Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 275 Shut up

A person, unnoticed by everyone, hangs far behind.

The white fox mask and the Konoha ANBU standard black cloak, in other words, the cloak is Gen's standard equipment.

There is a slight protrusion on the back, which is the shape of a knife. This is also the weapon that almost every root member will be equipped with.

Due to the mask, the protruding veins around the eyes and the white pupils cannot be seen.

This is a member of the Hyuga clan and a member taken under Danzo's command.

In recent years, Danzo has sent many killing units to hunt down Ye Zi, but none of them ended in failure. The subordinates assigned to collect combat intelligence were also caught out by Ye Zi.

In addition to losing a lot of subordinates, the information on Ye Zi is extremely rare. Relying on intelligence channels, we can roughly get Ye Zi's movements, such as this time in the Kingdom of Water.

After the killing team made no achievements, Danzo decisively gave up on continuing to bury the hard-won elites, and then dispatched members of the Hyuga clan under his command with the main purpose of investigating intelligence.

The feeling of wanting to get rid of Ye Zi was particularly strong, but he knew that it couldn't be done, so Danzo was not anxious. And when he knew that Kushina had formed a team to find Ye Zi, he was even less anxious, especially since there was Jiraiya outside. Also with Tsunade.

Therefore, he shared the general information about Ye Zi's movements with Kushina's team. Due to the time error, the accuracy of the information would decrease.

That time, Ye Zi was in the Country of Fire, and Kushina also searched within the Country of Fire based on the information given by Danzo, but unfortunately found nothing.

Not wanting his elite to sacrifice in vain, and having Kushina as a free thug, Danzo ordered this root member with Byakugan to focus on finding information about Ye Zi.

The root members of the Hyuga clan have always been cautious, and would rather not get information than let Ye Zi find out.

This time, thanks to the Fourth Mizukage, he got a lot of useful information. Just in case, he directly sent the information back as soon as possible as a psychic beast.

Afterwards, he hung far behind and continued to follow with his Byakugan.

Carefully staying behind, he did not hastily avoid the battlefield on Wanshe's side, because if he walked in front of the Mist Ninja, there would be a risk of being discovered, so he waited patiently.

After being ordered to break off, Wan Snake faithfully fulfilled the order and took advantage of his size, like a forest destroyer. With a sweep of his tail, he could sweep down a large area of ​​trees, forcing Kisame and the three of them to move in.

"Damn it, if you don't get rid of this guy, Mizukage-sama will..." Ao looked ugly.

This Orochimaru's psychic beast seemed to have an ability similar to perception, and could detect their movements, and then used its huge body to stop them here.

"Qing, go ahead, Gui and I will cover you."

Now that things have come to an end, Terumi Mei has a fierce look on his face, as if he was affected by Yan Ye's actions.

"I create opportunities for you." Kisame casually threw away the long sword with a broken blade. Even though he had a lot of chakra, he had consumed a lot of it after such a long battle.

Hearing Kisame's words, Terumi Mei and Ao looked at each other, this was the best thing.

Ao can track, Terumi Mei is the main attacker, and the two can be matched.

"Smelly snake, watch me tear you apart."

Kisame sneered, and after avoiding the area where Wan Snake was wreaking havoc, he was about to form a seal, and when he used the remaining chakra to use large-scale water escape, he saw Wan Snake's huge body turning into white smoke without any warning, and disappeared in the original place. land.

The three of them were slightly stunned when they saw this, and then immediately realized that the time limit for the psychic beast was up.

White smoke floated slowly above the forest. The three of them didn't speak, and they all chased in the direction Ye Zi left.

Seeing the mist ninja disappearing and leaving, the white-eyed ninja followed silently.

The Kingdom of Water is mostly composed of islands. The island where Mist Ninja Village is located is the largest island among the islands. If you want to leave the Kingdom of Water, you must go through the waterway after leaving the main island, unless there is a psychic beast that can fly.

Unfortunately, none of Ye Zi and the other three have psychic beasts that can fly.

