Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 282 Different choices

After get off work, write a chapter before going to bed.

To my lovely monthly ticket, ah no, it’s the lovely monthly ticket you fed me.

This is a monthly ticket plus update, so if you have a monthly ticket, feed the purple pig as soon as possible.

I was sleepy and fell asleep.


After praising Obito's eyes, Ye Zi's shadow clone was like an ice cube, standing silently in front of Kushina and others, waiting for ten minutes to pass.

The ten-minute deadline turned out to be only about two minutes after a while.

"Kushina-sensei, what should we do with these fog ninjas?" Seeing that the agreed time was coming, Kakashi glanced at the frustrated fog ninja who had been imprisoned by the golden chain until now.

The golden chain is a unique technique of Kushina's Uzumaki clan. It belongs to the seal lineage and can bind even the Nine-Tails. Therefore, Terumi Mei and others cannot break free at all. Not to mention the current poor condition, even if the whole body is in condition, Even though he was imprisoned in such a way by the golden chain, he couldn't break free.

Kushina untied the golden chains that sealed the mouths of the three of them. This act, in Kakashi's eyes, was equivalent to answering his question.

"Such a dangerous person was let go by you like this." Terumi Mei stared at Kushina with her beautiful eyes, full of anger. If life and death were not up to them now, they would have cursed loudly.

"Kushina Uzumaki, you will regret your actions today one day." Although Ao's reaction was not as obvious as Terumi Mei's, it was still very angry.

Letting go of a dangerous S-class rebellious nin and treating the opponent's helper just because of a girl of low value may be just a mere genin.

Ao can't tolerate this stupid approach. Ye Zi is a rebellious ninja of Konoha and has nothing to do with them, so he will let him go. However, the whereabouts of Lord Mizukage is in Ye Zi's hands and they want to find it. Mizukage-sama, you are so frustrated that you can't do anything.

S-class traitor and genin, what a simple multiple-choice question.

A bunch of genin can be cultivated casually, but the potential threat of S-class rebellious ninja is definitely not something that a single genin can match.

Therefore, Qing said such words, which actually meant a curse. He watched Kushina let Ye Zi go, and sincerely cursed that Konoha would suffer a big loss in Ye Zi's hands.

The difference between people is sometimes reflected in a choice.

Faced with the situation just now, the Kiri ninja would choose to give up the genin directly, but Kushina chose to save the genin and missed a rare opportunity.

"I won't regret it." Kushina looked at the Mist Ninja, and the golden chains were untied layer by layer.

She wanted to release the Mist Ninja. Now was not a time of war, so there was no need to cause disputes at this moment.

Seeing that the golden chains that bound themselves were slowly being untied, Qing and the other three remained silent in understanding.

They all know that Kushina's name is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and her strength is also good.

However, when they met today, they all agreed that Kushina was too stupid.

First, it was because a mere genin let go of a dangerous mission, and now he planned to let go of their potential enemy.

However, it is undeniable that Kushina is indeed very strong. Even if the restraints are released, in their current state, it is basically impossible to defeat Kushina.

Even if the possibility is extremely low, they still want to give it a try and cannot let go of any opportunity to retrieve Mizukage.

When the restraints were released, the three mist ninjas suddenly moved, trying to cross the golden chains that fell on the ground and head towards the direction Ye Zi left.

They had no intention of attacking Kushina, because in their opinion, it was a waste of time, and catching up with Ye Zi was the priority target at the moment.

However, like ghostly golden chains, they burst out again without warning, tying them up again.

So, this is embarrassing.

At this time, the ten-minute deadline was less than thirty seconds away.

The three of Terumi Mei, who were imprisoned again, looked at Kushina in silence. They had remembered today's account.

"Since you are so restless, I can only do this."

Kushina said coldly, she chose to let these three mist ninjas go, but could not agree with the other party's other actions.

In view of the lack of time and the restlessness of the three, Kushina handled the matter in the simplest and most violent way.

