Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 341: Someone is around

The Hatake clan has a small population, so the large house looks particularly deserted. The furniture in the house is simple and unpretentious, and everything above is spotless.

This is about the same area as Orochimaru's house, and there is also a larger courtyard with a lush tree planted there, and a garden of flowers and plants near the wall.

Kakashi stood in the courtyard, holding a short knife similar to White Fang in his hand, holding it in front of him, looking at the blade so sharp that it reflected his own reflection, which was very different from his usual lazy eyes.

Sakumo taught Kakashi everything, including strength and the qualities that a ninja should have.

He looked at the dagger with a serious and focused expression, thinking about how to evolve, how to improve, and how to make up for its shortcomings.

There are many motivations for wanting to become stronger, one of which is to protect. At least in future battles, that encounter with Ye Zi must not happen again.

Kakashi wanted to become stronger as soon as possible, but he didn't know that the sad fact of knowing nothing was slowly clinging to him like an invisible hand.

Obito shouted many times in front of the house door, but Kakashi was too focused to notice Obito's shouts. In desperation, Obito took Lin and slipped in.

The two of them had been to Kakashi's house many times, and they walked around Kakashi's house with ease. Obito shouted Kakashi's name carelessly, without any sense of being a guest.

In the courtyard, when he heard Obito's loud voice getting closer and closer, Kakashi came back from his thoughts. His serious and focused eyes slowly turned back to lazy and lifeless. He was always like this outside, but in Under the influence of Kai and Obito, he will work diligently and hard without being noticed.

Kakashi flicked his arm, quickly put the short sword back into the scabbard behind him, and looked lazily in the direction of the sound.

Isn't that guy at home? Obito's tone sounded slightly irritable.

Lin said softly: It's so rude of us to do this.

It's okay, you're not an outsider, Kakashi won't mind. Obito walked to the corridor outside, and then he saw Kakashi standing in the courtyard, arms folded, looking at him with familiar eyes he.

Why is it said that it is familiar... It seems that under such a look, it will always be linked to the two-word title... Idiot!

Facing this look that seemed to be looking at an idiot, Obito rarely became furious. His eyes moved slightly, he looked at Kakashi and said in a deep voice: You must have heard my voice calling you, you are still the same, too lazy. Respond?

Lin came out from behind Obito, looked at Kakashi with an embarrassed look, and said softly: Kakashi, excuse me.

Then, she thought about the news she was about to tell Kakashi, and the smile she was accustomed to before turned into a dull look at this moment.

After spending such a long time together, Kakashi immediately noticed something strange between the two of them. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked lazily: Is something wrong?

Obito and Lin couldn't help but look at each other. The former winked, as if he wanted Lin to say it, while Lin lowered her head. She was so sure before she came that at this moment, she wanted to pass the sad news to Kaka. Xi said cruelly, but couldn't do it.

Seeing Lin lowering her head to avoid the exchange of his eyebrows, Obito sighed in his heart, and then looked at Kakashi with a confused look on his face.

You two...what happened? Kakashi asked.

Obito took a deep breath and said solemnly: We are here because we have something important to tell you.

What's the matter? Go in and sit down first. Kakashi walked towards the two of them.

Just stand there and listen to me. Obito's voice rose slightly.

Kakashi's moving body suddenly stopped and looked at Obito with a puzzled expression.

Uncle Sakumo...the team that went on a mission returned to the village not long ago. Obito said solemnly.

Kakashi's lazy eyes slowly changed. Obito's expression and tone at this moment could obviously make him think about bad things. He frowned slightly and asked, Then?

Uncle Sakumo, you're not back. Obito looked at Kakashi with a little sadness on his face. He and Lin often came to Kakashi's house before, and Uncle Sakumo would always take all the delicious food from the house with a gentle smile on his face. come out.

The team came back, but without their father... In this situation, it is easy to think that the people who did not come back died in the mission, but there are other possibilities.

Kakashi's body trembled slightly, the laziness disappeared from his eyes, and he stared at Obito, but did not speak for a long time. Maybe there were other possibilities, and the formal report was not sent out. He wanted to confirm further, You have to go find the Hokage-sama.

You guys go and sit inside for a while.

Kakashi dropped a word and disappeared from the place. He had already crossed the wall, and he wanted to go to the Hokage to confirm.


Obito shouted, and in response was Kakashi's disappearing figure.

What should I do? Obito tilted his head and looked at Lin.

Lin looked worried, took a deep breath, and said softly: No matter what, it will always be better if someone is by his side, right?

Of course...compared to being alone, when you are sad, frustrated, is really good to have someone by your side.

Then let's go!

Obito headed in the direction where Kakashi left. Lin watched Obito's disappearing figure and followed him.

The two of them crossed the wall and headed towards the office building located under the stone sculpture of the past Hokage. They ran a short distance before stopping.

Kakashi was standing on the road not far ahead, and in front of him was Kushina-sensei.

The two looked at each other and quickly came to Kakashi's side.

Kakashi lowered his head deeply at this time, his body was shaking violently, and he clenched his hands tightly, showing his overwhelming and uncontrollable mood.

Kushina pursed her lips tightly and looked at Kakashi in front of her with a worried look. In the depths of her clear eyes, there was unspeakable sadness brewing.

Kakashi was like this because she told Kakashi the sad fact after the confirmation, so Kakashi did not go to the Hokage's office building, but stopped here.

The fact that she is here is not a coincidence. She came to find Kakashi after confirming the news from her friends.

Mr. Shuomao was dead, and it was Ye Zi who killed him. As a result, the figure walked further and further away, and seemed to disappear from sight forever.

Such a powerful father died.

Even though he confirmed the news, Kakashi still didn't want to believe it. Half of his face was covered by a mask, and his exposed eyebrows were trembling. Sad emotions were rolling in his heart, and then affected his body's performance.

This was the first time Obito saw Kakashi like this. He looked at it silently for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on Kakashi's shoulder. He said carelessly: Cry if you want to. No matter what you endure, don't worry. Well, even if you are crying your eyes out right now, I... will never laugh at you.

Lin looked at Obito who had a serious look on his face, his eyes slightly curved into crescent moons, she also reached out and put her hand on Kakashi's other shoulder, and said seriously: Because Obito is a crybaby.

Ah! Lin, how can you say that! Obito opened his mouth and was stunned.

Idiot... In the voice that was too low to be heard, the tears locked in Kakashi's eyes suddenly opened the valve, poured out of his eyes, and fell directly to the ground.

Silent...weeping, without a trace of crying, just like that, it didn't take long to wet the ground in front of her.

Seeing Kakashi crying, Obito and Rin pressed their hands on Kakashi's shoulders with a little force.

The comfort that can be given does not require words, but can also be expressed through actions.

Kushina watched this scene. After a moment, she slowly raised her head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. When she was was really good to have someone by her side.

Oh oh oh oh!

There was an exciting cry in the distance, which stopped the thoughts of everyone present. A familiar green figure came rushing from the road in the distance!

Kakashi, my fierce rival!

This time, Akai did not walk upside down, but ran to Kakashi's side in a matter of seconds, pulling the wind at a very fast speed.

Kakashi ignored Akai, lowering his head and immersed in sadness.

However, Akai held Kakashi's lowered head and forced Kakashi's head up.

... Kushina.

... Lin.

... Obito.

… Kakashi

I saw Akai shouting excitedly with tears streaming down his face: Leave the sadness in yesterday and move forward towards tomorrow with your head held high. Come on, Kakashi, let's use a duel to vent the sadness in your heart!

... Kushina.

... Lin.

... Obito.

… Kakashi.

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