Holding Yan Ye in his arms, he ran all the way without any spare time to create misleading traces. He quickly left the forest and crossed a plain. Beyond that, there was the edge of the island and the beach.

After running for a certain distance on the plain, he suddenly noticed the enemy's movements within the sensing range. Ye Zi did not look back, but frowned slightly.

If you turn around, you can see three figures coming out of the forest shortly behind you in the unobstructed plain.

Yan Ye huddled in Ye Zi's arms, saw Ye Zi's frown, and immediately realized that the enemy might be catching up. She was silent, and an idea arose in her mind.

"Have the enemy caught up?" Her tone was slightly weak.

When Jin Xing heard the words, his eyes changed.

After Ye Zi was silent for a moment, he said calmly: "It's right behind you."

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Jin immediately looked back. Sure enough, he could already see the figures of three Mist Ninjas.

"Let me stay, it can delay the time for a while." Yan Ye suddenly said seriously.

Jin's eyelids twitched, and when he was about to say something, he heard Yan Ye continue: "I'm just a burden now... So, Ye Zi, you just..."

"Shut up."

Ye Zi said two words coldly, preempting Jian Ye's next words.

When he heard Yan Ye's proposal to stay and break up, Ye Zi felt anger rising from his heart. After Yan Ye had done this for him, he really couldn't accept Yan Ye's despising his own life. Even if it was for him, it couldn't be done.

Therefore, when I said those two words, there was a slight anger.

Jin looked at Ye Zi looking straight ahead, his eyes unwavering, and opened his mouth without saying anything.

Those two words filled with anger were his last words. After that, Yan Ye obediently stopped saying any more words and closed his eyes feebly.

The three of them walked forward in silence, across the plain, and finally came to the edge of the island, which was the beach, and the pursuers behind them were getting closer and closer.

There is no boat on the beach, so if you want to leave, you can only use chakra attached to the soles of your feet and directly cross the sea to the next island.

After Ye Zi and Uchiha came to the beach, they did not hesitate at all and ran directly on the sea. Surrounding the main island were many small islands.

Taking this as the starting point, we will encounter many small islands on the way, which can be used as rest stops on the way. But now, what we need to get rid of is the pursuers behind us.

Ye Zi and the others stepped onto the sea, and Qing and others chasing after them also stepped onto the sea after a while.

Qing Youbaiyan, so he could see the situation of Ye Zi and the others, but he did not see Yagura's figure, but he didn't know what the situation was.

Even so, Ao talked to Terumi Mei and Kisame, and the three of them decided to continue chasing.

Even if Ye Zi hid Yagura, they found nothing unusual along the way, so they did not give up the pursuit. If they wanted to know where Yagura was, they would just chase Ye Zi.

Ye Zi must not be allowed to leave the Kingdom of Water just like this.

With this idea in mind, Qing and the other three bit Ye Zi tightly.

At the same time, among the many small islands in the Kingdom of Water, a group of uninvited guests were welcomed.

The island is not the main island, so it is difficult to see ninjas, and this group of uninvited guests are also ninjas, but they are Konoha ninjas, not Mist ninjas.

The war stopped for more than two years, and there was no obvious hostility between the countries.

It's not a big deal for Konoha ninjas to come to the Kingdom of Water, especially since it's hard to see Mist ninjas on the small island, so there's nothing to be wary of.

This ninja team from Konoha is led by a young girl with the iconic long crimson hair, Uzumaki Kushina.

Next to her was the seventh team she led, namely Kakashi, Obito, and Lin.

When I came to the Kingdom of Water at this time, I came here for Ye Zi.

They had traveled through several small islands before arriving here.

"Where will it be...?"

After a brief supply of supplies in the town, Kushina left the town with Team 7 and went in a random direction.

This is an enemy country, and they cannot carry out their usual search method, which is a carpet search method with a range of five kilometers.

After searching one place, just change to another. This fool-like search method is the most effective method when you don't know the target's movements.

However, due to various factors, effective search methods cannot be used, so more can only be relied on luck.

So, where will fate lead?

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