Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 292 Future Obstacles

In the crowded streets, the scene of a group of boys and girls gathering together stood out among the crowd with a dazzling light.

Konoha ninjas who uphold the will of fire are passed down from generation to generation. In each era, there will be a mainstay, and this group of teenagers will be the mainstay of Konoha in the future, and they are also very likely to grow into Ye Zi's obstacles.

They... have such qualifications and talents, they are no worse than Ye Zi. What they lack is just time.

What would happen if they were given enough time to grow up and they were all on the opposite side of Ye Zi?

Ye Cang, who was leaning against a wall, bit off the last meatball on the wooden stick, then put the wooden stick into a paper bag, pulled out a three-color meatball from it, and turned around and walked in the other direction.

“Nice atmosphere.”

She thought silently, and after walking a long distance, she threw the paper bag filled with wooden picks into the trash can.

The next day, in the conference room for external use, Ye Cang was sitting on the guest seat, and two sand ninja youths stood silently behind her.

Minato was wearing a hat specially designed for the Hokage and was sitting on the main seat opposite, with Shikaku standing behind him.

The purpose of the negotiation is to form an alliance, and the purpose of the alliance is to attack Akatsuki.

To put it simply, Suna Ninja has absolute reasons to attack Akatsuki, and Konoha also has reasons to attack Akatsuki, but there is no absolute reason for Suna Ninja to attack. In the final analysis, it is Jiraiya who can accept this negotiation. The influence, on the other hand, is because of the rebellious Ye Zi.

However, this time it was Suna Ninja who took the initiative to come to the door. Of course, Konoha would not agree easily. Yesterday's interview initially expressed a friendly attitude and potential willingness. This time, of course, he will gain a certain amount from it. Benefit.

Regarding Akatsuki, Konoha will also contribute, but since you can cut off a few pieces of meat by the way, why not?

"If you can accept this amount, Konoha will be happy to facilitate this cooperation." Minato clasped his hands on the table and looked at Ye Cang with a smile.

That smile like the spring breeze seemed so hateful to Ye Cang at this time. She was depressed in her heart, but she kept a smile on her face and said: "We very much hope to promote this cooperation, but is the amount requested too high?" Are you forcing yourself to do something difficult?"

If he hadn't asked for someone else's help, Ye Cang would have inevitably made a few sarcastic remarks at this time.

Konoha wanted to benefit from it, so it forced the alliance to be framed as a mission, and the Suna ninja who came to ask for an alliance seemed somewhat like an employer.

Originally, Suna Ninja had already been mentally prepared for Konoha's request, and there was a rough limit on how much he would pay. However, the amount proposed by Konoha exceeded this limit by a lot, but it happened that it was not. Unacceptable level.

How did the other party find out this amount? It almost made the Sand Ninja hang up. He couldn't move up or down, which was very uncomfortable.

When I thought about it more carefully, I felt a chill creeping up my back, but I didn't have any extra time to think about it.

Minato smiled and said: "Any effort will be rewarded accordingly. Regarding this matter, Konoha will do its best."

With Jiraiya's constantly changing information, coupled with the information brought back by Kushina, and the little information revealed by Ye Cang yesterday, Konoha is destined to be interested in Akatsuki. Even if Suna Ninja does not come, Konoha will I won't just sit back and watch Akatsuki.

Now, Suna Ninja takes the initiative to come to the door, and it is better to have an extra help.

As the name suggests, after the partnership is established, Konoha will indeed do its best, there is no doubt about this.

"Are you trying your best? This is not just talking." Ye Cang said calmly.

"Of course." Minato said seriously, "Konoha's White Fang will be on the list."

Ye Cang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Konoha's White Fang has been famous for a long time, and Konoha's Ye Zi can be called Konoha's two major mission machines. Of course, this is just a private name for other ninja villages. With White Fang included, it can be said that he has support.

However, even so, you need to think carefully before easily agreeing to Konoha's lion. Although promoting cooperation is listed as the first priority above, and the remuneration that may be blackmailed is listed as the second priority, but if there is no At an unacceptable level, the amount of remuneration is not enough to hinder the decision.

