Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 302 Terumi Mei

Letting the body of the Mist Ninja be exposed here, it's probably because he really didn't take the Mist Ninja seriously.

The corpse of a ninja is itself a site rich in information. By studying the corpse, you can get a lot of information about the Mist Ninja. This is also the meaning of the existence of the Corpse Collection Unit.

Nagato didn't pay attention to these corpses, and without even confirming whether all the battlefields were cleared, he turned around and left.

The only jinchūriki of the Mist Ninja Village have been obtained. If they can't be hurt this time, then they will continue to do it again until the Mist Ninja Village gives up.

After Nagato left, Ye Zi and Bai Jue came to the battlefield that looked like Shura Hell.

Ye Zi's eyes passed over the unrecognizable flesh and blood, then turned to look at the corpse that was cut in half, and said: Go.

Upon hearing this, Bai Jue began to collect enough personal information materials without saying a word. These were important materials used for reincarnation in the dirty land.

Letting Bai Jue collect it, Ye Zi turned to Qing's body, squatted down, and removed the black one-eye patch, revealing the dull white eyes inside.

Ye Zi took out a glass bottle, inserted his index finger and thumb into Qing's eye socket, dug out the 'white eyes' intact, and then put them into the glass bottle.

Byakugan, as the support of the Hyuga clan, is not as famous as the Sharingan, but for ninjas, it is a very good eye.

Ye Zi has been exposed to information about transplantation technology and body research, and is not surprised that white eyes can be transplanted into outsiders.

Putting away his 'white eyes', Ye Zi turned and left.

He has no idea where this 'white eye' can be used, but he can put it away anyway.

Walking through the blood flow washed by the rain, Ye Zi faced the drizzle, walking aimlessly in this tragic area like a wandering soul.

As for Bai Jue, it was hard to collect flesh and blood, and he had to register the number and seal it in the scroll.


Suddenly, Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly. He heard a slight sound and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. There, there were two people lying on top of each other.

The people on top were completely destroyed by the explosion, and there was no sound at all.

Ye Zi walked over, picked up the body with one hand, and threw it aside, revealing Terumi Mei lying on the ground, covered in bruises.

Most of the ninja costume on his body was broken, revealing his reddish skin. The plumpness of his chest was even exposed to the air. There were many burns on his beautiful face.

Terumi Mei's eyelids were weak and fluffy, and her eyes were slightly opened. The person she saw was blurry. After a while, it gradually became clear.

The chaotic consciousness that could not be gathered into a bundle disappeared as the roaring in her ears disappeared, so that she would not be confused, so she recognized Ye Zi.

Terumi Mei recognized Ye Zi, and Ye Zi also recognized Terumi Mei.

His eyes glanced at Terumi Mei's graceful body exposed to the air. He bent down and reached out, pinched Terumi Mei's neck, then straightened up and lifted Terumi Mei directly in front of him.

Terumi Mei let out a weak whine, and couldn't even make a struggling movement, like a broken doll being carried by Ye Zi.

Wow, you have a nice figure. Bai Jue didn't know when he stopped collecting and came to Ye Zi's side. He chuckled and said, This woman's blood inheritance limit seems to be pretty good. Do you want to kill her?

It's a pity. Ye Zi stared coldly at the face in front of him. This woman was the culprit who almost killed Yan Ye.

Two highly corrosive Blood Succession Limits, it can be said that these are good materials for reincarnation in the dirty land, but as he is a little younger, his mastery of the Blood Succession Limits is not strong enough, and the amount of chakra he possesses is also limited.

The reincarnation of the dirty land itself is difficult to return to the state of prosperity in life. It is a pity to kill the female Mist ninja who has a lot of room for growth in front of him.

If Terumi Mei's blood inheritance limit is better controlled and the amount of chakra is a little more, then as the material for the reincarnation of the dirty land, it will be beyond the standard.

What, is it possible that you have thoughts about her? Bai Jue asked curiously.

Ye Zi did not deny it, which was why he did not break Terumi Mei's neck immediately.

This woman has good room for growth. If she is killed now, the strength of the reincarnated woman from the dirty soil will not be very good.

Bai Jue nodded and agreed with Ye Zi. Ninjas with two blood inheritance limits are not common. However, this female Mist ninja is indeed a bit younger now. If she is given some time to grow, she should become a good ninja.

If you have the Sharingan, you can take advantage of this to control her. Bai Zetsu said casually.

Ye Zi glanced at Bai Jue and said lightly: I think it's a pity that Orochimaru left the stronghold. Otherwise, she could be handed over to Orochimaru and used as a test subject. She can be planted with curse seals or injected with Hashirama's cells. No matter what, it can be used as material for reincarnation after death.

The understatement of the words and the content of the words made people feel cold.

It seems that if Orochimaru is here, Terumi Mei can be used as an experimental subject without any worries. He can do whatever it takes to increase his strength. There is no need to worry about whether he will die, because even if he dies, he can be reincarnated in the dirt.

Terumi Mei, whose consciousness was now clear, heard the conversation between the two and felt desperate...

In this current situation, there is no hope at all.

I can control her. Hei Jue, who rarely spoke, suddenly opened his eyes.

Ye Zi and Bai Jue both looked at Hei Jue upon hearing this.

Then, do you want to control her? Hei Jue looked at Ye Zi.

How strong is it? Ye Zi covered up his surprise and asked.

I can control my will and control my actions. However, the stronger the target's ability, the weaker my control ability will be. And with this woman's current state, control is easy. Hei Jue said calmly.

Bai Jue pretended to be surprised and said, I didn't expect you to have such an easy-to-use ability.

Hei Jueli ignored him and just looked at Ye Zi quietly.

Not bad ability. Ye Zi's eyes brightened slightly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly exerted force on his palms.


But it would be a pity to use it here.

Before he finished speaking, Terumi Mei's neck tilted, and the slightly opened gap gradually closed, and he lost his breath.

After squeezing Terumi Mei's neck, Ye Zi let go and let the body fall to the ground.

If Orochimaru was here, you could live longer.

Ye Zi glanced at Terumi Mei's body, passed Bai Zetsu and Black Zetsu, walked to a protruding rock, sat down, and said to Bai Zetsu: Continue.

Hei Jue revealed his ability, and then Ye Zi took it to heart. This ability, if used properly, should have good uses.

Haha. Bai Jue smiled, glanced at Terumi Mei's body, and said with a smile: What a cold guy.

After saying that, he took the lead in comparing the movements of Mei Mei's corpse to dig out enough meat as the material for the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

In a sense, before the spell of filthy earth reincarnation, death had lost its own deterrence and essential meaning.

Hei Jue's eyes were slightly bent, and then he closed them.

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