Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 291 This scene

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Orochimaru will set off tomorrow, while Ye Zi will set off immediately. After explaining, he will go to the Kingdom of Rain alone.

On the other side, in Konoha Village, the Suna Ninja team headed by Ye Cura and Konoha have reached preliminary negotiations, which means there is an intention to form an alliance, but further negotiations are needed to finalize it.

As long as the negotiations are completed and the two parties form an alliance, the first thing to do is to share intelligence.

Ye Cang is looking forward to completing the alliance as soon as possible, and the next discussion will be tomorrow.

After letting her subordinates go to rest, she came to Konoha for the first time and planned to walk around. When she came to the street, she was attracted by the prosperous and lively street scene at first sight. It was very different from Suna Ninja Village. The environment is also a height that Sand Ninja Village will never reach.

"It is indeed the most fertile country." Walking on the streets of Konoha, Ye Cang's envy was palpable.

Anyone from the Kingdom of Wind longs to live in such an environment. This is why the four major countries want to invade the Kingdom of Fire. It is because of the fertility of the Kingdom of Fire.

Ye Cang knew that he was under strict surveillance, and he didn't want to go to too many places, just strolling around this street.

Being able to let Ye Cang walk freely on the street was also Minato's order, which was considered an initial sign of friendly attitude.

Ye Cang walked some distance and came to a three-color meatball shop. After stopping outside for a while, he walked in.

The store is not actually spacious, but the tables and chairs are arranged simply.

There were not many people in the store. There were only two black-haired guys sitting at one table.

Ye Cang glanced at the Konoha brats at the table, and her eyes shrank without trace. It was an instinctive reaction when she saw the Uchiha clan emblem, but after all, they were just two brats. She didn't pay much attention to it and quickly withdrew her gaze. , and went straight to the counter.

"A sand ninja..." The older of the two brats, the boy with a slightly larger nose, thought silently.

This person is Uchiha Shisui, and the other person is Uchiha Itachi, who has been a genin for a short time. The two met today to go to the meatball shop to eat three-color meatballs. Unexpectedly, they met Ye Cang from Suna Ninja Village. .

The two looked at each other, then lowered their heads and ate the meatballs quietly.

Yakura's reputation in the Suna Ninja Village is equivalent to that of Tsunade in Konoha. However, Shisui and Itachi, who have not yet fully set foot in the ninja world, do not know this person, but are very surprised that the Suna Ninja will come to Konoha.

The ninja war has been suspended for more than two years, but the defenses between the ninja villages have not relaxed. Therefore, it is quite rare for the ninjas of other ninja villages to wander around Konoha so casually.

Yekura only thought that Shisui and Itachi were young brats. Even if Itachi, who looked no more than seven or eight years old, wore a forehead protector on his forehead, she didn't think it was a big deal. After all, during the war, when the number of troops was seriously insufficient, the Sand Ninja Village It also sends young children to war.

How could she have imagined that the two people sitting here were geniuses of the Uchiha clan, and they were also teenagers whose minds were much precocious compared to their age.

After buying a bag of three-color meatballs at the counter, Ye Cang turned around and left the meatball shop.

After Hagura left, Shisui asked in confusion: "Why did the Suna Ninja come to Konoha?"

Itachi's cheeks bulged and his mouth was filled with balls. When he heard Shisui's words, he opened his black eyes and chewed faster, trying to swallow the balls as quickly as possible in order to respond to Shisui.

Zhisui seemed to have noticed Itachi's thoughts, smiled bitterly, and said, "Don't worry."

Itachi nodded slightly and slowed down his chewing speed. After a while, he finally swallowed a mouthful of balls.

"What do you want to say?" Zhisui asked after Itachi swallowed the ball.

Itachi said seriously: "I don't know why the Suna Ninja came to Konoha."


Shisui was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and then patted Itachi's head a little harder.

"Uh." Itachi covered his head and looked at Shisui slightly angrily.

"Okay, I've finished eating the meatballs. Let's go to training." Shisui glanced at the empty plate and kept the smile on his face.

"Okay." Itachi jumped down from the chair. Every training session was something he looked forward to, because he could learn a lot from Shisui every time.

The two of them walked out of the meatball shop side by side and headed towards the training ground. As for Ye Cang from Suna Ninja Village, they had forgotten about it, because this was not something they could deal with now.

Ye Cang left the meatball shop, holding a paper bag in one hand and gnawing on three-color meatballs in the other, walking aimlessly on the street.

