Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 267 Approaching

Break through the wind and waves, go through the wind and rain.

Ye Zi and his party arrived at the central island of the Kingdom of Water.

After only four hours of rest, he ambushed the Mizukage's route.

The three people hiding in the tree quietly stared in a certain direction ahead.

"This time, we must not be inactive."

This is the common thought of Kotonoha and Uchiha Shin.

The plan discussed was very simple, that is, Yanye and Uchiha Jin would contain the rest of the gang and create opportunities for Ye Zi to capture them.

A wooden boat came through the storm. In Mist Ninja Village, the diffuse fog dispersed early this morning.

The sunlight falls on the buildings of Mist Ninja Village, dissipating the moisture that adheres to the buildings.

At the gate of Ninja Village, a group of dozens of people stood here.

"Hope you have a smooth journey." The patterned male agouti carrying a standard sword stood in front of the door and looked at Yagura in front of him. Behind him, there were more than a dozen people wearing Mist Ninja costumes.

Yagura, who was carrying the strange stick, nodded slightly and said, "I will come back with good news as soon as possible. Before that, the village will be left to you."

As a Mizukage, when he leaves the village, he will give opportunities to those restless people. However, except for a few rebel ninjas who need more attention, the others are nothing.

"Yes!" Headed by the agouti, a dozen Mist Ninjas responded in unison.

Yagura smiled slightly when he saw this, turned around, and looked at the ten carefully selected guards in front of him. Each one had a different figure, but they all had the same costume and mask.

Judging from some features that cannot be concealed, you can basically recognize the identity under the mask in just a moment.

Terumi Mei, who was beginning to take shape, even though her long hair was tightly tied into a ball and wrapped in white cloth, she was the only woman who could be recognized at a glance.

I like to have my hair styled into an onion-green color, and with that hair color, it is also easy to recognize.

Kisame has the same onion-shaped hair, but his hair color is different. As one of the only two people in the team with this look, he can be distinguished by his color.

Among the ten Anbu who serve as guards, except for the Anbu who have been serving as guards, the remaining five members are all carefully selected by the agouti spirit.

Yagura just glanced at them and basically determined the identity of each person.

"Okay, let's go."

Yagura walked towards the ten ANBU, who tacitly agreed to separate a path for him to pass.

Looking at Yagura's back, Terumi Mei's eyes under the mask showed a trace of yearning. This was the yearning for the identity of Mizukage, and also the yearning for Yagura himself.

Her dream is to become the first female Mizukage in the Mist Ninja Village...!

"Ninja, you just need to fulfill your responsibilities and complete the mission." Kisame strode to follow, his expression under the mask was calm.

Qing subconsciously raised his hand and placed it on the mask, where his right eye was.

"I want to use these hard-earned eyes to see the way forward for Mizukage-sama." Ao gently stroked the mask with a serious expression.

Their different ideas converge in the same direction. Different people, different ninja villages, but basically have the same philosophy.

Everything is for the village!

Facing the early morning sun, Yagura led ten ANBU guards, jumped onto the trees, and headed towards the Daimyo Palace in the Land of Water.

The distance between the two is not too far, but it still has to pass through a lake area and lush forests.

According to the existing intelligence, it was naturally impossible for Ye Zi to ambush in the lake area. Not to mention that it was relatively close to the Mist Ninja Village, and the location alone was at a disadvantage.

Therefore, the only option is to set up the ambush in a forest area.

Without knowing the number of the opponent's guards, it was a bit reckless to hand over the task of containment to Yanye and Uchiha Susumu, but Ye Zi had no choice.

This is the second battle to capture the jinchuriki. Unlike the four-tailed jinchuriki who still have flaws in control, Ye Zi, who has some intelligence, knows very well that the fourth generation water shadow can control the jinchuriki.

Once a jinchuriki can control the tailed beast, its strength cannot be underestimated. It is not easy to deal with in the first place, and it becomes even more difficult if there are some guards.

Ye Zi raised his head and glanced at the sky. Judging from the speed of travel, it should be almost there, so he started sensing.

Ambush is a conventional method, but if the opponent has a perceptual ninja, the ambush is meaningless, and Ye Zi's perceptual ability can judge the number of the opponent immediately.

Suddenly, Ye Zi's eyes narrowed and he muttered to himself: "Eleven. In this case, Yan Ye and Jin need to contain ten fog ninjas. If they want to deal with the traces afterwards, only Yan Ye and Jin can suppress ten Mist ninja.”

He gestured to Yanye and Jin who were ambushing on the left and right sides, indicating that the other party should enter the net. The number of people was eleven.

After receiving the message from Ye Zi with gestures, Yanye and Uchiha Jin responded with gestures to show that they were clear.

