Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 276 Double Teaming

Above the sea, the two people moved quickly, pulling out a surging white wave.

When there was no choice, this was the only choice. As soon as they entered the sea, the distance between the two sides was obviously getting closer. The time created by the separation of the snakes was completely destroyed by several sharks.

That was Kisame's psychic beast, which channeled a total of three strong sharks, carrying the three of them, which were not only fast, but also conserved chakra.

The two sides started a chase battle above the sea, and Ye Zi's side showed a clear disadvantage.

In the process of being chased, Yan Ye unconsciously fell into a coma.

Extensive burns, chakra bottoming out, lack of physical strength, and unsuppressed pain. As time went by, under the influence of various factors, he passed out.

When Yan Ye was unconscious, Ye Zi knew that the comforting words he said before turned pale at this moment.

The pursuers coming from behind were nothing, and they were not taken seriously. However, without medical ninjas, Yan Ye's injuries could not be treated immediately, not to mention the injuries on his face. If it continued like this, even his life would be in danger.

The pursuers in the sensing range are closing the distance. If they continue at this speed, they will probably catch up by the time they reach the next island.

By then, there will be no time to deal with them. It means that we are now racing against time. If necessary, one person must be left to break up the rear.

In terms of strength, it would be best for him to stay. If he stayed to cut off the rear, his death would basically be declared.

However, if you want to carry Yan Ye forward, the speed of travel will be too slow.

If possible, he doesn't want to lose anyone, Yan Ye or Jin, because both of them are rare helpers nowadays.

At this moment, the outline of an island appeared in the field of vision.

Jin looked at the outline of the island and suddenly said: "Master Ye Zi, after we get to that island, I will stay behind."

As long as he turned around, he could see the three pursuers behind him. The distance was almost to the warning line, and he and Ye Zi's running on the sea also consumed part of their chakra along the way.

One thing is very clear. If you want Yan Ye to be safe and sound, you must leave someone behind, and this person can only be him.

Because Ye Zi was faster than him, but just to take care of him, he kept the same speed as him.

The reason why he took the initiative to stay was very simple, it was for Yan Ye and for Ye Zi, whom he respected.

Hearing Jin's initiative, Ye Zi silently looked ahead. After a moment, he glanced at Jin and then looked away, saying calmly: "If you stay, you will die."

"I know." Jin looked calm. In his current state, it would be difficult for him to survive if he stayed behind.

Jin's calm expression and tone surprised Ye Zi. It was surprising enough that Jin took the initiative to bring it up before he opened his mouth. However, when Jin brought it up, he was already mentally prepared for death, which made him even more surprised. It was an accident.

For a moment, Ye Zi was silent. If it had been before, he might have agreed to Xia Jin's request without hesitation. However, now he has regarded Yan Ye and Jin as his right-hand man. When the situation is not serious yet, When it came time to give up his left and right arms, he didn't want to give them up so easily.

It is not difficult to find a person with good talent, but it is not that easy to find someone with good talent, good strength and who can return to his or her heart. Even if there is one, it will take time to settle.

For example, the group of children in the stronghold will probably obey no matter what orders Ye Zi gives. However, with their current abilities, they cannot bring anything to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi's silence caused the island in his field of vision to slowly grow in size, and soon it was right in front of him, and the pursuers behind him were almost within attack range.


When he was about to land on the island, Ye Zi agreed with a calm expression, but in his heart, there was an extra emotion that he couldn't let go.

The Jinchuuriki has been captured successfully. In his current state, it is easy to leave. However, Kotonoha and Shin cannot be as relaxed as him, especially when Kotoba is still seriously injured and in a coma.

Should I abandon Yanye or Uchiha Shin?

Ye Zi doesn't want to give up either of them. Both of them are people who can risk their lives for themselves. They have already left a weight in his heart, but if he stays and ends the relationship, Yan Ye's risks will increase exponentially.

It means that if he stays and cuts off the queen, Jin Ti will be fine, but Yan Ye is not sure. As long as Jin stays and cuts off the queen, he can stimulate his body with thunder escape and get rid of the pursuers as quickly as possible, even if he doesn't return. Strongholds, you can also find healing methods along the way.

If the spores in Yan Ye's body had not been used up, there might not be any need to make such a choice.

Since Jin had made his own choice, Ye Zi would not refuse him in this case.

The two landed on the island in silence, crossed the beach, and the first terrain they came to was a small plain.

Although he knew that this choice would put him in danger, Jin's mood did not change much. Even he himself didn't know why this happened.

Maybe it's because of Yan Ye's many rescues... But now, it's him who takes this position.

"That's it." Shin said, then he turned and stopped.

Across the beach, Terumi Mei and the other three, who were already very close, suddenly stopped.

Just because Uchiha stopped, this extremely obvious decision was not enough to make all three of them stop their pursuit.

The reason is simple, because not only did Jin stop, but Ye Zi, who was holding Yan Ye, also stopped.

Feeling that Ye Zi also stopped, Jin didn't know why, so he didn't turn around, but looked at Terumi Mei and the others and immediately asked: "Why did you stop?"

Ye Zi didn't answer, just looked ahead and frowned slowly.

Within the range of perception, there are four breaths coming quickly.

On the edge of the forest on the edge of the plain, four black shadows suddenly flew out of the forest, drew black arcs in the air, and landed on the plain.

A team that should not be here appears just like that, it is Team 7 led by Kushina.

Long before Ye Zi sensed their aura, Kushina sensed Ye Zi's unique chakra feeling, which was farther, wider, and more accurate than Ye Zi's perception.

After sensing Ye Zi's chakra, Kushina changed her direction without saying a word and headed straight for Ye Zi's location.

The slightly excited look was noticed by Kakashi and the other three, so even though Kushina didn't say anything, they were vaguely aware of it.

"Have you found that man..." Kakashi thought silently.

A group of four people quickly passed through the edge of the forest and landed on the plains. On the unobstructed terrain, it was indeed that man.

Ye Zi's face gradually turned ugly when he saw Kushina and three brats appearing in front of him.

Reunited after a long separation, Kushina's mood became very complicated. After experiencing the night of chasing Orochimaru, the scale in her heart had actually been vaguely biased in one direction.

However, Kushina was still stubborn and refused to convince herself. No matter what, she would bring Ye Zi back to the village. The reason was that she did not feel any malice from Ye Zi that night.

This is enough for the reason.

"Ye Zi." Kushina glanced past Ye Zi and the other three, her eyes stopping for a moment at Yan Ye in Ye Zi's arms.

With their arrival, a strange situation suddenly formed on the field, and Ye Zi and the other three were in a situation where they were being double-teamed from front to back.

Jin, who was wondering why Ye Zi stopped, glanced back and saw Kushina and others, and then he understood.

He was double-teamed, so it made no sense for him to stay behind.

That Yanye...

For a moment, his expression darkened.

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