin as ants. When he was about to directly use the tailed beast chakra to shake these thunder threads into nothingness, Ye Zi stretched out his left palm about twenty meters away from his nine o'clock direction. The thunder light stirred up, and a thunder beam as thick as an arm emitted from his palm and shot toward Lao Zi in the air.

The fluctuation of chakra instantly attracted Lao Zi's eyes. As soon as his eyes moved over, a beam of lightning came instantly and hit his dark red tailed beast coat.

In an instant, the thin thunder threads that were originally like rootless duckweeds suddenly turned into three-finger-thick thunder currents, forming a gray net to cover Lao Zi, tightening the restraint!


The network-like thunder flow was deeply engraved into the crimson tailed beast's chakra coat, causing wisps of black smoke to appear from all over Lao Zi's body.

Lao Zi roared and struggled hard. The strong force stretched the thunder net like a rubber band, but he could not get out of the trap immediately. Moreover, such a struggle only caused more damage to himself.

The three-finger-thick thunder stream was squeezed and strangled into Lao Zi's body, burning out scorch marks. However, with the help of the tailed beast's chakra, the healing speed easily offset the damage caused by the thunder stream.

This is a thunder escape move mainly used to restrain physical skills. You must have excellent eyesight and a fast sealing speed. When the enemy is close, you can use the thunder clone to offset the attack, and the destroyed thunder clone will turn into To create a medium with thunder attribute, use a thread of lightning as thin as a toothpick to stay around the target for about three seconds. During this time, the thunder attribute chakra must be injected to activate the medium.

Whether it's close or far away, when the thunder attribute chakra activates the medium, the lightning threads can instantly grow to the thickness of three fingers, and form a mesh at close range, covering the target, and then control the shrinkage.

If it weren't for the defensive ability of the tailed beast's coat, the shrinking thunder net would be enough to tear Lao Zi into pieces. And any taijutsu ninja who rashly attacks at close range without knowing the details will basically be torn apart by the thunder net.

This thunder escape move is called Thunder Lao.

Being able to use changes in properties and forms to this extent is actually inseparable from Hashirama's cells.

Without the enhancement of Hashirama's cells, the intensity of the technique would not be so easy to tear apart a strong taijutsu ninja, let alone a Jinchūriki transformed into a tailed beast.

However, even if the technique is enhanced, Ye Zi does not expect to be able to use this move to imprison Lao Zi who has transformed into a tailed beast. He originally thought that in terms of strength, even if he could not imprison him, he should be able to cause some damage, but the result was that he could not catch up with the tailed beast transformation. speed of recovery.

"After all, he is a Jinchuuriki in the second stage of tailed beast transformation... his attack and defense power are very terrifying, but I have the upper hand, and you have no chance!"

One hand controlled Lao Zi from a distance, who was about to break free, and the other hand held the 'blood'. The lightning on the blade suddenly surged, and the muscles on the arm suddenly expanded, and he threw it towards Lao Zi.

The 'blood' wrapped around a large amount of thunder attribute chakra was like a bolt of lightning. When Lao Zi broke free from the thunder prison, it penetrated his chest, pushed his body, and flew backwards. It penetrated from behind him. The tip of the knife came out and penetrated into the rock wall first, nailing his entire body to the rock wall.

Lao Zi's dark red chakra coat was rippling with thunder, and his body was trembling slightly. A pair of eyes full of anger stared at Ye Zi fiercely.

In the sealed space, the four-tailed Jinchuuriki felt the crisis deeply and shouted at Lao Zi: "Old stubborn, let me out!"

Lao Zi can barely maintain the second stage without being deprived of consciousness. In this case, it is impossible for the four tails to come out. The initiative lies in Lao Zi's hands.

Lao Zi, whose emotions were gradually dyed into an angry color by the Four-Tails roar, turned a deaf ear, not because he was affected by the anger, but because he was driven by his own will, and it was impossible for the Four-Tails to completely release and take away the sovereignty of the body.

Although it is not a 'front', with the support of a large amount of thunder attribute chakra, it still successfully penetrated Lao Zi, and the thunder attribute chakra on the knife could temporarily paralyze Lao Zi under the conditions of penetration.

"In this case, I should be able to stay calm for a while longer. Next..." Ye Zi formed a seal and rushed towards Lao Zi.

Wood Escape, everything in sight!

The extremely thick tree roots broke out of the rock wall and tightly wrapped Lao Zi's body. This was not over yet. From the rock wall, another wooden trunk sprang out and wrapped around the tree roots, forming an irregular side. Weird tree trunk.

"Not enough...!" Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he increased the output of chakra to ensure that Mu Dun could not be burned to pieces by Lao Zi's tailed beast coat before the effect was triggered.

In the sealed space.

Siwei could almost feel the threat coming from Chi Chi. He slapped his big palm hard on the prison rod and said fiercely: "Now that things have happened, do you still want to persist? You stubborn old man who is about to die!"

Lao Zi, who had his back turned to him, stared ahead and remained silent. This was his persistence, and even death could not reverse it.

On the bare tree trunks that were sealed layer by layer, buds suddenly appeared. Then, more and more buds sprouted, reaching maturity in the blink of an eye. The trunks were also growing rapidly, spreading across the entire rock wall.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zi stopped the output of chakra.

The emergence of green leaves means that the Wood Release has taken effect and is absorbing Lao Zi's chakra. Next, just control the intensity and make Lao Zi fall into a coma.

Just watching from a distance, Ye Zi, Uchiha Shin and Kotonoha, who had defeated the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki cleanly and neatly, seemed like they were just here to make soy sauce and not of any help.

After this battle, Ye Zi's sense of strength was directly improved, but he also realized that his own strength was insufficient, and his combat effectiveness at this level was of no use at all.

The two of them came to Ye Zi's side with complicated thoughts.

Yan Ye's eyes fell on the red burns on Ye Zi's cheeks.

Feeling Yan Ye's gaze, Ye Zi glanced at her and said lightly: "This burn is nothing."

As he said, even if he didn't use a medical ninja, he would be able to heal this burn in a short time. Even if it failed to heal and left an ugly scar, he wouldn't care.

"Four tails, captured successfully." Looking at the tree trunk that gradually stopped growing, a long-lost excitement flashed in Ye Zi's eyes.

Yanye and Uchiha Shin looked at each other, and they could see the loss in each other's eyes.

They followed Ye Zi, but this battle had nothing to do with them. This was not something that could be forgiven.

Tick ​​tock.

At this time, a raindrop fell on Ye Zi's face.

A cool touch came from his face. He stretched out his hand to wipe away the water stains, and slowly raised his head to look at the sky. Unknown to him, dark clouds were everywhere.

After a while, the raindrops fell in clusters, slowly turning from drizzle to heavy rain.

Ye Zi raised his head and let the rain wash away his dark eyes. He did not close his eyes, just silently watching the lines of rain falling from the sky.

Finally... I took the first step successfully.

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