Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 255: Moving towards the main plot and important supporting roles

Thank you everyone, this is the third update today. This is an additional update for the monthly ticket. I am a little tired and have to go to bed. I will continue to have fun tomorrow.


The rain was pouring down, falling from the sky, slowly seeping into the gaps in the black stone layers, leaving a mess on the ground, making the hot springs in the valley devastated.

After confirming that Lao Zi was in a coma, Ye Zi controlled the tree trunk to sink into the rock wall, revealing Lao Zi's figure.

The head hung limply, and the closed eyes were buried in the shadows.

The 'blood' penetrated the middle of his chest near his stomach, and the blood flowed out of his body and slid down the rock wall.

Ye Zi jumped upwards, pulled out the 'blood' neatly, and at the same time caught Lao Zi's body, fell downwards, and landed safely.

"Yan Ye, stop the bleeding and don't let him wake up halfway." After Ye Zi threw the seriously injured Lao Zi to Yan Ye to deal with, he and Uchiha went in and simply cleaned away some traces, such as the traces of the use of wood escape.

After Yan Ye stopped Lao Zi's bleeding and confirmed that his vital signs were not too bad, he gave Lao Zi a plant toxin that could cause a deep coma according to Ye Zi's request.

During this process, Nao kept making noises about the benefits he would get from swallowing the four-tailed Jinchuuriki. As long as he was given enough energy, it would not be impossible to break through the space.

In this regard, Ye Zi chose unilateral shielding.

After Yanye dealt with Lao Zi's injuries, Uchiha Jin carried Lao Zi, and the three of them braved the rain and headed towards the location of the Heretic Demon Statue.

Unbeknownst to the major ninja villages, Akatsuki began a plan to collect tailed beasts and captured the four tails vigorously.

After trekking all the way, we reached the neutral land on the third day, and then went straight to the secret underground cave where the heretic demon was located.

The entrance is located under the rock wall of a mountain, with forests on both sides and a valley in front. The entrance to the rock wall is bounded by a long gate.

Ye Zi formed a magic seal and opened the barrier.

The rock wall suddenly rippled like water.

Ye Zi walked towards the rock wall and submerged his body into the rock wall, making the ripples vibrate more violently.

Yan Ye and Uchiha Jin, who was carrying Lao Zi, saw this and walked in.

The scene changed instantly, but it was a simple stone staircase leading downwards. The three of them walked down the stairs and walked through the sixty-eight steps. When they reached the bottom, they found an empty natural underground cave with only a few artificial trace.

A long-bright lamp stood in the middle of the cave, emitting a faint light.

The opponent facing the everlasting lantern is a huge humanoid monster with a bundle of scrolls in its mouth. Above it are nine closed eyes. The body protrudes from the dead wood like wooden piles. It looks like human hands, raised upward, and is A pair of locks were used to hold it shut.

Only the upper body of the entire body is exposed, and the lower body seems to be buried under the rock formations.

This is a heretic demon channeled by Nagato. To use the Phantom Dragon Nine Seal Technique to recover the tailed beast's chakra, it is not necessary to reach this place, because Nagato can rely on the Magic Lantern Body Technique to target members and appear at the around them.

Afterwards, you can directly use the psychic technique to channel the heretic demon statue anywhere, and then use the magic lantern body technique to summon other members to perform the magic dragon nine seal technique.

This was not the first time for the three of them to see the heretic demon, so naturally they would not have any reaction.

Ye Zi asked Uchiha Jin to inform Nagato while Lao Zi was still in front of the heretic demon statue.

After a while, the lights in the eternal lamp flickered and went out, and a blurry black shadow appeared out of thin air, with a pair of cold samsara eyes engraved on it, but it was Nagato.

Then, blurry black shadows surrounded the ever-light lamp and slowly appeared. In the already dim cave, only a pair of relatively bright eyes could be seen in the dark shadows.

Using the magic of the lantern body, the ten core members of Akatsuki gathered together.

Kotonoha and Uchiha Susumu, who joined later, were given the code names of Suzaku and Qinglong respectively. Even though they had mastered the Wood Release, they were ranked last in terms of combat power without being proficient in it.

After everyone showed up, their eyes fell on Lao Zi, who had lost an arm and was lying unconscious in front of the heretic demon.