These meatballs...are so delicious.

Ye Cang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he saw a few young brats wearing Konoha forehead protectors coming to the street in front of him.

"Hey, Kai, I'm a Jonin now, let's compete?" Obito, wearing goggles, bent over and looked at Kai who was walking handstand seriously as he walked.

"Wait until I walk five hundred times while standing on my head before you come with me!" Akai replied cheerfully.

Obito's face suddenly darkened and he said, "Can you finish competing with me first before continuing?"

"That's not possible." Akai refused decisively and said, "The set amount of training is the top priority."

"..." Obito looked at Akai speechlessly. After activating the three magatama, he took part in the Jonin assessment and was finally promoted successfully today. The first thing he did was to seek revenge from Akai.

During the Chuunin examination, he was too complacent and was knocked out by Kai with one punch. This has always been a pain in his heart. Now that he has opened the three Magatama Sharingan and been promoted to a Jonin, he can't wait to come find him. Akai.

Behind the two people, there were three people, two women and one man, named Lin, Kurenai and Kakashi.

"Obito is really in good spirits." Kurenai sighed. It was really rare for someone to take the initiative to challenge Akai for a duel.

Lin covered her mouth and laughed a few times, then said, "Maybe it's because I was just promoted to Jonin and I was too excited."

"I hope that idiot can pester Kai for a little longer." Kakashi put his hands in his trouser pockets with a lazy expression. He felt that if Obito pestered Kai, the latter would not challenge him for duels so frequently. .

To be honest, Akai's physical skills have become more and more sophisticated recently, and he has begun to struggle to cope with it. He even loses without using a knife, so he wants to fight Akai less and less.

After all, his great strength lies in the sword skills taught by his father, which are used for killing people. In normal sparring, he definitely cannot use them.

"Kakashi, you did it again." Lin couldn't help but scolded softly when Kakashi called Obito an idiot again.

Kakashi shrugged, using his usual venomous tongue, and said, "I also want to correct it, but Obito's performance reminds me not to forget this title every time."

Lin looked at Kakashi helplessly and said, "Obito has always worked very hard."

"Ah." Kakashi stretched out his hand, scratched the corners of his eyebrows, and nodded: "This cannot be denied."

"If you two don't have conflicts, you will definitely become a powerful combination." Lin glanced at Kakashi, then looked at Obito, with a smile on her face, and at the same time secretly thought in her heart: I must also work hard to be able to Be your backing.

Kakashi pouted.

Hong looked at Obito and Kai in front and said with a wry smile: "I think those two guys are more like a combination."

Before he finished speaking, Obito's angry voice came: "There are still more than four hundred laps. Do you mean to ask me to wait for you to walk upside down and complete more than four hundred laps?"

"Yes." Akai replied honestly.

Obito said "Ah", scratched his hair vigorously, and said in a consultative tone: "Can I do a hundred laps?"

"No." Akai refused righteously.

Obito covered his eyes in despair.

Not far away, Ye Cang was leaning on a wall, watching this scene silently.

"Then you should hurry up!" Obito put down his hand and said frantically. He had finally waited for this moment, but he was being tortured like this, almost vomiting blood.

Akai thought for a while and replied: "Okay." Then he shouted to Hong behind him: "Hong, I'm going to take the first step!"

After saying that, without waiting for Kurenai's response, he quickly danced his hands, and in an inverted posture, he shook the dust off Obito's face. In a few breaths, he disappeared from Obito's sight.

"..." Several people present looked at Akai who disappeared into the distance with dull expressions on their faces.

The flying dust drew a smoke dragon and passed over Shisui and Itachi who were preparing to go to the training ground.

Watching Akai disappear, Obito rubbed the sun with a look of helplessness. At this moment, he saw Zhisui and Itachi, his eyes lit up and he said, "Hey, Shisui and Itachi!"

Shisui and Itachi walked over, and Kakashi and the other three also came to their side.

"Obito." Shisui smiled slightly.

"Brother Obito." Itachi greeted him crisply.

Obito raised his eyebrows, bent slightly, leaned towards Itachi, and said with a smile: "Itachi, you want to call me Obito-senpai, do you understand?"

"Okay, Brother Obito." Itachi nodded and chuckled.

"It's Obito-senpai!"

"Yeah, Brother Obito."


Kakashi turned his head and whispered: "Idiot."

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