Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 304: Obsession and Anger (fifth update)

The fifth update, I keep my word, please vote for me, thank you all!


The operation to capture the tailed beasts will not stop, but the Suna Ninja and Konoha's incoming team must also pay enough attention.

Originally, it would be most appropriate for Xia to go to the Sand Ninja Village, but since Xia's attitude is more inclined to attack Konoha's team, Nagato will naturally not refute Xia's intention.

This scroll records information about the Sand Ninja and some members of Konoha's attack team. Everyone is not weak. You'd better memorize it by heart. Nagato looked at everyone.

Kakuzu tossed the scroll and asked: Who will be responsible for the tasks of intercepting and capturing the tailed beasts?

Nagato said expressionlessly: To capture Ichibi, you and the White Tiger will go together. This time, failure is absolutely not allowed.

Failure is not allowed? Kakuzu smiled silently and looked at Xiaonan. This time, it was with this woman who was very close to the leader. In this case, he couldn't take action at will.

That's right. Nagato looked at him coldly.

Okay. Kakuzu replied a little more seriously.

Nagato retracted his gaze and continued: The number of people dispatched by the opponent is fifty-nine, including twenty-seven Sand Ninja and thirty-two Konoha Ninja. Your mission is to go to the border and deal with the opponent without a single one. Keep.

Juuzang, who flipped through the scroll hastily, said in a deep voice: These people are very strong, especially Konoha White Fang. Is it just a few of us?

Kotonoha and Uchiha Susumu were also checking the information scrolls. As Juuzou said, the opponent's lineup included not only the famous ninjas like Konoha Shiroga, but also Hagura, Hyuga Hizashi, Aburame Shiguro, and Uchi Ha Ninzu, these masters from all the major families in Konoha.

How can they compete alone?

Xie said: Konoha White Fang can be left to me, but you need to create a one-to-one environment for me.

It's difficult. Ye Zi said coldly: The number itself is not an advantage. It is basically impossible for you to go one-on-one with White Fang.

If we can't be one-on-one, I will lose. Xie glanced at Ye Zi and said, If you can deal with Konoha White Fang together with me, we will definitely win.

Ye Zi said: You are really confident.

Why, are you so unsure of yourself? Xie said.

Ye Zi snorted and said calmly: The key problem is that we have no chance to fight two against one.

Konoha's White Fang is the most important point that cannot be ignored. If it can be solved as soon as possible, he does not mind cooperating with Scorpion to attack Konoha's White Fang. Furthermore, the condition for inviting Scorpion to join was to help him kill White Fang.

I will definitely go to Konoha in the future. Konoha has sent so many powerful characters this time. If they are handled well, the pressure will be reduced a lot when fighting Konoha in the future.

At this time, Nagato suddenly said: The number of people that Yu Ninja Village can mobilize is currently limited. There are only sixteen chuunin and eleven jounin. They will go with you by then.

Hearing this, Xie's eyes lit up and he said, That's pretty much it.

He has a technique that allows him to fight against dozens of Jonin alone without losing any confidence, but since White Fang is in Konoha's team, he can't control that much. His target is White Fang.

Ye Zi glanced at Nagato and then looked away. He could tell that this time, Nagato was not planning to take action.

In this case, two versus one won't be a problem, right? Xie looked at Ye Zi.

One of the conditions for him to join Akatsuki is to help him kill White Fang.

In the past few years, he has been killing people, making puppets, and strengthening himself, just for this moment, and now, the opportunity he has been waiting for has finally arrived.

In his eyes, Ye Zi is very strong, very strong, so with Ye Zi's help, he will be more confident in killing White Fang. If it is one-on-one, he is really not sure.

Maybe... he will still be defeated by White Fang's sword.

I will do what I promised you. It's better to deal with White Fang first, otherwise once he takes action, he will kill many of us in a short time. Ye Zi said: It's up to me and 'Yu Nu' 'Destroy White Fang as soon as possible. Until then, others need to contain the remaining enemies.

