Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 338: Advance preparation (second update)

Tsunade and the others returned to Konoha, and the Suna Ninja relentlessly pursued Ye Zi. The latter rushed back to the Earth Kingdom stronghold non-stop. It was truly non-stop. Even when night fell, he never stopped, traveling day and night. On the way.

When the three of them came to the Kingdom of Grass, Yanye's mood obviously changed. After all, this is her birthplace, but now she is a rebellious ninja of the Grass Ninja Village.

He did not stay in the Kingdom of Grass, avoided the populated areas, passed through the Kingdom of Grass, entered the Kingdom of Earth, and went straight to the location of the stronghold.

After that, Sand Ninja completely lost track of Ye Zi and the others. Even though they were resentful, they could not change the fact that they could not catch up with Ye Zi and the others.

Ye Cang asked the two Suna Ninjas to return to the village with the news, and she took the remaining Suna Ninjas with her. On the way to Konoha, she went back to the place where she fought Konoha, just like the Konoha Ninjas. , they also failed to find the body of their companion.

The two sides cooperated and sent out elite teams. But before they could make any difference, they were hit in the head by the team led by Ye Zi. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

When Tsunade and her group had not returned to Konoha, Ye Zi and the others returned to the stronghold first, and their tense emotions completely relaxed.

Shin broke a leg, but with Nanako there, there was basically no problem, so the first time he came back, he didn't solve the problem, but wanted to have a good sleep first.

At the last moment when he fell into sleep, Ye Zi seemed to remember something he had forgotten, that was Shizang... He could only ask for his own blessings.

This mission really took a lot of energy and physical strength. The three of them slept for two days and two nights. When they got up, they were extremely hungry.

Ye Zi didn't know the situation of Yan Ye and Jin. Anyway, he got up to wash up and went straight to the kitchen.

Throw the high-energy ingredients into the pot together, then add some seasonings, cook them and eat them.

After filling his stomach, Bai Jue suddenly emerged from the wooden floor and appeared in front of Ye Zi.

Bai Jue always appears from somewhere without anyone noticing. Ye Zi has long been used to it. He looked at Bai Jue and asked directly: Have they all been collected?

Of course. Bai Jue smiled sinisterly and said, I haven't spared even a small piece of minced meat.

Originally, the amount required for the reincarnation of the dirty soil was not too large, but since you have to pick up the corpses, you have to be professional and leave nothing behind.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and said calmly: The amount of meat required for the reincarnation of the dirty soil does not need to be too much. I will leave the marking task to you. When you are done, put it away for me.

It has not been confirmed yet how many reincarnations can be controlled by the dirty land, so even if he doesn't like the power of some enemies, he will let Bai Jue collect them, and then we can do an experiment together to see how many reincarnations he can control.

As for marking, basic information such as name, origin, and strength level should be noted on each bundle of scrolls where the corpses are stored.

This is a huge workload. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't refuse, Bai Jue would really not be willing to do such a tedious task.

Understood. Bai Jue said.

Ye Zi suddenly remembered Orochimaru, looked at Bai Jue, and asked, Are you keeping an eye on Orochimaru's movements?

Bai Jue nodded slightly and said, Always keep an eye on it.

Where is he now?

In the Kingdom of Wind.

The Kingdom of Wind? What is he doing there?

Bai Jue replied: One day ago, his location was at a certain ruins in the Kingdom of Wind, and he seemed to be investigating something.

Relics... He had always remembered what Orochimaru had said to him when he left. If he hadn't wanted to collect tailed beasts at this time, he would have gone with Orochimaru long ago.

Keep watching, and... Ye Zi looked at Bai Jue and said calmly: Start collecting the corpses of strong men from all generations in each village. You know how much meat is needed. If only the bones are left, then take one A bone.”

The implication is that there is no need for Bai to bring back the entire corpse, and the material needed for the reincarnation of the dirty soil is not necessarily meat, bones can also be used as material.

This time, Suna Ninja and Konoha were blocked. It is not known whether the other side will give up in the future. As long as there are no new instructions and notifications from Nagato, he will take advantage of this period to start preparations for the reincarnation of the dirty land.

The kunai charm that suppresses personality and the formation scroll for channeling all need to be prepared one by one, and then the clone of Hashirama's cells will be used as the host body for the reincarnation of the dirty land.

When he heard about the excavation of the grave, Bai Jue showed a helpless expression and said, Even if you ask me to bring back the whole corpse that has been rotting for who knows how many years, I won't bring it with me.

Then leave it to you.

After Ye Zi made the decision, he passed Bai Jue and walked towards the door.

It is a very troublesome task to collect the corpses of the strong men of all generations in each village, but with Bai Jue around, it becomes very easy.

How should I put it? In terms of fighting, Bai Jue is useless at all, but in many things, it can play a very important role.

Bai Jue watched Ye Zi leave with a look of resentment, but he could only accept his fate honestly.

After leaving the room, Ye Zi went directly to Nanako's laboratory. When he arrived, Shin was there, lying on the platform.

Ye Zi. Seeing Ye Zi coming, Nanako immediately put down what she was doing and greeted Ye Zi immediately.

Shin, who was lying on the platform, immediately greeted Ye Zi and wanted to get up, but was pushed down by Nanako.

Lie down. Ye Zi looked at Shin lying on the platform and asked Nanako symbolically: Can you recover?

Nanako took back the hand that was pressing on Shin and replied: Shin's physique can perfectly accept Hashirama cells. Restoring a broken leg is just a trivial matter. However, the strength of the newly restored leg is far less than the original leg. It takes some time to train. .”

This is natural. It took a lot of time for Ye Zi's originally grown arms and legs to regain a certain level of strength.

Shin, who was lying on the platform, asked, How long will it take to recover?

Nanako replied casually: About half a day, maybe a day.

So fast? Ye Zi was slightly startled, and his recovery speed was much faster than before.

I've been staying in the laboratory, and I'm not wasting my time. Nanako raised her chin proudly.

Half a day?…

Lying on the platform, Shin thought silently. He wanted to recover quickly and train quickly. He was still too weak now and wanted to become stronger.

Ye Zi looked at Nanako's expression as proud as a peacock, smiled slightly, and simply stopped disturbing her. He said something to Nanako and Jin, and then left the room.

Before he had anything else to do, he had to start preparing kunai spells and formation scrolls. As many as he prepared, he would be able to reincarnate as much as possible. These all needed to be prepared in advance. Yagura, who had been reincarnated from the dirty soil for the purpose of testing, also had to be prepared. Replacement, all using clones of intercolumn cells.

This can be a repetitive and long process. As long as it is completed, it can be summoned at any time in the future.

Now, he realizes that his strength is not strong enough, at least compared to Nagato. Even if he is reincarnated in the future, he may not be able to defeat Nagato, so he still has to strengthen his own strength in the end.

How to become stronger...that is a question.

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