Under the strange gazes of Ye Ziying's clones, Obito, and Kakashi, she gave each of the Mist Ninjas a punch on the head. Everyone had a big swelling on their heads and fainted.

Clapping her hands, she once again untied the golden chain, while the three Kiri ninjas who had been knocked unconscious by Kushina collapsed on the grass and lost consciousness.

In the last second when they lost consciousness, Terumi Mei and the other three felt uncomfortable and suffocated.


At this moment, Ye Zi's shadow clone turned into white smoke and disappeared.

Time is up…

Kushina quickly put the golden chain back into her body, looked at Obito and Kakashi, and immediately ran towards the direction Ye Zi left.

At the same time, Ye Zi, who had received the memory of the shadow clone, suddenly raised his eyebrows. The scene of Kushina knocking someone unconscious with one punch was very shocking. The force was very strong and still so violent.

Ye Zi retracted his thoughts. On the left and right were Yan Ye and Jin. The three of them were heading towards the edge of the island. The target had been captured successfully. They had to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

As for Lin, he kept his agreement with Kushina. Ye Zi sealed Lin's hands and feet and threw her on a big tree at the edge of the forest. He did not seal Lin's mouth, nor did he set a trap.

At best, he is just an insignificant character, he is not boring enough to vote.

Through the woods, the three of them ran across the plains, getting further and further away from the forest behind them.

The capture of the three-tailed Jinchuuriki was a near-miss success. Fortunately, he would meet Kushina here, so Kotonoha would not almost die.

Next, after leaving the Kingdom of Water, you can go to the Kingdom of Whirlpool, find a secluded place to rest, and then wait for Nagato to summon them with the Phantom Body Technique to start the sealing of the Jinchuuriki.

When Ye Zi and the others left for about a minute, Obito came first with a hurried look on his face, followed not far behind by Kakashi and Kushina.

"Lin? Where are you?"

Along the way, he shouted countless times.

Seeing such anxious Obito, Kakashi wanted to complain, but finally held back because he was also very worried about Lin.

The three of them quickly approached the edge of the forest, and Lin, who heard Obito's voice, immediately responded loudly: "I'm here!"

After hearing the familiar voice, Obito's face suddenly lit up with joy, and he followed the voice to the big tree where Lin was tied.

"Wait a minute." Kakashi cautiously stopped Obito and said, "There may be a trap."

This sentence made Obito stop abruptly. He was not afraid of traps because he had the Sharingan, but he was afraid that the trap might hurt Lin.

"Kakashi is right." Just in case, Kushina had the same idea.

On the tree trunk, Lin's hands and feet were tied, and there were no injuries on her body. In other words, Ye Zi abided by this agreement.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin was fine.

Lin did not see Ye Zi setting the trap, but she would not conclude that Ye Zi had not set the trap. Speaking casually would only mislead Kakashi and the others in intelligence, so there was nothing wrong with carefully exploring the situation at this time.

The three of them took a quick look to make sure there were no traps.

Obito stepped on the huge tree trunk and went straight up. He quickly came to Lin's side and couldn't wait to untie the rope for her.

"Thank you, Obito." Lin gave Obito a funny smile. At this moment, she was truly out of danger. She felt that her legs were a little weak.

Obito smiled sheepishly, rubbed his nose, and didn't say anything big. It would be better for Lin to be fine.

"Kushina-sensei, I'm sorry for causing you trouble." Lin turned her eyes and looked at Kushina guiltily.

"What nonsense." Kushina put a hand on Lin's head and whispered: "As long as you are fine, that's enough."

Hearing these words, the three imps all smiled.

"Kushina-sensei, should we continue chasing?" Kakashi asked.

Kushina looked at a certain direction in the distance, her eyes dimmed, and she shook her head and said: "Go back to Konoha, sort out the known information, and give it to Minato."

Kakashi's eyes brightened slightly, and he nodded, agreeing with Kushina-sensei's choice. He felt that it was best for Kushina-sensei to have such a change, so that he would not have to run around again, just to find Ye Zi.

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