Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 303: Thoughts (fourth update)

Depressed, no matter what is written, Terumi Mei is dead, Zizhu expressed his confusion.

There was nothing we could do about it. The Mist Ninja was weakened and our own side was strengthened. Who made her the enemy?


Out of anger from the Mist Ninja Village, only Kisame escaped from the troops sent. He was not injured at all and wanted to bring the information back to the Mist Ninja Village, but he didn't know what he would face.

Ye Zi sat in the rain and watched Bai Jue painfully destroying the numerous corpses present.

After all the suitable materials were collected, Ye Zi used Earth Escape to bury the corpses of the numerous Mist Ninjas, leaving bloodstains all over the ground. After a while, these bloodstains would be washed away by the rain.

With their goal achieved, Ye Zi and Bai Jue returned to Yuren Village.

While the motives of the troops from Suna Ninja Village and Konoha Village were unknown, the troops from Mist Ninja went to hell first.

After returning to Yu Ninja Village, Ye Zi stayed in the room and carefully sorted out the abilities that Nagato had used in this battle.

Apart from the known abilities, Nagato showed abilities during this battle, one was to mechanize his body into many different weapons, the other was to easily channel many psychic beasts, and The ability to absorb ninjutsu.

After sorting it out carefully, Ye Zi remembered that this information might be useful in the future, but to defeat Nagato who has the Samsara Eye, he still needs to be strong.

Ye Zi knows very well that Nagato's abilities have not been fully revealed yet, and with his current strength, it is not easy to defeat Nagato.

Mastering general wind and fire escape, proficient thunder escape, swordsmanship, taijutsu, and wood escape. In addition, the amount of chakra is not as much as Nagato's.

Thinking about it carefully, Ye Zi suddenly realized that when facing Nagato, the only one he could rely on seemed to be Mu Dun. Other than that, what was his chance of winning?

Nagato is already so strong without showing all his strength, so how strong is Madara who gave Nagato the Rinnegan?

Only when you see the reference object will you realize the gap. The gap based on imagination may be compressed and shortened arbitrarily, but there will be no change in essence.

If you want to seize Nagato's reincarnation eye, you need strong power to support it. Otherwise, all ideas are just fantasy.

Should we be satisfied with the power we have now?

Is the power you have now strong enough?

How to move forward and get to the point if you can't eliminate all the things that stand in your way.

Thoughts take root and a dissatisfied mentality is like maggots attached to the bones of the heart.

Staring at the rain outside the window, Ye Zi remained silent and tried his best to get to this point. Is it just like this in comparison? So, how to become stronger?

One day later, Yan Ye and Jin came to Yuren Village and met Ye Zi.

Their arrival was naturally known to Nagato, and they had to wait for the other members to arrive.

Coming in a hurry, Yan Ye and Jin were extremely tired and very hungry.

Ye Zi took the two of them to a noodle shop on the street to fill their stomachs, and then arranged a room for the two of them to rest.

Currently, the team composed of Sand Ninja and Konoha are still in the Land of Fire. They are purging the Rain Ninja in the Land of Fire, killing them on sight and leaving no one alive.

The information keeps changing, and Nagato doesn't have much reaction to it, and the other members will arrive at the Rain Ninja Village in a short time.

After everyone has arrived, first...we must deal with the Suna Ninja and Konoha Ninja.

On the day Yanye and Jin arrived at Yuren Village, other members also arrived one after another.

Xie and Juuzang were the second group to arrive at Yu Ninja Village. After they returned to the village, they went straight to the rooms that had been arranged for them long ago.

There was no need to see Nagato. The rain ninja would naturally go to inform them of the news of Nagato's return, so they went back to their rooms to rest with peace of mind and wait for Nagato's order to summon them.

Finally, in the evening, Kakuzu came to Yu Ninja Village alone. The guard guarding the gate did not look sideways and he walked directly into the village.

The main hall of the high tower is empty, without any decorations or furniture. Nagato and Xiaonan stand in front of the window.

When there is nothing important, it seems that I can only stand here, looking at the rain outside the window, waiting for time to pass until it is time to take action.

Nagato suddenly said: Everyone is here.

Do you need me to inform them now? Konan stared at Nagato's side face.

No, let me inform you. Nagato said this, paused, and then said: Kakuzu came back alone, and the partner assigned to him must have encountered something unexpected again.

Nagato's tone was cold, with no emotion audible.

Hearing this, Xiao Nan showed a trace of helplessness on his face and said, This is already the third one, do you want to continue to arrange it for him?

It is not easy to train a jounin, and in such a short period of time, the jounin and Kakuzu who were arranged from the Rain Ninja Village to partner up are bound to die. From this point of view, the problem still lies with Kakuzu.

No need, there is no point in continuing to make arrangements. For now, let's finish dealing with Suna Ninja and Konoha.

Nagato said, and began to form seals to notify everyone to come here.

At the same time, Ye Zi, Yan Ye, Jin, Bai Jue, Xie, Juzo, and Kakuzu all received notifications from Nagato.

Looks like we're all here.

In the room, Ye Zi stood up and picked up the 'blood' placed on the table. Yan Ye and Jin, who were also in the room, also stood up.

The elusive Bai Jue showed his head from the corner of the wall, and then slowly walked out of the wall.

Accustomed to Bai Jue's appearance, Yan Ye and Jin glanced at Bai Jue and then looked away.

A group of four people walked out of the room and headed towards the place where Nagato announced the gathering.

At the same time, Scorpion, Juzo, and Kakuzu also came to the room where Nagato was.

After a while, everyone arrived in this empty room.

It is not a gathering by means of a magic lantern, but a gathering in person. Such gatherings have always been rare.

Nine people, forming a circle.

Is there another major incident? Kakuzu said.

Nagato glanced at him and said: The Sand Ninja and Konoha have formed an alliance and sent many elites to attack. The target is us. Therefore, while capturing the tailed beasts, we need to deal with them first.

Oh? Xie looked a little surprised and said coldly: The Sand Ninja actually got together with Konoha.

Ye Zi looked at Xie and said calmly: Among the people sent by Konoha, there is White Fang.

Huh? Xie shook the puppet's head and looked at Ye Zi. After a moment of silence, he laughed and said: Now the sand ninja has fallen to such a low level. Is there White Fang? Just in time... I'm waiting for this moment, waiting It’s been long enough.”

For a moment, Scorpion was filled with fighting spirit.

Looking at Scorpion like this, Nagato was silent for a moment.

His original intention was to have Scorpion and Juzo go to the Suna Ninja Village to capture a jinchūriki while fighting against the Suna Ninja and Konoha's teams.

Judging from Scorpion's current state, it is obviously unrealistic to continue with this arrangement. So, who should go to the Sand Ninja side?

Nagato cast a look at Konan, who understood and distributed the scrolls containing the information to everyone.

Two things.

After the scrolls were released, Nagato glanced at everyone and said calmly: The first thing is to eliminate the team sent by the Suna Ninja and Konoha. The second thing is to go to the Suna Ninja Village and capture the Ichibi.

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