Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 290 Changes

Under the dark underground, you can't notice the passage of time, and you can't tell the difference between day and night.

When I woke up, I first noticed the feeling of my chest being pressed, followed by a soft and warm body.

Looking from Ye Zi's perspective, he could only see one head of emerald green hair, that of Yan Ye.

He wasn't drunk last night, so he remembered it very clearly. In the end, he pulled Yan Ye to his side, not wanting Yan Ye to roll over on top of him when he woke up.

Poor Ye Zi, who slept like a dead pig again last night, didn't know that Yan Ye had successfully stolen the chicken and kissed him on the mouth.

Being able to sleep so unsuspectingly in front of Yan Ye, to some extent, also shows Ye Zi's trust in Yan Ye.

Ye Zi moved her body, suddenly awakening Yan Ye. She raised her head to look at Ye Zi with sleepy eyes, and the two looked at each other like this.

After a while, Yan Ye's face gradually turned rosy, he stood up quickly, jumped out of bed, and turned his back to Ye Zi.

After being touched and kissed like that last night, whether the relationship could go further, but Ye Zi didn't express her position, and she couldn't think so to herself.

Ye Zi looked at Yan Ye's back with a slightly embarrassed expression. A large part of his impulsive behavior last night was due to the influence of alcohol.

"That's why I don't like drinking."

He thought silently, rubbed his messy hair, touched it, and kissed her. Although he didn't get to the last step, it was considered a skin-to-skin relationship.

However, he doesn't have extra time for romance now... However, he will no longer resist Yan Ye's wishes.

He got out of bed and stood up, walked over and put his hand on Yan Ye's head, saying, "I'm hungry."

After saying that, he passed her and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Yan Ye looked at Ye Zi's back and couldn't help but reach out and touch the place where Ye Zi had just pressed. After a silly smile, he ran into the bathroom instead of going to the kitchen immediately.

"Why did you come in?" Ye Zi raised his eyebrows.

Yanye rolled his eyes and said, "Shouldn't I wash up before going to the kitchen?"

With that said, he pushed Ye Zi aside and grabbed the toothbrush with toothpaste already squeezed out of his hand.

Ye Zi's face turned slightly dark, and he could only watch helplessly as Yan Ye brushed his teeth. He only had a toothbrush like this.

One night brought unspeakable changes between the two.

Afterwards, after eating the improved meals prepared by Yan Ye, Ye Zi went to the training ground as usual and started a four-hour training. After that, he went to the laboratory to say hello to Nanako. Then, Orochi Maru found him inexplicably.

The first time they met, Orochimaru threw a scroll over.

After Ye Zi caught the scroll, he asked, "What is this?"

"The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth." Orochimaru replied.

"Has it been improved?" Ye Zi was a little surprised that he had improved the forbidden technique in such a short time?

Orochimaru shook his head and said calmly: "It has not been completely perfected yet, but the only thing left is to strengthen the binding force. This has nothing to do with the technique, but with the user. If it is you, there should be no flaws in using the technique."

Some of the flaws of the Earth Reincarnation have been improved by Orochimaru, but the important thing about this technique is the binding power. This is not a defect of the technique, but is determined by the ability of the caster.

Of course, there is another way, that is, you can use the kunai technique to forcibly erase the consciousness of the person reincarnated in the dirt, but the power will be greatly reduced.

In order to enhance the binding force, Orochimaru has two directions, one is the addition of Hashirama cells, and the other is the unknown magic chakra.

He would say this because there are a lot of Hashirama cells in Ye Zi's body. If he is reincarnated using dirty soil, there should be no problem with the binding force, and the resistance of Kato Dan that appeared last time in dirty soil should not appear.

Since there has been no actual measurement, Orochimaru cannot be completely sure.

Hashirama cells can enhance the technique. Does this also apply to the reincarnation of the dirty land?

Ye Zi put away the scroll recording the reincarnation of the dirty soil and said: "Will the corpse used for the reincarnation of the dirty soil affect the power of the person reincarnated by the dirty soil?"

"Yes." Orochimaru smiled coldly and said, "Clones of Hashirama's cells are the best material. This has been tested."

At present, Orochimaru does not have the ability to perfectly use the earth to reincarnate, but he is not in a hurry. His goal is senjutsu. Although he has only noticed a corner of it now, he has signed a psychic contract with the Ryūchidō clan and can go there at any time. .

