Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 332: Remaining Strength (Fourth Update)

It is a very uncomfortable process to go from being as agile as a cheetah to being unable to move even an inch.

Ye Zi continued to consume chakra, controlling more and more tree roots, like countless pythons, twisting their bodies and rushing towards Sakumo from all directions.

However, Sakumo can always slip through the cracks. If there were no puppets to block him, it would be difficult to keep him.

Chakra is limited. It is beneficial to oneself to maintain this state. Even if Sakumo cannot be caught, it will be fine. In the end, Sakumo will fall first.

However, Ye Zi didn't want to just let Shuomao travel through his wooden escape like this. He had to trap him once. Only by trapping Shuomao could this battle come to an end faster.

The puppets fell under Sakumo's sword one after another, and the number of puppets dropped to less than a hundred one after another. It is unknown whether Sakumo was too strong or because Scorpion controlled too many puppets, so the puppets were not as powerful as expected.

Seeing the puppets constantly being destroyed, Xion was very calm and did not have the ability to use the Wind Shadow Puppet hidden in the puppet.

The distance of one hundred meters gradually shortened... When it was shortened to fifty meters, Ye Zi suddenly increased the chakra output.

The tree roots like pythons continued to thicken at a speed visible to the naked eye, and more roots were derived from the tree roots. They were growing crazily and raging in a huge area. Suddenly, the earth suddenly cracked. , there are tree roots everywhere.

This move is not the arrival of the tree world, but the density of it exceeds the arrival of the tree world.

After using this move, the chakra in Ye Zi's body dropped sharply, leaving only about one layer, and chakra continued to be consumed to maintain it.

All the land in the area was covered with tree roots, and an astonishing number of them rolled towards Sakumo from all directions. At this moment, he completely stopped in his tracks.

At this time, there will be no room to escape, because the sky is also covered by puppets, and Sakumo is completely in crisis.

Seeing Ye Zi using such crazy Wood Escape, Xie didn't miss this opportunity. He controlled the poisonous iron sand to turn into a large curtain, and cooperated with the puppet to completely block the sky.

The top is blocked, but that's not a problem. The trouble is that Ye Zi's Wood Style still has about 40% chakra. If I don't break through and kill the Crimson Sand Scorpion, if I continue to consume it, I will... fall down.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Sakumo made a plan at this moment.

White Fang's short blade suddenly extended with wind-attribute chakra, forming a long sword that combined chakra and a short sword. Moreover, the form of this wind-attribute chakra was also entwined with strands of thunder.

At the same time, Sakumo's thunder-attribute chakra spread throughout his body increased its output.

In just this moment, the chakra consumption rate increased exponentially.

At this time, the roots of the tree had formed an encirclement, shooting towards Sakumo without leaving any gap.

Sakumo's gaze fell forward and he slashed at his feet. The surging tree roots broke and lost the support of chakra, turning into ordinary tree roots. Then, he sprinted over the surging tree roots and rushed straight towards the scorpion. Without making any evasive movements, he extended his white teeth and slashed everything in front of him in half.

It was no longer tearing apart, but split into two. Whether it was the tree roots rising from the feet or the tree roots coming from the front, they were all cut in half by him.

The sword light passing rapidly through the air became extremely dazzling in an instant.

Even if the tree roots grew crazily and spread all over the area, they could not stop Sakumo. He used a knife to cut off anything in the way.

The idea of ​​​​tying up Shuomao was completely shattered. Ye Zi frowned deeply, but did not give up. The endless stream of tree roots continued to come forward.

Scorpion immediately realized the danger. After Sakumo suddenly crossed a distance of thirty meters, the puppets gathered in piles and blocked him.

The sword flashed past, and all the remaining puppets were shattered under the sword in an instant.

Scorpion was shocked when he saw this, and immediately controlled the puppet of the Third Raikage.

Sand and iron boundary method!

Like countless black branches in full bloom, they twist and turn to form a huge black empty ball composed of sharp sandy iron twigs, covering Sakumo inside. The thin sandy iron twigs are denser than a spider web. The spikes can easily pierce into the ground.

Facing this Magnetic Release move with a wide range and good density, what Sakumo did was still swing his sword and chop open the tree roots, puppets and Magnetic Release one by one.

... Ye Ziwuyan looked at this scene and deeply felt how powerful White Ya was, so...he could never defeat White Ya.

Chakra... there isn't much left.

After doing all this, Sakumo pursed his lips, cut through all the obstacles, and silently came to Xia.

Scorpion was startled, and stretched out his hands, with a pipe in each palm, and suddenly sprayed out high-temperature flames towards Sakumo that could melt away kunai in a short time.

Sakumo's eyes suddenly opened, and he took the last step. The white fang in his hand split the flame into two, and then slashed at the scorpion.

With such a powerful posture, he broke through Ye Zi's Wood Escape and Xie's Puppet Legion and Magnetic Escape, and swung his sword like an opportunity. As long as the Scorpion was eliminated, he could concentrate on dealing with Ye Zi.

If Ye Zi hadn't been very difficult to deal with, he wouldn't have targeted Xie.


The extremely sharp long knife cut Scorpion into two halves from the top of his head. He was also a puppet... Sakumo did not put away the knife and wanted to continue to cause harm to Scorpion.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking through the air came from behind, but it was the 'blood' entangled with Lei Si. This was Ye Zi's usual method, throwing the long knife like a javelin.

This timing happened to be when Sakumo cut the scorpion in half. After hearing the movement, Sakumo turned around and blocked the flying 'blood'.

It's just that... the scorpion that transformed itself into a puppet is not dead yet. The half embedded in the core can still move. With his fingers moving slightly, the venomous spikes burst out of Sakumo's feet and cut open his body. calf.

These are the spikes that the scorpion had hidden under the soil in advance. In the gap created by Ye Zi, it produced an incomparable effect. The poison... has a powerful paralysis effect!

it's over!

Seeing that the venom-quenched spike successfully scratched Sakumo's calf, Scorpion was immediately ecstatic.

Pain came from his calf, and Sakumo's thoughts suddenly began. Then, his expression changed, and in just a moment, his body was already paralyzed.

The scorpions that were cut in half were put back together again using chakra threads.

Suffer death, Konoha White Fang!

Scorpion roared angrily. He did not use the blade because he wanted to preserve the body, so the tip of the iron rope extending from the abdomen stabbed Sakumo's heart fiercely.

Danger was imminent, so Sakumo moved his body forcefully even though he was paralyzed.


The iron rope pierced into Sakumo's abdomen, and his paralyzed body seemed to have completely lost the ability to move.

Not far away, Ye Zi looked indifferent. Under his control, there were six sharp tree roots, which pierced into Shuomao's body.

Blood splatters!

Sakumo's face trembled, a lot of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his strength quickly drained from his body.

Watching this scene silently, Ye Zi's tense emotions suddenly relaxed, and he was finally resolved. Without Xie, he might not be able to kill Shuo Mao, and could only remain in a stalemate with Shuo Mao.

Finally... finally killed...

Scorpio grinned, his eyes widened, and he looked happy. Before he could finish speaking, the scene in front of him shocked him.

But when he saw Sakumo, he roared, raised his knife to cut off the tree roots and iron ropes, and launched the final attack on him!

In this situation, it is actually possible to achieve this level!


I have never been able to accept the way White Fang died in the original work, and I also wanted to write about White Fang's grace that was not shown in the original work.

I want to say that I tried my best.

Next, end the combat chapter as quickly as possible.

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