"Ten, that is, five per person." Yan Ye looked a little solemn. As long as the opponent does not have high defense means, with the new technique she created by integrating Mu Dun, even if there is no way to solve it, it should be enough to contain it.

"I can do it." Uchiha gritted his teeth slightly. With the ability of the Sharingan, he would definitely be able to hold back the enemy and create opportunities for Lord Ye Zi.

He put his hand on his eyelids and said to himself: "I can't afford to lose the reputation of these eyes again."

A net composed of three people stood quietly here.

Yagura and the others, who were leaping forward in the forest, were getting closer and closer to the net.

"There is a situation." Qing, as a sensory ninja, immediately issued a warning.

As soon as his voice came out, everyone immediately chose a place to stay. The distribution was orderly and neat. Everyone's position could echo each other, and the function of gathering together was to protect Mizukage. point.

"Is there an ambush?" Yagura's expression was calm. Under the turbulent situation, many rebels separated. These people all wanted to take his life. It was possible that they had learned the news, and it would not be surprising to come to ambush him.


Qing nodded, took off the mask, and revealed his true appearance under the mask. He was not used to wearing a mask. He began to rely on his eyes. He felt that the mask was a burden, or he didn't like the feeling of wearing a mask.

At first, Ye Zi didn't like wearing a mask. Wearing a mask would narrow the field of view, which was very detrimental to combat, but Qing simply didn't like the feeling of wearing a mask.

After taking off the mask, veins suddenly appeared around Qing's eyes, which were wearing black goggles, just like the way the Hyuga clan used their Byakugan.

This is the trophy obtained from fighting the Hyuga clan in the third Ninja War. Relying on the village's technology and knowledge, it was transplanted to myself. It is only a preliminary grasp at present, but it is enough to judge the enemy's position.

The things in his field of vision have completely changed. The things in his eyes have become black and white. In the three places in front, the body flowing with blue chakra is especially obvious.

"There are three people! Eight hundred meters ahead, one directly in front, one at nine o'clock, and one at three o'clock." Seeing the ambush at a glance, Qing immediately informed his teammates.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qing frowned. After seeing clearly, he discovered that the unknown figure in front of him had an astonishing amount of chakra.

"Attention, one of the three people on the other side is a powerful character with an amazing amount of chakra."

"Oh?" I originally thought it was the Kiri ninja who had defected, but after hearing Ao's words, Yagura was not sure.

At the same time, Ye Zi, who noticed that the opponent had stopped, instantly judged that there was a powerful sensory ninja inside the opponent.

"You've been discovered, come out." Ye Zi jumped out first.

When Yanye and Uchiha heard this, they all followed suit.

The two sides were separated by a distance of 800 meters. After a moment of confrontation, Ye Zi made the first move to get closer.

The three of them jumped through the forest, shortening the distance between each other.

Seeing the opponent coming towards him, Yagura took off the weapon on his back. It was a strange stick weapon with a hook on the front and decorated with green flowers.

The rest of the Anbu, who had their usual weapons, also held them in their hands.

After the intervention of sentient ninjas, there was no need to hide, and the sneak attacks that the ninjas used as one of their methods were useless.

As the distance between the two parties narrowed, they could both see each other clearly.

"Konoha rebels, Ye Zi!"

After seeing the leader clearly, Yagura's expression slowly became serious.

Ye Zi also saw Yagura and the nine masked ANBU distributed in the forest, as well as an ANBU without a mask.

"Is that Byakugan? No wonder." Ye Zi stared at everyone coldly. The veins around Qing's eyes were very obvious, and it was easy to think of Byakugan.

"Ye Zi! The Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost died in your hands, and Samehada should be in your hands too." Yagura held the weapon with an expressionless face. Seven people with ninja swords are one of the important symbols of Kiri Ninja Village. Now But it was shattered, and one of his goals was to reunite the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Ye Zi also drew out the 'blood' and said lightly: "Who knows."

Samehada may be the living sword, but it has been swallowed by Ghoul and turned into cheap power. If Gho hadn't adapted to the power system of this world, maybe Samehada could bring him a lot of benefits. income.

Yan Ye held a green thousand books between his fingers, while Uchiha Jin held a sharp spear-like 'Feng'.

The battle is about to break out.

How to divide the battle situation.

It is the key to Ye Zi's side completing the mission.


at the same time.

As one of the most important passages in Sand Ninja Village, more than a dozen corpses fell in it.

"That guy, sometimes the information is very unreliable. He actually had to wait until now."

Jiaodu and Naolu walked across the corpses on the ground and walked in the passage.

According to the intelligence, Chiyo and Ebizo would leave yesterday, but they were delayed for unknown reasons, so Kakuzu and Kuchika waited until now before taking action.

With the help of the chess pieces planted by Scorpion, the two of them effortlessly passed through one of the Sand Ninja's defense lines.

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