Before that, he was more interested in the history recorded in the documents. He would explore them one by one and maybe find a way to strengthen the curse seal.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi's eyes lit up slightly. The clones of Hashirama's cells can be said to be inexhaustible. In this way, the forbidden technique of filth reincarnation can avoid the disadvantage of insufficient manpower.

If you meet a good player in the future, you need to leave enough flesh tissue after killing the opponent. This will be one of the helpers in the future. So far, you have collected the jinchuriki's flesh tissue, and these things are actually what you want to get. The difficulty is not high, just let Bai Zetsu sneak into the cemeteries of major ninja villages.

The job of the gravedigger was left to him.

Thinking of this, he planned to master the art of reincarnation as soon as possible.

"Ye Zi, I have to leave here tomorrow." Looking at Ye Zi who was in deep thought, Orochimaru suddenly said.

Ye Zi came back from his thoughts, his expression changed slightly, thinking that Orochimaru was planning to terminate the cooperative relationship between the two. When he was about to question, looking at Ye Zi's face, Orochimaru continued: "Don't get me wrong, it's just important business. , need to go to different places.”

"Huh?" Ye Zi raised his mind and relaxed a little. He couldn't let go of Orochimaru's ability. I'm afraid there is no one with the same ability as Orochimaru in the entire ninja world.

"If you are interested in Six Paths, you might as well come with me." Orochimaru smiled sinisterly.

"I'm afraid not." Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi was very interested, but he was a member of Akatsuki, so he couldn't help himself, and he had just started the plan to collect tailed beasts.

"Is it because of Akatsuki?" Orochimaru took a deep look at Ye Zi. He also had his own intelligence channels, including that Akatsuki was collecting tailed beasts, and he also knew about it.

Ye Zi nodded slightly and said nothing.

"Haha." Orochimaru sneered and said calmly: "Collecting tailed beasts may not be that easy. At least during this period, you should suffer."

Ye Zi glanced at him and said calmly: "It seems you know a lot."

"There is always a way to know." Orochimaru said calmly.

"Tell me about it." Ye Zi's face was expressionless.

Orochimaru said: "Two days ago, the Sand Ninja sent people to Konoha. During this period, they were probably collecting tailed beasts for your organization, and they might also be taking action against you."

"..." Ye Zi was silent, two days ago? But no news came from Nagato. Suddenly, he realized a mistake, which was to leave Bai Zetsu outside. The best result is to have the intelligence channels in his own hands, instead of waiting for others to come. inform.

The sand ninja's movement is very clear, that is, they plan to form an alliance with Konoha, and their purpose is also very clear, of course they are coming for Akatsuki.

It was just a Sand Ninja village in the first place, so it was nothing, but when Konoha was added to it, it had to be taken seriously.

And... the Kiri ninja would not give up after losing Mizukage. He knew nothing about this.

"It seems that Bai Jue's body cannot be allowed to remain outside. Only with him by our side can we get first-hand information."

I originally planned to wait for the result, but I didn't expect that the Suna Ninja would shamelessly ask for Konoha. If their negotiations were established, then without taking action against Konoha, in addition to the Suna Ninja and Kiri Ninja, there would be There is one more leaf.

This is not good news for Xiao.

Looking at the silent Ye Zi, Orochimaru said calmly: "If you want to know more details, come with me to the Land of Fire tomorrow."

"Is there a hidden chess piece buried in Konoha?" Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru, who smiled coldly and said nothing, obviously acquiescing.

"No need." Ye Zi said, "You can go wherever you want, but don't forget the business."

Orochimaru said expressionlessly: "Of course."

Ye Zi turned and left. He needed to go to the Country of Rain as soon as possible.

There are two things that need to be dealt with. The first thing is to find Zetsu and let him stay by his side. The second thing is to confirm Nagato's plan. Since the right to initiate contact lies with Nagato, he has to go to Yume in person. country.

Looking at Ye Zi's hurried away figure, Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly. Is it more important than six messages? Although it was only mentioned verbally, it was obvious that collecting tailed beasts was more important than this.


With a low, hoarse laugh, Orochimaru turned around and left, preparing to set off tomorrow.

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