Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 281: Ten minutes before leaving

The treatment was coming to an end, and the pain that tortured Yan Ye disappeared.

There was a hint of awakening in his face that was becoming calmer.

Before Yan Ye woke up, the treatment had ended.

Kushina stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat from her face, with fatigue in her eyes. She stood up calmly, and the tip of the knife against her neck moved with her movements.

"It's cured." Ignoring the tip of the knife pressed against the vital part, Kushina looked at Ye Zi quietly, her face as calm as water.

Facing Kushina's calm gaze, Ye Zi also looked at her calmly. The calmness of the two people matched perfectly at this moment.

Their eyes intertwined in mid-air, as if separated by an invisible wall.

"Thank you." Ye Zi suddenly thanked her sincerely, even though the gesture of squeezing Lin with one hand was very embarrassing.

Kushina's eyes trembled, then she calmed down again, and said in a deep voice: "Just say thank you. Fulfill your promise and let Lin go."

"Not yet." Ye Zi said coldly.

"When was that?"

"not now."


"Do I look that stupid?"

"You're an asshole."


The conversation without pause left the three people in Team 7 speechless.

Ye Zi turned his gaze away and looked at Yan Ye, whose closed eyes were trembling slightly.

Kushina followed Ye Zi's gaze and looked at Yanye. Under her careful treatment, Yanye seemed to be fine. However, the shock of her previous miserable appearance may not be felt for a long time. disappear.


Yan Ye made a low sound, and his trembling eyelids suddenly opened. When he realized that he was lying on the ground, he jumped up like a reflex. When he stood, the pale green Qianben was already in his hands.

Only two left...

That extreme reaction did not make everyone present laugh. This was the reaction that a qualified ninja should have.


After reacting, Yan Ye quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, and finally landed on Ye Zi, who was more than ten steps away. He was slightly startled when he saw Lin being held hostage by Ye Zi, and Uzumaki Jiuxin. Nai, why are you here?

"come over."

Ye Zi said to Yan Ye.

Yan Ye immediately took a few steps and came to Ye Zi's side. At this time, she realized that she had no injuries on her body and couldn't help but look at Kushina.

She had spent a lot of time in Konoha and had a certain understanding of Konoha. She knew that Kushina was apprenticed to Tsunade and had a very high level of medical care. Therefore, her injuries were treated by Kushina.

The reason why he healed her enemy must be the girl who was choked by Ye Zi.

The doubts I had when I woke up were quickly clarified, but I was just not sure if they were correct.

At this time, she naturally wouldn't ask too much. She just stood silently next to Ye Zi and looked at Kushina quietly, a woman she had cared about before.

"Master Ye Zi, the situation is favorable to us." Shin looked at Kushina and said.

Kotonoha was cured, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he would not thank Kushina because the two parties were enemies.

The 'sharp' he held in his hand could pierce Kushina's neck with just one force, and Ye Zi held Lin hostage, so he would say words that were favorable to the situation.

After hearing Uchiha Shin's words, Lin, Obito, and Kakashi's expressions all changed. The underlying meaning of this sentence was that the other party wanted to break the contract.

"This is developing in the worst direction. Both Kushina-sensei and Lin have been restrained. How can we reverse the situation?" Kakashi thought, and he would not have any emotions about Kushina-sensei's somewhat stupid approach. , all he was thinking about was how to keep his partner.

People are so easily affected by the environment...

The genius who believed in mission first was now a ninja who thought about his friends.

"If you dare to hurt Rin and Kushina-sensei."

The Sharingan in Obito's eyes bloomed with beautiful light.

Yes, it is beautiful.

This is a beautiful pair of Sharingan eyes that seem to contain endless possibilities.

At this time, the four words 'do what you say' are written in this beautiful Sharingan.

"I will definitely kill you!"

There was no doubt in his tone, and his expression was filled with killing intent.

"Obito." Kakashi felt that Obito had really changed, or grown up, so much so that he thought what Obito said was inappropriate, and he rarely mocked him.

Hearing Obito's words, Kushina couldn't help but smile slightly. She already liked Obito's character. Although it was very inappropriate for him to say such words at this time, the starting point was indeed to protect them.

"Obito..." Lin looked into Obito's eyes.

After noticing Lin's gaze, Obito gave her the perfect response.

I will protect you...this is my promise to you.

Lin couldn't help but smile, even though she was in danger.

I have always been the one to push Obito. I was afraid that he would no longer want to move, so I always gave him comfort and encouragement. However, now, I should no longer need to push him...

From now on, just watch you quietly...achieve the dream you want to achieve.

Hearing Obito's words, Shin sneered and said, "Uchiha, brat, you don't seem to understand the situation yet."

Obito's scarlet eyes suddenly looked towards Shin. He saw the same three magatama sharingan. This man was also from the Uchiha clan, but he had never seen it before.

He didn't speak, his eyes stayed for a moment, and then looked at Ye Zi again, who looked calm.

Kushina said nothing, but also looked at Ye Zi, waiting for his decision.

"Come in, put down the 'Feng'." Ye Zi said calmly.

Although Jin was very confused and reluctant, he immediately put down his 'front' and came to Ye Zi's side, and Yan Ye, one on the left and one on the right.

"And Rin," Kushina said.

Ye Zi said calmly: "I will throw her at the other end of the forest. I want you... to stay here for ten minutes."

"Impossible." Kakashi objected immediately.

Ye Zi looked at Kakashi and said coldly: "Oh? Konoha White Fang's son."

The unobtrusive words and tone seemed to be saying: Oh, son of Konoha White Fang, are you here?

After finishing speaking, Ye Zi looked at Kushina, the decision was hers.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Kakashi's face suddenly darkened. He seemed to have complained about Obito like this many times, but he never thought that one day he would be complained about like this.

"Ten minutes is too long." Kushina took a step back and said solemnly.

"Ten minutes." Ye Zi repeated.

Kushina gritted her teeth slightly. After thinking for a moment, she looked at Ye Zi and said seriously: "I promise you."

"Kushina-sensei..." Obito was worried.

"It's okay, Obito, Kakashi, Rin, trust me." Kushina said.

She just looked at Ye Zi's plain eyes, very serious and serious.

Facing Kushina's gaze, Ye Zi's expression did not change at all. He formed a seal with one hand and used half of the remaining chakra to summon a shadow clone.

"Let's go, Yanye, come in."

Letting the shadow clone stay and monitor, Ye Zi pinched Lin and walked backwards towards the forest.

The same goes for Yanye and Jin.

Being able to complete the task and escape unscathed is the best result.

Yan Ye thought so.

In order not to worry Kushina and others, Lin tried her best to stay calm and even gave the three of them a "don't worry about me" look.

Then, watching the three of them disappear into the forest with Lin, Kakashi finally couldn't help but said: "Kushina-sensei, you are too hasty."

"I know, but he won't break his promise," Kushina said.

When Kakashi was about to say something else, Obito said first: "Kakashi, I don't believe that man."

The Sharingan, now a Sanmagatama, looked at Kakashi.

Obito continued: "But I believe Kushina-sensei."

Kakashi sighed after hearing this and glanced at the silent Ye Ziying clone.

There was no shyness in their conversation.

"Uchiha brat, your eyes... are very good, especially the look." Ye Zi's shadow clone suddenly said.

Obito snorted coldly and had no intention of answering.

Soon... arriving in ten minutes.

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