Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 337 Intelligence (first update)

Among Konoha's team, there are many familiar faces, all of them are very strong, and they are all elites in the big families, so Tsunade recognized them, but she didn't expect to meet them here, let alone that they would So embarrassed.

It can be said that it was an unexpected surprise to meet Tsunade. Basically everyone in Konoha was injured, and the two medical ninjas who accompanied the team had almost bottomed out their chakra.

When Inuzuka Jaw saw Tsunade, he was so happy that he almost cried. His ninja dog's hind leg was slashed by Juuzang. If he hadn't dodged quickly, the leg would have been cut off.

The follow-up treatment was only a rough treatment of the wound, which was in urgent need of treatment, but the medical ninja had no chakra, so he could only watch the ninja dog limping around in distress. But now that he met Tsunade, it was really good news.

What's the matter with you?

Tsunade immediately showed her qualities as a medical ninja. While asking questions, she summoned a fist-sized slug with her psychic technique.

It's too troublesome to treat them one by one. With the slug split body, every Konoha ninja can be treated at the same time.

Tsunade-sama. After the slug came out, a soft voice came from the soft body.

Tsunade nodded to the slugs and said, Treat them.

Okay. The tentacles on the slug's head moved, and together with the split body, they crawled towards the injured people in Konoha.

With the healing ability of the slug split body, Shizune could only stay aside.

Among all the people, only Uchiha Ninzu's injuries were negligible. Facing Tsunade's question, he took a step forward and said in a low tone: While we were on a mission to attack the rain ninja, we encountered someone led by Ye Zi. The rain ninja team was ambushed and suffered heavy losses. Captain Sakumo... has probably encountered something unexpected.

Hearing the words Ye Zi and Sakumo's possible death, Tsunade's body trembled, her eyelids suddenly raised, a cold light flashed across her eyes, and she said in a deep voice: Be more detailed, everything!

Afterwards, everyone found a temporary resting place nearby, and Uchiha Ninzu told Tsunade in detail the process from the beginning to the present, especially Ye Zi's abilities.

After listening to Uchiha Shinobu's narration, Tsunade lowered her head and clenched her fists hard, with veins popping out on her fair skin.

Jiraiya that bastard...!

Shocked by the news that Sakumo was almost certain to be dead, angry at Jiraiya for deliberately concealing mission information, angry at Ye Zi for using his grandfather's signature ninjutsu to attack his companions in the village, all the emotions were piled up in Tsunade's heart. heart.

He closed his eyes to hide the murderous and angry eyes, clenched his fists hard until his fingertips turned white, and his veins popped up, he gritted his teeth hard, as if his teeth were going to break, his body was trembling slightly but could not calm down. , bit by bit, it showed in Tsunade.

The intelligence was confirmed, and the truth... was extremely close. In other words, the murderer of Kato Dan was basically confirmed to be Ye Zi.

No matter whether the village owes Ye Zi something or not, now that it has reached this point and reached this level, I must... kill you!

Even someone as powerful as Sakumo was defeated by Ye Zi, and... that was close to the elite of ten teams, but so many people were killed by one clone.

Although her heart was filled with murderous intent against Ye Zi, Tsunade frowned, lowered her head in deep thought, and rationally thought about the extent of Ye Zi's strength. However, her slightly trembling body could not calm down.

On the side, Shizune looked at her worriedly, but didn't dare to say a word. She knew that not saying anything at this time was the best choice.

Soon, with Slug's treatment, everyone's injuries were almost recovered.

Tsunade took a deep breath, glanced at her recovering companions, and said solemnly: Lead the way, at least collect the bodies of our dead companions.

She felt that it was really bad that Uchiha Renzu and others did not even dare to restrain their companion's corpse, but considering that the people present might have been frightened by Ye Zi, she did not reprimand everyone.

Even though the injuries were healed, the dull atmosphere remained. The group, including Tsunade and Shizune, returned to the battlefield along the same route.

After arriving at the place where Sakumo fought, Tsunade silently looked at the pool of blood, sighed softly, and the idea of ​​punching Ye Zi's head off became more and more solid.

Based on her experience, how could she not be able to tell that Sakumo was almost certain of death, and when the body disappeared, she had a bad feeling. I was afraid that her attempt to contain the body of her companion would end in disappointment. .

After passing here, she and her companions went to the area where Ye Zimu's clone used Tree World Descend. Even though she already knew that Ye Zi could use Tree World Descend, when she saw it with her own eyes, her heart still fluctuated.

The first Hokage was her grandfather, and he was also the only ninja in Konoha Village who could use Wood Release. After his grandfather died, Wood Release seemed to be taken to the coffin with him.

Now, a foreigner who was brought back to Konoha by her and Orochimaru had somehow mastered the Wood Release, and could also use Grandpa's Tree World Descend.

The reason for this, even if Tsunade tried to break her head, she couldn't think of a reason. The only information that could be confirmed based on this information was... Ye Zi is very likely to have the blood of the Thousand Hands clan.

This guess has been made for a long time. Even if Tsunade knew that people without the Senju bloodline could use Wood Release, she would not overturn this guess because she was one of the people who understood the special nature of Ye Zi's body.

In order to collect the bodies of their companions, everyone present dispersed.

After a while, everyone returned to the original place with guilty expressions on their faces.

The bodies...all gone.

Tsunade had already expected this result, but when she actually faced the result, she felt very uncomfortable.

Ninja corpses will be picked up by enemies. This phenomenon is normal and not surprising.

According to Uchiha Ninzu, before leaving, Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Aohiko used their Byakugan to investigate and confirmed that there were no enemies. However, they did not dare to stay longer without knowing where Ye Zi's body was.

After leaving here, meeting her and then returning here, it took almost three hours. During this time, the body was picked up by the enemy.

Then, the person who picked up the body must be someone from the Rain Ninja side, so Uchiha Ninzu and the others chose to leave, to a certain extent, it was right.

Of course, no one present would know that Bai Jue had picked up the body, and Bai Jue's combat power was very weak.

After confirming that the body was missing and seeing with their own eyes the traces left by the arrival of the tree world, everyone headed back to the area where the Sand Ninja fought. When they saw the traces left by the vine that strangled Kotoye, there was another wave of silence.

I don’t know what the situation of the Sand Ninja is now, and I don’t know where Ye Zi’s movements are. Even if Tsunade wants to investigate, she can’t catch up. All the information about today’s battle has to be sent back to the village. She has seen everything that needs to be seen. I won’t stay any longer.

The Konoha group is on their way back to Konoha Village.

In this mission, Konoha suffered heavy losses. In the current era, every jounin is a valuable resource in the village, let alone an elite among the jonins. The most important thing is... the loss of Konoha White Fang, a strong man.

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