After several years of hard work, the core characters gradually penetrated into the organization. Before the plan started, everyone present knew the leader's purpose.

Collect all the tailed beasts and create a war weapon that can intimidate the entire ninja world and conquer the world.

"It's efficient enough, Kong Chen. If I let you make money, the organization's funds will definitely make a qualitative leap." Kakuzu was the first to speak before everyone else.

Ye Zi ignored Kakuzu's teasing and looked at Nagato.

Kakuzu, who was ignored, snorted slightly, but didn't think it was anything.

"Well done." Nagato stared at Lao Zi with a cold tone.

"Then start directly?" Ye Zi asked.

Nagato looked around at everyone present, nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Take your place."

As soon as the words fell, the ten people present used the magic of teleportation to reach the ten fingers of the heretic demon. When people stood on the fingertips, there was still plenty of space. From this, it can be seen that the size of the heretic demon is How big.

"Is it finally going to start?" Fengqiao Kuchulu's tone was a little erratic.

Kakuzu glanced at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

Xie and Juuzang were just waiting calmly for the next ceremony.

Jue slowly raised his head and looked at the ferocious face of the heretic demon. The corners of Bai Jue's mouth on one side were slightly curved, while the face of Black Jue on the other side was expressionless, but in the depths of the single eye, there was something. Unknown brilliance.

"Finally...let the story move towards the main line. Next, you have to work harder. The most important supporting role in my story...Ye Zi!" Hei Jue thought silently, then withdrew his gaze and returned to calm. middle.

"From now on, it will last for three days. Everyone should pay more attention to their own bodies." Nagato's cold tone reached everyone's ears, "Then let's get started."

With Nagato as the leader, his thumbs stretched upward and overlapped, with the thumb of his left hand on top, he was the first to form the 'Wei' seal, and then the others followed suit.

call out!

After the seal was made, the fingertips of the heretic demon statue that each person was standing on emerged with gleaming green light, forming a radiant green circle, with characters representing their respective codenames slowly appearing on it.

Ye Zi's word... is empty.

Everyone's consciousness gathered together to pull and activate the demon.


There was a sound, and the iron chain of a section of the scroll held in the mouth of the heretic demon was suddenly untied, and the scroll fell with a clang.

Without the scroll, the demon slowly opened its closed mouth, and the light blue chakra condensed into substance, forming a huge light group, which condensed in its mouth. Then, the chakra light group slowly changed, Nine light blue dragons formed and bit Lao Zi lying on the ground.


The sand and gravel shattered, and strong winds blew up, kicking up a large cloud of sand and dust.

The nine chakra dragons fused together, pulled the unconscious Lao Zi into the air, pried open his mouth, and began to extract the tailed beast's chakra, sucking it into the golem's mouth bit by bit.

As the tailed beast chakra in his body was continuously extracted, Lao Zi's vitality was disappearing bit by bit.

"Three days." Ye Zi looked at Lao Zi floating in the air. After a moment, his eyes moved and fell on Yan Ye and Uchiha Jin.

The chakra capacity of the two of them is the weakest among Akatsuki, but they still meet the conditions.

With Hashirama's cells, as long as the two of them are given time, it is not impossible to surpass the members present.

"After the first one is solved, it's time for the second one...!"

Ye Zi's thoughts slowly immersed themselves in the seal.

Three days flew by in the blink of an eye.

After extracting the last trace of tailed beast chakra from Lao Zi's body, one of the nine closed eyes of the demon suddenly trembled, and then slowly opened his eyes!

The tailed beast was pulled away, and Lao Zi, who lost his life, fell to the ground helplessly.

No one paid attention to him, everyone looked at the open eye of the demon.

After a while, Nagato said calmly: "The seal is completed, let's disperse."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nagato removed the Magic Lantern Body Technique, and the seven blurry black figures present disappeared in an instant, leaving only Ye Zi and three others.

The faces of Yanye and Uchiha Shin were both deeply exhausted.

The three-day seal was a heavy burden on them. On the other hand, Ye Zi looked normal.

He felt the terror coming from Nao Na who penetrated deeply into his soul, so he calmly looked at the open eye and whispered: "The first one..."

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