Yan Ye nodded and said seriously: I will do my best to create conditions for you.

Jin didn't speak, but his expression showed his attitude.

Kong Chen, the command of this operation is entrusted to you. Nagato looked around at everyone and said calmly: If you fail, then try to save your life and return to the Kingdom of Rain.

It is undeniable that the opponent's lineup this time is luxurious. With our own lineup, we do not have an advantage in numbers. After a confrontation, we may not be able to win, but with Ye Zi...

This time, he would not take action, but he wanted to see how many possibilities Ye Zi could unleash.

The basic tasks, that's it.

From Konan and Kakuzu, go to Suna Ninja Village to capture Ichibi.

Led by Ye Zi, he led the remaining members, as well as more than twenty rain ninja members, and set out to meet the Suna ninja and Konoha teams in an effort to annihilate each other.

In the collision between the two sides, the chance of victory may lie in... whether White Fang will be defeated first, or Ye Zi and Xie will be defeated first.


The Country of Fire, a certain town, is located in a tavern.

Sitting near the window were two women, but they were Tsunade and Shizune who had left Konoha Village.

Shizune was brought out by Tsunade and accepted as a disciple. After leaving Konoha Village, her daily life was left to Shizune.

Occasionally thinking about this, Tsunade felt that taking Shizune with her was a clear choice.

There were many bottles of wine poured on the table. Tsunade's face was rosy and she was already a little drunk. Shizune on the side could only helplessly watch Tsunade drink one glass after another. Her dissuasion was meaningless.

In the tavern, many men stared at Tsunade who was in a drunken state. The explosive size of her chest really made them unable to take their eyes away.


A frog croaked suddenly, and a yellow toad the size of a puppy jumped onto the table.

Shizune stared blankly at the toad that suddenly appeared. It was wearing a small cyan vest, a bead on its neck, and a scroll in its mouth. Isn't that the sound of a frog?

Tsunade glanced sideways at the yellow toad, drank the wine in the cup with bold movements, causing some wine to splash out of the cup, fell on her white neck, and fell into the deep ditch.

Jiraiya's psychic beast? Looking at the toad in front of her, Tsunade slapped the cup on the table with a little force, not breaking the cup, but making a lot of noise.

The yellow toad trembled, with fear in his eyes, thinking that Tsunade would quickly take the scroll away, so that he could just leave.

Tsunade knew that the scroll in the toad's mouth was probably given to him by Jiraiya. After she reached out and picked up the scroll, the yellow toad jumped away quickly.

Opening the scroll, Tsunade opened her hazy eyes and browsed the information recorded in the scroll.

After watching the time for a while, the drunken look on Tsunade's face slowly disappeared, and was replaced by a look of solemnity and suppressed anger.

Her chest gradually rose and fell, and she pulled up the scroll and handed it to Shizune, who took the scroll and noticed something strange about Tsunade.

Tsunade suddenly raised her left arm and swung it towards the wall beside her.

Seeing Tsunade's actions, Shizune was immediately startled and her expression changed drastically. She only had time to shout out the word Tsuna in Tsunade-sama before she was drowned by the huge sound.

A punch full of strange power hit the wall, and the entire wall was blown into pieces and flew far away, and then landed on the street, causing a panic.

A wall was just gone, but it didn't cause the tavern to collapse.

It’s over… I’m going to lose a lot of money again!

Shizune ate dust on her face in despair.

Many men who had been peeking at Tsunade's amazing breasts were so frightened that they fell off their chairs.

The owner of the tavern watched this scene blankly.

Shizune, throw the money and leave.

Tsunade stood up expressionlessly, holding a bottle of wine, and walked directly out of the gap made.

Sorry, sorry!

Shizune took out her bulging money bag and put it on the table. She kept apologizing to the stunned boss, and then hurriedly followed Tsunade.

God knows what news Jiraiya-sama brought to Tsunade-sama, which actually caused Tsunade-sama to have such a big reaction.

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