Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 321 Determination (Third update)

Today I will try to code one more chapter, which will be the fourth update, a monthly pass!


Ever since... this army of puppets that covered the sky and the earth made Sakumo remember the face of Scorpion.

Konoha White Fang, I have waited long enough for this day.

Scorpio lowered his head slightly and let out a deep laugh. The expectations derived from the memory of sadness and loneliness will bloom at this moment.

In the dim room, the door was half open, letting in a lot of light.

Two cold and silent puppets, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded by a cute little boy.

The light reflected on the boy's face, which was a pure and happy smile, and they...came to their side again.

Her young hands gently hugged them, wanting to experience the warm embrace again, and her eyes slowly closed, rendering her little face peaceful.

However... the first place you touch it is a cold and textureless touch, and the place where your cheek touches it is cold and hard.

The fact that you don't want to admit cannot be changed even if you shape it with your hands.

The light remains on the little face. The open door slowly closes. The light on the face will be wiped slowly from one side to the other side by the eraser, leaving a darkness in the end.

During that process, the expressions on the face flowed from a pure and happy smile, to disappointment, to sadness, to hatred, to expressionless...

The door closed completely, plunging the room into cold, silent darkness.

The puppets on the left and right were discarded at his feet like garbage. The corners of the boy's mouth outlined a dangerous arc.

Hearing Xia's words, Sakumo frowned slightly. He was sure that he had never seen Xia. So, where did this tone full of hatred come from? Is it the hatred passed down from the previous generation?

Why, you seem confused?

Scorpion's body was suspended in the air one meter above the ground. From his abdomen, a three-finger-thick iron rope stretched out, with the tip inserted into the ground, supporting him in mid-air. Fan-like blades were located on the left and right sides of his body. Both sides exuded a cold and sharp sheen, like a pair of steel wings.

He transformed his body into a puppet, so he was not afraid of poison at all. Therefore, all his weapons were soaked in poison, including the puppet he controlled.

Shuomao didn't speak, but stood silently and vigilantly. Ye Zi, who was some distance away from him, also looked at him with an indifferent expression.

Yes...there are so many people who died under your sword, how can you remember them? Xie said indifferently.

Sakumo laid White Fang in front of him, with a cold expression, and said in a deep voice: Indeed, I will not deliberately remember the people who died under my sword, and I have no interest in knowing their names.

Then... just remember this name right now, the Scorpion of Red Sand, the person who is about to kill you!

Scorpion's eyes turned cold, and hundreds of puppets above his head came overwhelmingly towards Sakumo.

Ye Zi looked at this scene and smiled coldly. In this situation, he could only release ninjutsu from a distance to restrain Sakumo. Otherwise, in this formation, if he got close rashly, he would only be accidentally injured by so many puppets. .

For two against one, Ye Zi would not feel any guilt. All he had to do was kill White Fang and then plunder his body to become a powerful member of the Reincarnation Army of the Evil Land.

With his eyes fixed on Sakumo's movements, he put his hands together, ready to use the escape technique at any time.

Looking at the many puppets rushing towards him, Sakumo took a deep breath, his eyes at this moment, like knives!

Instead of retreating, he advanced forward and took the initiative to force himself towards Scorpion's body. His purpose was very clear. After all, the puppets were controlled by the puppet master. Once the puppet master died, these puppets were naturally useless, so there was no need to expend effort to smash these puppets.

In the same way, since the puppet master controls the puppet, he will not easily let the enemy rush towards the main body. The puppet controlled in his hand can become a wall to protect the puppet master.

So, can that sharp dagger cut through the puppet master's support?

There are one hundred and ninety-eight puppets, plus the puppets of the Third Raikage, a total of one hundred and ninety-nine...!

Every puppet is different, with different appearances, different body shapes, different weapons, and different mechanisms. The only thing they have in common is the red robe.

The covering shadow came over.

Sakumo leaned forward slightly and rushed straight towards Scorpion, while the overwhelming number of puppets rushed towards Sakumo.

Ye Zi in the distance closed the distance and used Wood Escape again.


On the road Sakumo moved forward, tree roots broke out of the ground and wrapped around his ankles.

Without even looking at his feet, Sakumo jumped forward to avoid the tree roots, but Ye Zi's Wood Release was not just a tree root. Within the area where he stood, tree roots broke out of the ground. , attacked him.

At the same time, several puppets rushing at the front waved different weapons in their hands and chopped them down at Sakumo.

Sakumo slashed in front of him. The invisible slash distorted the air, tearing several puppets in front of him into pieces, and then flew towards the puppet army.

Suddenly, an obvious gap was cut into the many puppets that shrouded the front, and red rags and puppet-making materials fell to the ground like rain.

With just one strike, nearly thirty puppets were chopped off.

Then, as Sakumo landed on the ground, he swung his knife downwards and cut off the incoming tree roots. He then took the opportunity to cross a distance of tens of meters and close the distance with Scorpion.

Ye Zi concentrated his attention, controlled the tree roots, and kept attacking Sakumo. The latter avoided them with vigorous movements, and even directly stepped on the tree roots to gain strength. If he couldn't dodge, he would use a knife. Break the roots.

In the process, the puppets that gathered were also chopped down by him.

The pincer attack formed by Ye Zi's Wood Release and Xie's Hundred Movements was barely resisted by Sakumo, but the effect was there.

With the encirclement formed by the tree roots and the relentless siege of the endless puppets, Sakumo's speed towards Scorpio was obviously decreasing. The Wood Release controlled by Ye Zi severely restricted his Room to play.

It wouldn't matter if it was just Wood Release, or even just a hundred moves. Sakumo was confident that he could withstand any of them, but when the two merged, he felt difficult.

Under such an astonishing number of combined attacks, once a slight mistake is made, everything will collapse, but Sakumo will not make any mistakes, but he is really restricted.

Precisely because of Ye Zi's Wood Release, if this continues, he will be forced to waste chakra and physical strength. He must first get rid of these nearly two hundred puppets before he can get close to Scorpion.

A figure, either leaping or moving, brandishing a short sword, cut off the tree roots and puppets coming from all directions.

Click, click, click... The sound of shattering continued. Time passed by second by second. Scorpion's puppet army was also rapidly decreasing.

Scorpion didn't feel bad about this at all. The puppet could be recreated in the future, but White Fang... must be solved here, even if it costs all the puppets.

The third generation Kazekage puppet controlled by the chakra lines of his hands was hiding among them, waiting for opportunities to move.

At this moment, Sakumo fell into deep siege in order to deal with Scorpion first.

The Mudun raging from almost all directions below, as well as the puppet army coming from above, are still more than a hundred meters away from the Scorpion!

This more than one hundred meters will be the most difficult distance to cross, and as long as Sakumo can cross this distance and eliminate the scorpion, Sakumo can get out of his disadvantage!

Whether to successfully cross over or stop is life and death.

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