"Not only Konoha White Fang, but also the elites of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan will be among them." Minato's calm and gentle voice, like gentle water ripples, gently pushed Hagura.

Hearing this, Ye Cang stood up directly, walked towards Minato, stretched out his hand, and said: "I sincerely hope that the cooperation between Suna Ninja and Konoha will be an extremely wise decision."

Minato also stood up, and under the gaze of the two Suna ninja and Shikaku, he stretched out his hand and held Hagura's hand, and said with a smile: "I will."

After establishing a cooperative relationship, as long as the negotiated conditions are in place, intelligence can be shared, and then the list of ninjas sent by both parties will be determined.

After the discussion ended, Ye Cang led his young subordinates to leave, while Minato and Shikaku stayed in the conference room.

"The Suna ninja tried his best this time." Shikaku looked at Minato and sighed slightly.

"Yes." Minato nodded and said, "Given the current situation of the Suna Ninja, they are still willing to seek help at such a high price. It can be seen that Akatsuki's second action against the Suna Ninja has completely angered them."

"In this way, it can be said that many people want to kill Ye Zi. Why would he do this? What is the motive? I still can't figure it out." Lu Jiu sighed softly and connected the information about Ye Zi in After working together, what you get will not be the answer, but a large piece of unclear fog.

Sand Ninja, Mist Ninja, Iwa Ninja, and even Konoha, Ye Zi can be said to have become the public enemy of the four major ninja villages.

He sneaked into the Iwa Ninja Village to perform a mission, killed the Tsuchikage Onoki's daughter-in-law, and caused considerable damage to the Iwa Ninja Village. Therefore, Onoki insisted on Ye Zi's death. If most people in the village had not opposed Onoki's insistence, there would be Under the restraint, Iwa Ninja took no obvious action.

In addition, during the war, Ye Zi invaded the Suna Ninja's village for unknown motives and released Shukaku, causing serious losses to the Suna Ninja. The Suna Ninja's frontline was unable to take care of it, so they had no choice but to surrender and sue for peace. This is equivalent to forming a deadly feud.

Judging from his actions, Ye Zi is helping Konoha, but is this really the case?

Shikaku didn't think Ye Zi was helping Konoha, but had a deeper reason, but he couldn't think of it.

To be honest, his sense of Ye Zi is not bad. At least Ye Zi saved them during that war. For this reason alone, he should be grateful. However, things are unpredictable. Now that they are on opposite sides, then There is no other way.

And now, as a member of the Akatsuki, Ye Zi attacked the Mizukage of the Mist Ninja and succeeded. Considering the Mist Ninja's position, he would never give up.

Judging from these Akatsuki's actions, it is no longer just about making money. Combined with Jiraiya's intelligence, is he trying to break the balance of power among the five major countries and establish a sixth ninja village alongside the five major ninja villages?

Considering Ye Zi's background, it still makes sense.

"There are some things that you don't need to think too clearly. Now Ye Zi is a rebellious ninja of Konoha, and many of his companions were killed by him. This is a fact." Minato shook his head slightly, his eyes became sharp, and said, "Even if He has been a life-saving grace to us, and this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated."

Now that Kushina is no longer worried, he can no longer hesitate.

"Indeed." Lujiu nodded, looking rather regretful.

"I will make a list of the personnel as soon as possible. Next, I will leave for a while." At this moment, Minato was not thinking of the leader behind the Akatsuki organization, but Ye Zi.

How far has Ye Zi, who can perfectly use the advent of the tree realm, gone?


Lu Jiu was not surprised at all when he heard this. He was also one of the insiders about Minato's departure.

"I'll trouble you to be more careful from now on." Minato smiled.

Shikaku nodded.

When this matter is dealt with, Minato will temporarily transfer the matter to the Third Hokage, and then follow Jiraiya to practice for an uncertain time. During this period, he needs to fulfill his responsibilities and assist the Third Hokage.

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