Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 266 The scenery seen

Since time was very tight, Ye Zi and the other two people traveled day and night.

The rendezvous point decided with Shiro Zetsu is located on the coast of Yuno Country.

When Ye Zi and the others trudged over, Bai Jue was already waiting here. Behind him was a sea-going ship made of wood.

The salty and wet sea breeze blows from the distant sea, making the clothes rustle. As far as the eye can see, the sea horizon turns black.

"It's a storm." Feeling the increasingly strong sea breeze, Bai Jue glanced back at the gradually thickening black horizon and said, "It's really out of season."

The black line is still far away, but the wind is so strong, which shows the strength of the storm brewing on the sponge.

Ye Zi said to Bai Jue: "Information."

Seeing that Ye Zi didn't care about the storm at all, and thinking of Ye Zi's attitude of moving forward without hesitation when he sees a path, Bai Jue grinned and said with emotion: "You are the only one... who is special."

Faced with Bai Jue's inexplicable emotion, Ye Zi just looked at him and repeated: "Information."

Bai Jue shrugged, and then handed over the relevant information to Ye Zi in detail. After the latter got the information, without pausing, he led Yan Ye and Uchiha to the boat, heading towards the increasingly bigger waves. Sailing into the depths of the sea.

When the wooden boat turned into a small black dot and disappeared from sight, half of Bai Jue's face showed a look of pity, looking neither fish nor fowl.

"Every time I see him working so hard, my heart hurts, even though I don't have a heart."

Hei Jue on the other side slowly opened his eyes, his pupilless eyes were calm and said coldly: "Hypocritical pity."

"Hey, how dare you call me hypocritical?" Bai Jue was slightly angry.

Black Jue said: "Before the tailed beasts are gathered together, we cannot take it lightly. Do you think he is so easy to use?"

Bai Zetsu shrugged and said, "No matter what, he and Nagato will complete the task of gathering the tailed beasts."

"Stupid single cell, haven't you thought about a problem?" Hei Jue sneered.

"What's the problem?" Bai Jue raised an eyebrow.

"Resurrection Madara." Hei Jue said word by word.

This is the final 'goal', maybe we can finally gather all the tailed beasts, but how to resurrect Madara?

What reason did Nagato have for resurrecting Madara with the Samsara Technique? And what method should Ye Zi use to make Nagatokai willing to resurrect Madara?

The purpose of collecting tailed beasts is the same, but Nagato's purpose is to create a weapon that can check the ninja world, so as to achieve the purpose of bringing peace to the ninja world.

After the tailed beasts are gathered together, the real business begins.

"He will definitely find a way to resurrect Madara." Bai Jue said firmly.

Hei Jue is also one of the insiders, so he naturally knows the reason for Bai Jue's determination.

"I hope so." Hei Jue said lightly, with a ferocious sneer in his heart.

"I'm very interested." Bai Jue said with a smile: "What will Xiao Yezi look like when he tries his best but ends up in vain."

"As for that, I... really want to see it, especially the scene when the 'seed' planted by Madara sprouts."

"Abnormal." Hei Jue hit the nail on the head.

"Your mouth is always so poisonous."

Black Jue slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking nonsense with White Jue.

Bai Jue looked at the unstable sea, grinned half of his mouth, and said to himself in his heart: "But, I want to see how far he can go."


Dark clouds cover the sky, very close to the sea. When the strong wind stirs up huge waves, it seems that you can touch the dull dark clouds.

There was darkness in front of me, as if night had fallen, and when there was lightning and thunder, a moment of light cut through the place where the sea and clouds met.

The brewing storm is about to reach its final form.

The wooden boat moved forward in the turbulent waves. Although it was small compared with the sea and the sky, it never took a step back.

Big raindrops suddenly poured down.

Facing the violent storm, Ye Zi stood on the bow of the boat, silently looking ahead. His lower body was integrated with the boat using Wood Release, so that he could remain motionless in the violent wind and waves.

Yanye and Uchiha Jin were driven into the cabin by him, and they were tied up with branches transformed from wood escape as safety belts.

Later, on the boat, he separated into several wooden clones. As hard laborers, his lower body was integrated with the boat. He held a wooden paddle and rowed crazily.

The clone is working hard rowing the boat, but the main body is showing off on the bow.

Fortunately, he is a clone, so there is no complaint.

There was only more than one day left before Mizukage set off with his escort. In order to catch up with this time, he could only brave the bad weather and brave the waves.

"You have to hurry up. If you arrive at your destination earlier, you can have more rest time." The rain fell on his face, causing Ye Zi to narrow his eyes slightly.

If you want to reach the ambush route in the Kingdom of Water as soon as possible, you have to waste chakra on the way, and then you have to buy time to rest and recover.

Although even if he couldn't make it in time, he could still wait for the Mizukage to return from Kyoto, the Land of Water, and then ambush him for a sneak attack, but to avoid long nights and dreams, it was best to seize this opportunity as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the Mist Ninja Village was shrouded in thick fog.

In the Mizukage office, the young and immature-looking Yagura held his chin with one hand, squinting at the roster on the table, and said helplessly: "I'm just going to see the daimyo, and the journey is not very far. Why do we need so many guards?"

In front of the desk, stood a middle-aged man with railing-shaped patterns on his face. The patterns were all over his face, and a standard sword hung behind him.

"Lord Mizukage, please be careful," the patterned man said solemnly.

Yagura tapped the roster with a single finger and curled his lips and said: "Agatha, you are just too serious. Instead of letting so many people follow you, it is better to let them perform more tasks."

The agouti maintained a solemn expression and said seriously: "Mizukage-sama's safety is more important than anything else."

Hearing this, Yagura rubbed his head and squinted at the names on the roster. These were the elites in the village and specially selected ANBU members.

"Tongameue, Terumi Mei, Ganshi Kisame, Ao..."

He silently recited the names on the roster. Although there were photos next to the names, the appearance of each person appeared in his mind in a more realistic way, mixed with some battle scenes. He was very impressed with these people, and every one of them was a good player.

"Ten much value can be created if they carry out the mission." Yagura's fingertips rubbed a photo on the roster.

"Lord Mizukage, as long as you can convince the Daimyo to go this time, the value created will be even greater."

"I know, but you also know very well that it's not that easy."

"Indeed, but Mizukage-sama must convince the daimyo." Agatha replied in a deep voice.

When Yagura heard this, his face suddenly fell, and he said helplessly: "I will try my best to fight for it. After I leave, the village will be under your care."

The agouti nodded heavily.

"There are still many restless people..." On Yagura's young face, his expression gradually turned cold, like the sudden snow in the cold winter.

In order to change the status quo, this trip is crucial.

Yagura, and even the entire Mist Ninja Village, didn't know that there was a person coming towards them.

However, even if he was not aware of the upcoming crisis, as Mizukage's most capable assistant, he was serious and rigid, but at this time, it had an effect, that is, in this period, such a solemn escort was arranged.

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